News & Events 2022

Mr. Kenneth Kwaaboadu Adusei  successfully defended his MASc thesis! 

Thesis title: Modeling of Municipal Waste Disposal Behaviors related to Meteorological and Astronomical Seasons using Recurrent Neural Network Models

Program: EVSE - MASc 

Defense date: August 30th, 2022, Tuesday

Congrats to Kenneth!

Mr. Monasib Ahmed Romel successfully defended his MASc thesis! 

Thesis title: Forecasting Waste Volume and Identifying Barriers of Canadian Photovoltaic Waste Management

Program: ISE - MASc (Co-supervised with Dr. Kabir)

Defense date: August 10th, 2022, Wednesday

Congrats to Monasib!

Mr. Derek Mensah successfully defended his MASc thesis! 

Thesis title: Assessment of Waste Management System Efficiencies and Waste Business Characteristics of Canadian Provinces

Program: EVSE - MASc

Defense date: July 29th, 2022, Friday

Congrats to Derek!

ESD Recognition Awards  

Royal Saskatchewan Museum, May 4th, 2022. 8:30-1:30pm

Two of our projects were selected for the RCE-SK Education for Sustainable Development Recognition Awards:

Mr. Nima Karimi successfully defended his PhD thesis! 

Thesis title: Developing Canadian solid waste management system at a regional level with the integration of remote sensing satellite imagery, machine learning tools, and GIS network analysis

Program: EVSE - PhD 

Defense date: April 21st, 2022, Thursday

The thesis has been nominated for Graduate Awards. Congrats to Nima!

CSCE Environmental Engineering Conference

Whistler Conference Centre, Whistler, BC. May 25th - May 28th, 2022

Please join us in Whistler. For more, please see: