News & Events 2024

Mr. Farzin Naghibalsadati successfully defended his MASc thesis! 

Thesis title: The Role of Modular Construction and BIM Technologies in Sustainable Construction and Demolition Waste Management

Program: EVSE - MASc

Defense date: August 2nd, 2024, Friday

Congrats to Farzin!

ESD Recognition Awards

Gallagher Centre, Yorkton, SK. May 15th, 2024. 9:30-2:00pm

Five of our projects were selected for the 2024 RCE-SK Education for Sustainable Development Recognition Awards:

Mr. Sagar Ray successfully defended his MASc thesis! 

Thesis title: Assessing construction and demolition waste generation rates using satellite imagery

Program: EVSE - MASc

Defense date: March 8th, 2024, Friday

Congrats to Sagar!

CSCE Environmental Engineering Conference

Sheraton Falls Hotel, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. June 5th - June 7th, 2024

Please join us in Niagara Falls this summer. For more, please see: