Teaching Evaluation
Courses taught at University of Regina:
ENEV 422 Solid and hazardous waste management
ENEV 469 Groundwater development and contaminant transport
ENEV 408 Basic structural design
ENEV 834 Solid waste disposal and management
ENEV 865 Hazardous waste management and site remediation
ENEV 886CP Advanced solid waste management
ENEV 886CX Waste disposal site design and operation
ENEV 901 Research (Thesis research)
ENEV 902 Engineering Project (MEng Project)
ENGG 601 Graduate Co-op Work Term
ENGG 800 Comprehensive Review of a Selected Topic in Engineering (Comprehensive exam)
ENGG 900 Graduate Seminar in Engineering
Selected students comments from the teaching evaluation are listed below. If you have any suggestions or comments regarding my teaching, please send me an email. Alternatively, you can visit this site to contribute an entry.
Undergraduate Courses
ENEV 422 Solid and Hazardous Waste ManagementÂ
Winter 2024 [21 undergraduate students]. TAs supervised: Mr. Yang Xu (PhD student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.3/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 4.3/5.0). Response Rate: 33%.
"Professor Kelvin Ng seems friendly and optimistic."
Winter 2022 [35 undergraduate students]. TAs supervised: Mr. Olalekan Rufai (PhD student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.6/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 4.2/5.0). Response Rate: 34%.
"A very excellent teacher, always well prepared and knowledgeable."
Winter 2021 [41 undergraduate students and 1 graduate student]. TAs supervised: Ms. Siyu Wang (PhD student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.9/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 4.0/5.0). Response Rate: 54%.
"I was very happy with this class and very impressed with the transition to online learning."
"…For a class about garbage, it was one of my favourite engineering classes in university. Only thing is the marking was pretty tough."
"Very well organized course with a very appropriate workload. Course knowledge will be useful if one pursues career with solid waste management. One of the best courses I have taken."
"Dr. Ng cares about his students and his teaching. Very respectful man who is easily approachable and willing to help anyone. One of the best Enviro professors at the U of R."
"This semester has mentally drained my will to live. The workload from labs and general lack of support, organization and refusal to adapt from certain professors makes it all the worse as if I don't matter at all. Dr. Kelvin however from the bottom of my heart brings a smile to my face when I attend his lectures. His attitude radiates positivity, you can tell he loves what he does and he does it well. His notes are perfectly structured, his examples are comprehensive and he is easy to approach whenever you have a question. In a semester where I loathe my existence most days, Dr. Kelvin makes it worth it…"
Winter 2020 [32 undergraduate students]. TAs supervised: Mr. Olalekan Rufai (PhD student). Overall Instructor Rating: 5.0/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 4.1/5.0). Response Rate: 19%.
"This was the most organized course I have ever taken. Props to Ng."
"Very well structured lecture, the way the class was organized made it very easy to learn and succeed."
"Concepts explained thoroughly, however sometimes too thoroughly. In this way classes could be a little slow."
"Super job with stating class outcomes each day. I appreciate that structure. Overall the class was enjoyable and interesting, you could tell how much effort the professor put into his material. Nice to have a prof that cares!"
"The professor is very organized and has great communication with students. Lectures are well structured and engaging. I would enjoy taking another course with Professor Ng."
Winter 2019 [33 undergraduate students]. TAs supervised: Mr. Damien Bolingbroke (MASc student), Ms. Amy Richter (PhD student), Ms. Bahareh Fallah (PhD student), Ms. Xiujuan Chen (PhD student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.1/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 4.0/5.0). Response Rate: 27%.
"Very well conducted by Dr. Ng."
"Dr. Ng is very efficient."
"The way the quizzes were set up was awesome. If step by step solutions for the in-class examples could be posted that would be nice."
Winter 2018 [60 undergraduate students and 1 casual student]. TA supervised: Mr. Zhuomin Fang (MASc student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.2/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.7/5.0). Response Rate: 33%.
"VERY organized!!"
"the lecture structure is clear, the objectives are achieved, and materials are useful!"
"… Great overall instructor..."
"Dr. Ng is perfect!"
Winter 2017 [58 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Ms. Amy Richter (MASc student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.1/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average:3.7/5.0). Response Rate: 55%.
"Thoroughly enjoyed this class. Considering waste management being my focused line of work and/or fourth year project."
"Very organized, you knew exactly what to expect for each lecture and assignment."
"Really enjoyed the course, the instructor was very good and definitely learnt a lot of information about SWM."
"Very attentive and always make sure to cover many little detail."
"By far the best engineering Prof I've ever had. Knew the material inside and out, really wanted his students to succeed."
"Dr. Ng was a wonderful Prof. Very professional, yet approachable. I hope to have him teach me in the future."
"I was impressed with how organized he was and was always available for questions in office."
Fall 2016 [61 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Ms. Amy Richter (MASc student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.60/5.00 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.8/5.0). Response Rate: 79%.
"Very interesting course. Opened my eyes at how important proper handling of waste is."
"Kelvin is the benchmark that all other Profs should attempt to achieve in their lectures and examinations."
"Its nice to have a Prof who actually seems interested in the class and what the content is."
"Dr. Ng is fabulous! He puts in so much effort and it shows. Excellent organization."
"I really enjoyed the class, just wish he removed or discipline the students who were disruptive in class..."
"Excellent teaching. It was so obvious that Dr. Ng cares so much about teaching."
"Overall this class was very informative and I really enjoyed learning the material."
"Good Prof! Made class enjoyable."
"I liked having the intended learning outcomes in each lecture and how organized he is."
Fall 2015 [62 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Ms. Amy Richter (MASc student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.45/5.00 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.86/5.00). Response Rate: 73%.
"Good class! Great notes/quizzes, not great for it to be at 8:30am!"
"The Prof is extremely organized and was always prepared for class!"
"Course was very well organized. Thank you for a great semester!"
"Great teacher! Nice to have a Prof that cares so much about students learning."
"Instructor was awesome... Pop quizzes where you can talk with others is a great idea - LOVED IT."
Fall 2014 [38 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Mr. Toufiq Anam (MEng student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.45/5.00 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.80/5.00). Response Rate: 87%.
"My favorite professor this semester by far. Lectures and materials were very well planned..."
"This was a great class! I enjoyed it and learned a lot about waste management."
"Great Prof! Would love to have him again in any other class."
"The class was informative & straight to the point. He knows his stuff & really enjoys the subject."
"Class was awesome!"
"I like that he was interested in what he was teaching which made it more interesting to learn about the material."
"Very organized and enthusiastic...I feel his teaching style allowed me to learn more than I have in any previous class!"
"...Kelvin was an enthusiastic and knowledgeable professor."
"Very organized course. Would recommend this instructor."
"I enjoyed the content of this course. No improvements needed!"
Winter 2014 [36 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Mr. Imteaz Bhuiyan (MASc student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.61/5.00 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.72/5.00). Response Rate: 83%.
"Dr. Ng is a great Prof, wish we had profs like him in Petroleum Systems."
"... Very clear and no surprises. Great professor, would love to have him again."
"He was well organized, enthusiastic and descriptive (as opposed to vague) in all of his teachings."
"Dr. Ng is a very good prof who is extremely organized. I'd be happy to take another course from him any day."
"Kelvin was one of the best teachers I've had in University. ... No complaints! I now want to learn more about waste."
"I enjoyed the class lectures and material, and I appreciate the organization! Very effective teaching strategies."
"Dr. Ng is a great Prof.... You can tell that he puts a lot of effort into ensuring his students enjoy the class and do well."
"I would recommend this class and Prof to other students."
Fall 2013 [38 undergraduate students, 2 graduate students]. TA supervised: Ms. Yu Wang (MEng Student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.41/5.00 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.89/5.00). Response Rate: 88%.
"Overall excellent job by Dr. Ng, the only comment would be that the time provided for in-class quizzes was often shorter than I thought appropriate."
"The professor was extremely helpful and definitely knows how to teach and how to convey the material to students."
"I enjoyed the class, despite I had not get good marks until now..."
"I appreciated the effort put in by Dr. Ng and enjoyed his organization and presentation of course material!"
"You have been my best professor that I have had from the Engineering Faculty. I appreciate your passion for teaching... Thanks for the great semester!"
"I enjoyed the class; however I found that it was expected to spend time reviewing notes after every class!"
Winter 2012 [38 undergraduate students, 1 graduate student]. TA supervised: Ms. Wen Sun (MASc Student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.62/5.00 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.78/5.00). Response Rate: 87%.
"... he was pretty entertaining to listen to and interactive so I didn't fall asleep. Good Job!!"
"It was the best course of the semester and the best instructor I have had at the U of R!"
"... the class was very interesting... very good professor!"
"Dr. Ng is the most well prepared Prof I have had in 5 years of University, he presents information very enthusiastically and manages to make a boring subject interesting."
"Good Prof! Made learning the material enjoyable. Very organized lectures & notes!"
"Kelvin was the best Prof I have had so far... he loves what he does which is good to see as a student."
"Overall, I find the instructor of this course excellent!"
"Kelvin is a fantastic professor! He takes his work very seriously and his enthusiasm is contagious."
Winter 2011 [57 undergraduate students, 1 graduate student]. TA supervised: Ms. Zhong Li (MASc student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.51/5.00 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.76/5.00). Response Rate: 93%.
"Probably one of the best profs we have/had... really good & interesting lectures."
"Awesome! Kelvin is [an] amazing Prof!"
"I really like all the visual aids + clip art. Amazing Prof! He actually cares to ensure we learn."
"One of the best Profs in the ENEV program!"
"The course was well planned, videos, slides, quizzes and everything was very well laid out... I feel that I learned a lot. Thanks!"Â
"I have never been so satisfied with a professor at this University. I would love to have him for additional classes."
"He has re-ignited my confidence in choosing this University as my Alma Mater... Ng has earned my greatest respect in many ways."
ENEV 469 Groundwater Development & Contaminant TransportÂ
Winter 2024 [19 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Ms. Rumpa Chowdhury (MASc student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.5/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 4.3/5.0). Response Rate: 37%.
"Exams are a little tough… But otherwise class is good.."
Winter 2022 [28 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Mr. Ilyas Akram (PhD student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.3/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 4.2/5.0). Response Rate: 21%.
"Kelvin is a very organized teacher with clear objectives for his students. He is a very nice and knowledgeable guy."
"...keep this teacher around and give him a raise."
Winter 2021 [41 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Mr. Ilyas Akram (PhD student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.8/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 4.0/5.0). Response Rate: 32%.
"Professor Ng believes in individual work, I applaud him for that. In difficult subject times you rely on him, always keeps his word, available!"
"Dr. Ng is an excellent professor. As always his course was well organized, engaging, and promoted critical thinking."
"Dr. Ng is very well organized and fair to his students. At times, his assignments were difficult, however the difficulty pushed students to understand the material."
"I think it was excellent that the midterm and final exams were replaced by a final design project. ...Completing this design project gives students the confidence that they can apply the knowledge taught in the class and critical think about a problem. I believe this greatly enhances student learning."
"Engaging delivery without any slips. Professor Ng's voice is clear, inviting and demands from me attention. I have often found my mind wondering off elsewhere, that never happened with his engagement and systematic delivery..."
Winter 2020 [39 undergraduate students, 1 graduate student]. TA supervised: Ms. Cong Dong (PhD student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.5/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 4.1/5.0). Response Rate: 43%.
"The course was extremely well organized with a well balanced grading scheme which included quizzes, assignments, midterm and final exam."
"Dr. Ng is a wonderful teacher, and I very much appreciate the effort he puts into each of his lectures. I wish to emulate his work ethic and sense of professionalism in my own career going forward."
"Dr. Ng was an excellent, knowledgeable, and well-organized professor. He was always ready for lecture and would help with any questions or concerns we had. Dr. Ng really does set his students up for success."
"Great instructor. Dr. Ng - Keep on with your spirit, and your positive attitude. You have made a positive difference in the careers of all students that are graduating, whether they are able to admit it, or not."
Winter 2019 [57 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Mr. Damien Bolingbroke (MASc student), Ms. Amy Richter (PhD student), Ms. Bahareh Fallah (PhD student), Ms. Xiujuan Chen (PhD student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.8/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 4.0/5.0). Response Rate: 40%.
"Amazing instruction and everything followed a clear organized plan."
"Kelvins classes are always great. They can be challenging but its always so structured and you know what you're getting each lecture."
"Please get Dr. Ng to teach more courses. Also give him a raise."
"The design of this course is awesome! 50 min per class is perfectly loaded, and the note is really organized and easy to follow."
"Best prof of EVSE hands down!"
"Dr. Ng is awesome and really reliable! He is always available in the office hours, and he cares about students that you can go to him when you have questions that is not course related."
"Honestly, probably one of the best profs I've had in my 5 years at university. He always comes prepared, helps students, has very clearly laid out lectures, provides his notes, doesn't throw curveballs in assignments/exams, always seems enthusiastic, etc."
Winter 2018 [35 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Mr. Zhuomin Fang (MASc student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.9/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.7/5.0). Response Rate: 46%.
"Kelvin is truly the best professor I’ve experienced at the UofR... He makes learning easy, but also challenges you to perform which I didn't think it was possible to have both of those together."
"...Nice to have a course that's quite a bit different than the water and transportation classes that we have a lot of."
"This professor is so incredibly organized and engaging that it is hard NOT to do well in his classes. The students truly appreciate his dedication to teaching, as we don't receive that type of interest from 90% of professors here... He is the type of professor that I feel fully willing to spend $700 a class on because I actually feel that I am receiving a high quality education from him."
"Kelvin is an excellent professor, I always know I will be provided with the material to succeed in his classes."
"Best professor I've had in my 5 year university degree."
Winter 2017 [37 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Ms. Conglian Pan (MASc student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.7/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.7/5.0). Response Rate: 81%.
"Dr. Ng is always fantastic at teaching. Really put the effort to make sure students understand the material."
"He cared about his teaching and made sure the students comprehended the material well."
"Dr. Ng is beyond fantastic. His organization is super-human! I have learned so much from him."
"Ng rocks!"
"Very helpful course. Quick turnaround times when receiving marked assignments."
"The best instructor I have had during my university career. More professors should imitate his teaching style. He is organized and provides students with all the tools necessary to succeed."
"Dr. Ng is an excellent instructor …he takes the time to break down complex ideas into easily manageable parts."
Winter 2015 [37 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Mr. Nathan Bruce (MASc student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.70/5.00 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.78/5.00). Response Rate: 89%.
"Kelvin is a great Prof, probably the best I've had in my University career... More teachers should teach like this!"
"… Very consistent and good natured. I feel like I have walked out of this class retaining and knowing more than from usual classes. Great instructor!"
"Dr. Kelvin Ng should be a mentor for other instructors in the Faculty of Engineering..."
"...we need more Profs like him. He should give lectures to new Profs on how they can make a good class... Seriously, other Profs need to be like him!"
"As usual, excellent teaching methods! Great class and great Prof!"
"The best EVSE has to offer is Dr. Ng. He is excellent! I wish other instructors were as organized and prepared."
"… Your passion for teaching makes you the best Prof in the Environmental program by far. Thank you so much for caring so much & for all you've taught me. I'll greatly miss your lectures..."
Winter 2014 [44 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Mr. Tibing Xu (PhD student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.55/5.00 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.72/5.00). Response Rate: 87%.
"I must be honest, and state that initially I thought the class instructor was going to be horrible. I could not have been more wrong. Dr. Ng was organized, clear, helpful and understanding. By far one of the best professors I have had throughout my entire school career."
"Kelvin should teach more courses. He is the most organized, most enthusiastic, quickest maker & most considerate Professor we have had throughout our program. He manages to make a difficult class understandable."
"...You are one of the best instructors I've had at this University and it is appreciated."
"He should be teaching all ENEV classes. Best Prof that I've had. Really makes you learn the material."
"Kelvin is one of my favorite professors! ..I think other profs should get some tips on lecture notes and organization from Kelvin."
"I wish we had him for every class. He actually cares that we show up for class and he is very organized. AWESOME!"
"As always, Kelvin was an amazing Prof. Super helpful, organized and dedicated to learning process."
"Dr. Ng is one of the best Profs in engineering. He cares about teaching and takes education seriously."
"However much the University pays this guy, it's not enough. Best instructor I've ever had!"
Winter 2013 [42 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Mr. Tibing Xu (PhD student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.73/5.00 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.83/5.00). Response Rate: 88%.
"Dr. Ng is very good at what he does. He knows how to get information across to students very well. He is an asset to this program!"
"Kelvin is the man, good organization!"
"Dr. Ng is hands down the best professor I've had... he thoroughly enjoys the subject and teaching. [He] should teach the other professors how to teach."
"Excellent instructor, very well organized and planned lectures. The best instructor all semester!"
"Kelvin is the best professor this school has to offer... The rest of the university engineer department should take a lesson from Dr. Ng!"
Winter 2012 [36 undergraduate students, 1 graduate student]. TA supervised: Ms. Hoda Ghamarian (MASc student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.88/5.00 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.78/5.00). Response Rate: 89%.
"One of the best Profs! Other Profs should attend his classes to see how it should be done."
"...he made a hard class understandable and easy to comprehend."
"Good class... I did not expect to enjoy the class this much!"
"Ng is the best, most organized + helpful Prof. in Enviro."
"The organization of the course and enthusiasm of the instructor create a good environment in which to learn. Excellent course and Instructor!"
"Overall, class was awesome. Dr. Ng uses his time effectively & gets his points very well and informative."
"Dr. Ng is an amazing professor. He has a very well structured, organized class. Very friendly and knowledgeable!"
"Kelvin is fantastic & should be cloned. His enthusiasm & organization is very refreshing! Literally the best professor!"
"All of my classes with you have been great! Best Prof. of my university career!"
Winter 2011 [31 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Mr. Farshid Nazari (PhD student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.90/5.00 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.76/5.00). Response Rate: 100%.
"Excellent performance... give Dr. Ng raise!"
"Ng is excellent; he actually tries to make sure we understand."
"Ng is highly organized and it shows in his lectures. A+... need more profs like Dr. Ng in the Faculty of Engineering."
"Great class! I appreciated how extremely well-structured your notes were, I also appreciated how much you cared that the students understood the material."
"Thank you this course was a pleasure to take!"
"Really appreciated the enthusiasm and effort that went into the lecture notes and slide presentation!! VERY good lecture."Â
"Great class instructor; notes/slides were very well organized... Dr. Ng should teach more classes."
"I enjoyed your class immensely. I hope that you stay with UofR. We need teachers like you."
Winter 2010 [25 undergraduate students, 7 audit graduate students]. TA supervised: Mr. Ahmad Shakibaeinia (PhD student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.83/5.00 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.95/5.00). Response Rate: 48%.
"Ng did an excellent job... his teaching talents are equivalent to some of our teachers with (10+) years of experience."
"Ng is one of the best hires this faculty has ever had. He cares about the students and their education which is something this school has been without. His lectures are thoughtfully planned and he is clear when explaining concepts."
"Kelvin has been an excellent Prof... He puts a lot of effort into his classes and you can tell he wants to be here and help us learn. I would take any class from Kelvin again."
"Great professor, we should have more professors like him!"
"[Ng] cared about having his students succeed, and I can picture him turning into a very influential and sought after professor in his future career."
ENEV 408 Basic Structural DesignÂ
Fall 2024 [11 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Arash Gitifar (PhD student). Overall Instructor Rating: 5.0/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 4.2/5.0). Response Rate: 45%.
"Dr. Ng is one of the best lectures in the faculty. His inclusion of videos in his lectures increases engagement in the course and helps students to appreciate the relevance of topics being taught. Thanks Dr. Ng!"
"Nothing we take in our first 4 years really helps with this. More structural based classes should be an option within the program as it’s more interesting and relevant compared to the water/air classes offered."
"Overall, the course was very well organized and informative. My only complaint was that the time window for the midterm was too short…"
Fall 2023 [10 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Mohammad Mehedi Hasan (MASc student). Overall Instructor Rating: 5.0/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 4.0/5.0). Response Rate: 60%.
"Content of this course was interesting and well taught."
"Really beneficial course that provides important details on relevant information that we don't touch much in other classes."
"The best slides ever."
"This course was the most interesting course I have completed throughout my degree. I believe that this class should be a core class instead of an elective."
"Dr. Ng is very good at communicating difficult concepts, glad he is teaching this course!"
"Kelvin is a very good prof. I would classify him as one of the best profs within the environmental program."
Fall 2022 [8 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Tanvir S. Mahmud (MASc student). Overall Instructor Rating: 5.0/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.9/5.0). Response Rate: 50%.
"My favorite class this semester. Kelvin's slides are the best slides out of any prof I have ever had, they are super engaging, well formatted, concise, and visually appealing. And the way he presents them is great."
"Kelvin is an amazing prof. The way he organizes his lectures, he ends them on time and gets all the content covered in each class. He is great at answering questions and seems to know when he loses us in explanations so he takes the time to go back and make sure we understand. This class overall was enjoyable because Kelvin did such a great job teaching it. I was sad that the class size wasn't bigger. ...I will encourage more people to take this class. I felt it was one of the most applicable classes as dealing with concrete and structural steel is common in engineering."
Fall 2021 [7 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Mr. Derek Mensah (MASc student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.8/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.9/5.0). Response Rate: 71%.
"Very interesting and practical course, really good intro to structural design."
"He explained topics well but just rushed too much sometimes to finish concepts that it was hard to follow. Over all respectful and good prof."
"Concepts were explained very clearly, and I appreciated the level of organization of the course and effort put into making things understandable."
Fall 2020 [9 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Mr. Rajeevkaran Paranthaman (PhD student). Overall Instructor Rating: 5.0/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 4.1/5.0). Response Rate: 33%.
"Very enjoyable yet hard course. Felt like a real civil engineering course."
"It is always enjoyable being in Kelvin's class… He has done a good job transitioning to remote learning. I enjoy how his live lectures include his slides, himself on video, and the use of his laser pointer. The combo of slides and video of him talking keep the class engaging. One aspect I do not enjoy about the class is random quizzes…"
"Professor Ng is very good at teaching and is extremely organized. Though it was a difficult class, I learned a lot from this course."
Fall 2018 [14 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Ms. Amy Richter (PhD student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.8/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.9/5.0). Response Rate: 57%.
"… this course was one of if not the most useful and applicable class I have taken in my degree."
"The work load was heavy for an elective…"
"Amazing teaching style I feel like I learned a lot though this course, he was always willing to meet in office hours or by scheduled meeting."
"This should be a mandatory course for all EVSE students."
"Dr. Ng is one of the best professors I have ever had at the U of R, he encourages student to ask questions and to be involved in class discussions."
Fall 2017 [13 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Mr. Damien Bolingbroke (MASc student). Overall Instructor Rating: 5.0/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.7/5.0). Response Rate: 46%.
"Kelvin is a great prof, this class is hard but he is approachable and willing to help. This should be a mandatory class and not an elective."
"One of the few courses that gives you more experience in carrying out the design process within the systems engineering degree which I found to be very valuable."
"Very difficult class to do well in but very good material to know, adds a lot to my transcript"
"Very good, though he is so difficult that it makes other electives more appealing for some students."
"The professor was very approachable and I felt comfortable asking questions and met him several times during his office hours."
Fall 2016 [14 undergraduate students + 1 graduate student]. TA supervised: Ms. Amy Richter (MASc student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.9/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.8/5.0). Response Rate: 100%.
"This was a very useful course with valuable information for our degree."
"Hardest ENEV class, but very good for understanding basics of structural."
"Dr. Ng really cares about his students and is one of the best professors at the University"
"Kelvin is the benchmark other Profs should aspire toward regarding course lectures and examinations."
"I would like to see this added as a mandatory class."
"I think Profs who have a poor review should be forced to sit through one of your classes to see how its done!"
"Dr. Kelvin is great! I would love him to teach all my ENGG and EVSE classes."
Fall 2015 [11 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Ms. Amy Richter (MASc student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.17/5.00 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.86/5.00). Response Rate: 87%.
"This class had way too much content! Kelvin was awesome though."
"Excellent Prof, My favorite Prof I've had."
"Interesting class, would recommend to other students."
"Excellent lectures, very well presented. Slides are detailed and well thought out."
"Kelvin is a great Prof, really explains subjects well, but I feel exams could have been longer."
Fall 2014 [11 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Ms. Minsoo Cho (BASc student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.14/5.00 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.80/5.00). Response Rate: 64%.
"The text in the library was very useful to practice additional question for the tests."
"Excellent class! Teaching methods are exceptional!"
"The class was very useful and very well organized."
Fall 2013 [15 undergraduate students]. TA supervised: Ms. Yu Wang (MEng Student). Overall Instructor Rating: 4.79/5.00 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.89/5.00). Response Rate: 93%.
"I really enjoyed this course. Dr. Ng is a great Prof, and really pushes his students to understand the course content... Overall, a very good course, I would put it in the Top 5 I have taken."
"Very interesting & enjoyable class. Instructor was very helpful at explaining concepts!"
"Great Professor. Tough course, but very informative!"
"Dr. Ng is an excellent professor. ENEV 408 is one of the most interesting & useful classes I have taken at the U of R... Excellent course!"Â Â Â
Fall 2012 [14 undergraduate students, 1 graduate student]. TA supervised: N/A. Overall Instructor Rating: 4.87/5.00 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.94/5.00). Response Rate: 100%.
"Great course. I always learn the most in Kelvin's classes!"
"...best Prof in the Faculty, very professional and well organized."
"Kelvin is by far the best Prof I have had throughout my entire university career...A++! The course is very challenging, but with Kelvin as the Prof it is definitely doable."
Fall 2011 [9 undergraduate students, 1 graduate student]. TA supervised: Mr. Rajesh Shrestha (MEng student). Overall Instructor Rating: 5.00/5.00 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.88/5.00). Response Rate: 90%.
"The class was very challenging but well worth the stress, Ng clearly cares about teaching and about his students, he gets an A+!"
"I found your effort and enthusiasm very refreshing. I appreciate it very much!"
"Great Prof... the content was somewhat difficult but Dr. Ng was able to present and teach in an interesting way."
"The structure of the class helps greatly in learning... design of lectures are excellent!"
"This was my favorite course in all of engineering... I understand the material in this course better than most other ones even though the material is difficult!"
Graduate Courses
ENEV 834 Solid Waste Disposal and ManagementÂ
Fall 2024 [8 graduate students]. Overall Instructor Rating: 4.7/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 4.7/5.0). Response Rate: 75%.
"...the course was very interesting and I enjoyed every lecture."
"Although the course materials and the lecture notes were quite plenty, the class was never boring. The lecturer put in a lot of effort to make it educative and interesting. Short videos related to the course were added in every single lecture."
"He is the best professor in my whole life. I wish I could take another course with him… I will let my friends know about this professor and this course. I will also let my friends know how solid waste management is really part and parcel of society and what our role is to increase the efficiency of solid waste management."
Fall 2022 [13 graduate students]. Overall Instructor Rating: 4.0/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 4.0/5.0). Response Rate: 62%.
"The course should be divided into two different semesters, the course workload is too much for a semester."
"The materials were really practical, useful, and well-planned, but the volume and details were too much for the final exam."
"I think he is very good professor."
Fall 2020 [18 graduate students]. Overall Instructor Rating: 3.2/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 4.5/5.0). Response Rate: 50%.
"Overall, the subject was interesting and stimulating, though the instructor evaluation was truly unfair and disastrous."
"The prepared material is very well structured to answer all aspects of the SWM. Everything is planned ahead of time… Interactive engagement also provided during the in-class assignments and Q&A sessions. One of the best courses that I had at UofR."
Fall 2017 [5 graduate students]. Overall Instructor Rating: 4.5/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.7/5.0). Response Rate: 80%.
"A well laid out, thoughtfully planned course that covered the entire basis and some depth into the area of solid waste disposal and management."
"The instructor is one of the best in the university and takes teaching seriously. It shows and my knowledge from the course improved greatly by taking this course from this professor."
Winter 2015 [11 graduate students]. Overall Instructor Rating: 4.64/5.00 (Faculty of Engineering Average: Not released). Response Rate: 100%.
"Very organized and easy to understand lecture notes!"
"The instructor has demonstrated competency in the material and he has very proficient knowledge of the materials."
"…course provided me good information about a new field."
"I learned a lot about waste management through this course!"
"I have taken 5 grad classes till now, this course turned out to be the best…"
Winter 2013 [9 graduate students]. Overall Instructor Rating: 4.63/5.00 (Faculty of Engineering Average: Not released). Response Rate: 100%.
"It was my pleasure to have class with Dr. Ng, as I learn a lot from class... it was a very good experience."
"The course is very useful!"
"Class can really translate to the workforce... problems are very useful for solid waste disposal calculations."
Fall 2012 [13 graduate students]. Overall Instructor Rating: 4.50/5.00 (Faculty of Engineering Average: Not released). Response Rate: 92%.
"Dr. Ng is the so far best instructor at University of Regina. The way he teaches is excellent!"
"It has been a great experience to attend this course with Dr. Ng."
"...the material of the course was really useful... In addition, the way that instructor taught was good."
"He explains everything so clearly that [there is] no need to read more about it at home!"
Fall 2011 [11 graduate students]. Overall Instructor Rating: 4.90/5.00 (Faculty of Engineering Average: Not released). Response Rate: 91%.
"Good, serious, professional instructor."
Fall 2010 [16 graduate students]. Overall Instructor Rating: 3.87/5.00 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 3.00/5.00). Response Rate: 94%. Unofficial evaluation conducted by the instructor.
"Marking seemed tougher than other graduate classes... very good class, definitely learned a lot."
"[Ng] is well prepared for class."
"Course content and instruction technique is very good."
"I like this course very much"
ENEV 865 Hazardous Waste Management and Site RemediationÂ
Fall 2023 [16 graduate students]. Overall Instructor Rating: 4.8/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 4.7/5.0). Response Rate: 75%.Â
"The course outline is just right. Good content and concise."
"Great Lecturer. I would highly recommend him."
"I had a fantastic experience overall..."
Fall 2021 [16 graduate students]. Overall Instructor Rating: 3.7/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 4.6/5.0). Response Rate: 62%. (Virtual lectures)
"Course without exams can be effective - Dr. Kelvin proved it through his ENEV 865."
Fall 2018 [14 graduate students]. Overall Instructor Rating: 4.5/5.0 (Faculty of Engineering Average: 4.4/5.0). Response Rate: 79%.
"As usual, Dr. Ng taught an excellent and well-made course. He is always available and willing to answer questions."
"Dr. Ng is responsible, answered questions clearly and encouraging students to be doing the critical thinking."
A new, online course evaluation system was adopted by the Faculty in Fall 2016 for all Engineering courses. The "overall instructor rating" is based on the Question 2.7.
Standard Course Evaluation form used by the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science (discontinued in 2015):