Research Interests
Research keywords:Â
sustainable waste management systemsÂ
reuse of waste material
recycling and waste minimization
waste management regionalization
data driven waste policy
evidence-based standards and guidelines
radioactive waste storage and disposalÂ
post consumer clothing and textile waste management
waste model optimization
waste management system efficiencyÂ
illegal dumping and littering
landfill design and operation
Research interests:Â
My research has been focusing on sound waste disposal practices in the past 25 years. My earlier works were mostly on the design and operation of waste disposal sites. Recently, my focuses have gradually shifted to the design and development of a sustainable waste management system (WMS) and data driven waste policy.Â
Within the broad area of sustainable solid waste treatment, my latest research projects specifically address to the following key topics:
Development of sustainable waste management systems (WMS)
Use of novel environmental metrics and indices
Waste generation characteristics and recycling practices in Northern and remote communities
Diversion programs and policy on non-residential wastes
Waste economy and policy
Illegal dumping behaviors and IDS identifications
Waste management system regionalization
Waste generation, collection, and transfer
Generation models using machine learning techniques
Solar-powered smart bins
Dual-stage optimization on waste collection
GIS based vehicle routing problem
Cigarette butts littering and indoor smoking policy
Waste containment system design and operation
Waste site selection using satellite imagery and remote sensing data
Design standards and guidelines
The role of daily/intermediate covers on the geo-environmental performance of sanitary landfill
Pseudo-FOD landfill gas modeling and assessment of emission impacts
Leachate migration and groundwater quality at unlined landfills
Other waste studies:
Beneficial reuse of waste materials in civil and environmental applications
The use of UAVs and drones in waste studies
LLW from Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)
Environmental geotechnics and waste mechanics
Clothing and textile waste recycling and management
Student researchers wanted:
Individuals interested in pursuing graduate studies (or as undergraduate assistants) in the above areas are encouraged to contact me ( I specifically encourage underrepresented groups in STEM field to join my research group, including but not limited to visible minorities, 2SLGBTQ+ individuals, Black people, Indigenous people, and persons with disabilities.
Last updated: Jan, 2025.