Student Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are academic accommodations?
Student Accessibility provides academic accommodations for students on the basis of disability, family status, gender identity, and religion. Student Accessibility follows human rights legislation and the Duty to Accommodate. Accommodations are meant to support educational equity and accessibility within the University of Regina. Accommodations are not meant to interfere with academic integrity or fundamentally alter the essential learning requirements for courses and programs. Accommodations are provided on a case-by-case basis and can include but are not limited to:
  • Note-taking supports
  • Assignment and exam accommodations (i.e. extended time, quiet space, reader/scribe, assistive technology etc.)
  • Alternate format textbooks
  • Physical accessibility supports
2. How and when do I register with Student Accessibility?
Start the registration process by filling out this form. More information can be found under the "Registering with Student Accessibility" tab in the left menu.

Students are encouraged to begin the registration process once they have been accepted to the University of Regina, and well in advance of the beginning of classes. The provision of academic accommodations will vary in complexity and appropriate time is needed to ensure proper supports can be arranged.

3.What type of documentation do I need to provide when registering?
To receive academic accommodations based on disability, you will need to provide documentation from your doctor or other health professional indicating the nature of your disability, the impacts on your learning and functioning, and a list of recommendations for supports. More information can be found under the "Registering with Student Accessibility" tab in the left menu. If you require supports for reasons not related to disability, please email us at to discuss the next steps.
Disability documentation must:
  • Be as current as possible (no more than seven years old for permanent disability)
  • Include a diagnosis or nature of the disability/health condition along with the required supporting period (i.e. ADHD, mental health condition etc.)
  • Include a description of the impact of the disability in the academic environment along with recommendations for relevant supports
4. Can I access accommodations for a temporary disability or injury?
Yes. We offer services and supports to students with permanent and temporary disabilities, health conditions, and injuries. If you are unsure if you would qualify for accommodations, we encourage you to contact us to discuss the potential supports available to you.

5. How do I update or change my accommodations?
Contact your Accessibility Officer to request an appointment to discuss your accommodation plan. Additional documentation may be required.
6. How do I request my Accommodation Letter each term?
Your Accommodation Letter must be requested through your Accommodate account each term before it can be emailed to you and the instructors. Instructions to submit a Letter Request through Accommodate can be found under the "Requesting Accommodation Letters Tab" or in the Resource Library in Accommodate.
7. Can instructors ask about the nature of my disability or request to see my disability documentation?
No. Instructors cannot and should not ask you about the nature of your disability or request copies of your disability documentation. Student Accessibility treats all disability-related documentation as confidential and does not release that information to instructors. Instructors are only provided with the information they need to know to implement your academic accommodations appropriately. Information about your disability will not be included on any transcripts or diplomas.

8. Should I speak with my instructors about my learning concerns before I register with Student Accessibility?
If you are comfortable discussing your concerns and potential needs with instructors, you are always welcome to do so. Instructors may be able to offer support, tips, and resources that you will find helpful. You can let them know that you are planning to register for accommodations with Student Accessibility. It is important to understand that instructors are not obligated to provide academic accommodations until they are notified through an official Accommodation Letter each term and you have discussed your needs with them in a timely manner.

9. What should I do if I am not receiving my approved accommodations or they aren't working well for me?
If your instructors are not providing your approved accommodations, there are three important steps. First, check to ensure that you have requested and received your Accommodation Letter for the term through Accommodate. Second, contact your instructors to ensure they received a copy of your letter and to discuss your accommodation needs and concerns. Third, contact Student Accessibility with questions and concerns as needed. It's important that you are actively involved in the accommodation process, which includes self-advocacy, but don't be afraid to ask for help. There are numerous on and off-campus resources that can assist you with learning and student life.