Teaching Evaluation

Courses taught at University of Regina:

Selected students comments from the teaching evaluation are listed below.  If you have any suggestions or comments regarding my teaching, please send me an email. Alternatively, you can visit this site to contribute an entry.

Undergraduate Courses

ENEV 422 Solid and Hazardous Waste Management 












ENEV 469 Groundwater Development & Contaminant Transport 










ENEV 408 Basic Structural Design 








Graduate Courses

ENEV 834 Solid Waste Disposal and Management 







ENEV 865 Hazardous Waste Management and Site Remediation 


A new, online course evaluation system was adopted by the Faculty in Fall 2016 for all Engineering courses. The "overall instructor rating" is based on the Question 2.7.

Standard Course Evaluation form used by the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science (discontinued in 2015):