Gerald Saul: Writing and Presentations
1996 Masters of Fine Arts (Film Theory and Film Production) York University, Toronto. Thesis paper entitled Canadian Avant-garde Film in the 1990s
Publication – peer reviewed
2019 Saul, G., & Ells, C. Shadows Illuminated. Understanding German Expressionist Cinema through the Lens of Contemporary Filmmaking Practices, Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studie, 16(1), 103-126. doi:
2011 Co-author, Hampton, Saul, Bourassa, Goodwill, McKenna, Mckay-McNabb, Baydala. Sharing Stories through Video: Aboriginal Elders Speak About End of Life, Innovations in Knowledge Translation: the SPHERU KT Casebook, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Population Health and Evaluation Research Unit, Ed. Juanita Bacsu and Fleur Macqueen Smith, pages 19-22.
2011 Co-author, Hampton, Baydala, Bourassa, McKenna, Saul, McKay-McNabb, Goodwill, Clark, Christiansen, Seven Years of Completing the Circle: End-of-Life Care With Aboriginal Families, CJNR, McGill University School of Nursing, Volume 43, No. 3, pages 119-125. Reprinted online in "Rehab & Community Care Medicine" under title: Completing the Circle: End-of-life care with Aboriginal Families.
2000 Midst, like a dream that vanishes: the films of barbara sternberg, Toronto, Images Festival of Independent Film and Video, and Pleasure Dome, page 44.
1998 No time like the past: the poetic documentaries of John Porter, The John Porter Film Activity Book, Toronto, Pleasure Dome, ed. Mike Hoolboom, pages 25-26.
1998 “Saskatchewan filmmakers still out of sync”, Newest Review, Saskatoon, vol.23, no.4, page 7
1997 Remembering and re-inventing our past; the use of homes movies in recent Canadian avant-garde film, Jubilee Book: Essays On Amateur Film, Belgium, Association Europeenne Inedits, pgs 123-129
1997 “(Not exactly) Hollywood north”, Newest Review, Saskatoon, vol 22, no.5, page 32.
1994 no title, World Cinema; Diary of a Day, London, British Film Institute, page 404.
Publication – non-reviewed
1991-present “The Long And The Tall Of It” Splice Magazine, Regina, Saskatchewan Filmpool.
2021 Carfac Saskatchewan Volume 33, #4, commissioned photographs for "Road-Tripping the River and Rail Art Trail 2021", pages 12-19.
2016 Akimbo "Hit List"online art and artist discussion.
2016 Kindred Cities online art and culture discussion.
2012 "Membership Missive on the $100 Film Festival", Answer Print, spring 2012, Calgary, CSIF. (scan of original)
2009 Ethical Problems with Human-Centric Narratives in Lego Mars Mission Play Sets, originally published on-line in Rigor Mortis Magazine. Reprinted in my blog.
1999 “Eye On Cinema”, Out Of Focus, vol 6, no. 1, page 18, Regina, RFVSS.
1998 “Filmmaking in 17 takes”, Prairie Dog, December issue, Regina.
1998 Editor; Splice Magazine, spring issue, Regina, Saskatchewan Filmpool.
1997 “Gerald's guide to no budget filmmaking”, Answer Print, v.8, no.1, Calgary, CSIF.
1997 “Gerald's guide to no budget filmmaking: part 2”, Answer Print, v.8, no.2, Calgary, CSIF.
1997 “Saskatchewan Filmpool blows out 20 candles”, Regina Free Press, March 19, Regina. PDF
1996 “Yorkton: down-home fest, world class fare”, Playback, June 17, page 12, Toronto.
1990 “Who took the film out of film industry?” SMPIA Newsletter, November issue, Regina.
Other reviews may be found on my blog site: Experimental Film Review.
Citations (where my writing is cited in writings by other scholars)
Zryd, Michael, "A Defense of Norman McLaren's Place in Experimental FIlm History in Canada", The Palgrave Handbook of Experimental Cinema, Knowles, K and Walley, (ED), 2024, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan, chapter 28, page 533.
Watkins, R.W.,"Comics in Remote Corners: Miniature Bubble-gum Strips", 2018, The Comics Decoder, Online.
MacKenzie, Scott, "An Arrow, Not a Target", Education of the Filmmaker in Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas, Mette Hjort (ED), 2013, New York, Palgrave MacMillan Publishers, page 182.
Dancsok, Michael, "Transcending the Documentary: The Films of Arthur Lipsett", 1998, Concordia University MA thesis paper in the Department of Communication Studies, Montreal, Quebec, online/unpublished, page 23.
Fiction (print, non-film related)
2017 Tree-Kill Tim and His Friend Swampy, fiction, text for comic strip series.
2015 Mr. Saul's Adventurs, further text only ramblings by fictional character "Mr. Saul" on Tumblr
2010- present Canister the Robot trading cards and comics
1985 "Strawberry Jam Forever", To Be Announced, issue #1, Strawberry Jam Comics, Toronto, back cover text.
Presentations - academic
2016 Presented on "Memory in My Cinematic Works" at "Meet in the Middle" symposium artists' panel to discuss memory and trauma at the MacKenzie Art Gallery. [Read Notes and See Images]
2016 Co-Presented Between Darkness and Light: Walking in the Shadows of the German Expressionists with Chrystene Ells at Art of Expressionism Speaker Series, University of Regina.
2015 Presented "The End of Magic, or how technology gave us everyday spectacles", research summary at University of Regina New Media Studio Laboratory showcase.
2008 Co-presented work in progress of “Entering the Circle; communities empowered by end of life research” at Saskatchewan Cancer Research Day symposium, December 5.
2008 Presented "Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson" at the "Re-Examining Arthur Conan Doyle: An International Symposium", University of Regina, November 7.
2006 Presented paper on use of video at the Knowledge Translation Workshop with the QEOL Research Group at the University of Saskatchewan.
Presentations - non-academic or non-reviewed
2017 November 7, Quick and Dirty presentation, Dunlop Art Gallery and Creative City Centre, "I Like Monsters".
2017 May 16. Quick and Dirty presentation, Dunlop Art Gallery and Creative City Centre, "My Puppet Films".
2016 December 8, Open Aperture, Cultural Exchange Society, "Sock-Vile" in progress presentation and talk.
2016 November 4, Meet in the Middle symposium talk on memory as related to my AGR exhibition.
2016 August 4, introduced "Metropolis" and "Blade Runner" at RPL in Regina as part of German Expressionist Film Series. (audience observation)
2016 July 13, Anecdotal Evidence, Art Gallery of Regina, artist talk. (notes)2016 June 2, introduced Waxworks, Street of Crocodiles, and Dark Shadows at RPL in Regina as part of German Expressionist Film Series.
2016 April 19, Quick and Dirty presentation, "ATCs as extension of Canister the Robot meta-narrative".
2015 September, moderated public master class with animator and distinguished alumni Dennis Jackson at Artesian in Regina.2012 November 23, UofR Fine Arts Presentation Series, "I'll Be Brief: My Recent Short Videos".
2012 January 20, UofR Fine Arts Presentation Series, "The Question of Research in the Fine Arts" co-presenter on panel with Risa Horowitz, Kathleen Irwin, Rachelle Knowles, and Christine Vanderkooy.
2011, July, guest speaker on creative arts and use of green screen to teenagers for summer computer camp, UofR.
2010 March 26, moderated public discussion of local film "Dungeoncrawl" following premiere screening in Regina.
2003 October, Paved Art and New Media, Saskatoon, presentation on personal filmmaking and techniques.
2002 November 22, UofR Art for Lunch, one hour presentation of 3 "Toxic" films and discussion of process.
2002 September 13, UofR Fine Arts Lecture Series, one hour discussion of "Toxic" film project in progress.
2000 June 24, moderated public discussion with filmmakers Guy Maddin and Deco Dawson, Filmpool and Antechamber, Regina.
2000 March 4, panel discussion participant, Quick Time, The Revenge of Super-8 discussion, hosted by Dunlop Art Gallery.
See other LECTURES on student/teaching page