10185 | BIOL | 140 | L01 | Human Biology for Non-majors | MW | 10:00-11:15 | HYFLX |
13116 | CHEM | 104 | 030 | General Chemistry I | MW | 09:00-10:20 | HYBRM |
10438 | CLAS | 211 | C01 | Greek and Roman Drama | MWF | 13:30-14:20 | HYFLX |
10439 | CLAS | 230 | C01 | Ancient Sport and Spectacle | TR | 14:30-15:45 | HYFLX |
10804 | EAP | 010 | 001 | Foundations 2 Core Class | MTWR | 09:00-11:15 | HYFLX |
10806 | EAP | 020 | 001 | Vantages 1 Core Class | MTWR | 09:00-11:15 | HYFLX |
10808 | EAP | 030 | 001 | Vantages 2 Core Class | MTWR | 09:00-11:15 | HYFLX |
10810 | EAP | 030 | 003 | Vantages 2 Core Class | MTWR | 09:00-11:15 | HYFLX |
10812 | EAP | 090 | 001 | High Intermediate English Reading and Communication | MTWR | 09:00-11:15 | HYFLX |
10814 | EAP | 090 | 003 | High Intermediate English Reading and Communication | MTWR | 09:00-11:15 | HYFLX |
10816 | EAP | 090 | 005 | High Intermediate English Reading and Communication | MTWR | 09:00-11:15 | HYFLX |
10818 | EAP | 100 | 001 | Advanced English Reading and Communication | MWF | 08:30-11:15 | HYFLX |
10819 | EAP | 100 | 002 | Advanced English Reading and Communication | MWF | 08:30-11:15 | HYFLX |
10820 | EAP | 100 | 003 | Advanced English Reading and Communication | MWF | 18:00-20:45 | HYFLX |
10821 | EAP | 101 | 001 | Advanced English Writing and Research | TR | 08:30-11:15 | HYFLX |
10822 | EAP | 101 | 002 | Advanced English Writing and Research | TR | 08:30-11:15 | HYFLX |
10823 | EAP | 101 | 003 | Advanced English Writing and Research | TR | 18:00-20:45 | HYFLX |
13074 | ENGL | 100 | 029 | Critical Reading and Writing I | TWR | 12:30-13:20 | HYBRM |
13384 | ENGL | 100 | 389 | Critical Reading and Writing I | T | 18:00-20:45 | HYBRM |
11239 | ENGL | 110 | 029 | Critical Reading and Writing II | TR | 10:30-11:45 | HYBRM |
11253 | ENGL | 110 | L01 | Critical Reading and Writing II | TR | 13:00-14:15 | HYFLX |
13119 | ENGL | 110 | 030 | Critical Reading and Writing II | TR | 13:00-14:15 | HYBRM |
13151 | ENGL | 110 | 022 | Critical Reading and Writing II | R | 19:00-21:45 | HYBRM |
13152 | ENGL | 110 | 281 | Critical Reading and Writing II | R | 19:00-21:45 | HYBRM |
11563 | FILM | 348 | C01 | Thinking about Film | W | 11:30-14:15 | HYFLX |
13182 | FRN | 430AF | 101 | Diversité linguistique et etchnoculturelle | M | 17:00-19:45 | HYBRM |
11614 | FRN | 440AB | 101 | Perspectives sur l'étude des communautés francophones | T | 17:00-19:45 | HYBRM |
11618 | FRN | 802 | 101 | Perspectives sur l’étude des communautés francophones | T | 17:00-19:45 | HYBRM |
13184 | FRN | 831AF | 101 | Diversité linguistique et ethnoculturelle | M | 17:00-19:45 | HYBRM |
11626 | GBUS | 815 | 001 | Strategic Management | R | 19:00-21:45 | HYFLX |
11627 | GBUS | 817 | 001 | Managing People in Organizations | R | 19:00-21:45 | HYFLX |
11628 | GBUS | 830 | 001 | Business, Government and Society | W | 19:00-21:45 | HYFLX |
11629 | GBUS | 832 | 001 | Accounting for Managers | T | 19:00-21:45 | HYFLX |
11630 | GBUS | 835 | 001 | International Business | M | 19:00-21:45 | HYFLX |
11632 | GBUS | 846AH | 001 | Program Evaluation | W | 19:00-21:45 | HYFLX |
11637 | GBUS | 851AA | 001 | Indigenous Business and Leadership | W | 19:00-21:45 | HYFLX |
11638 | GBUS | 862 | 001 | Evaluation of Human Resources Practices and Systems | M | 19:00-21:45 | HYFLX |
11639 | GBUS | 863 | 001 | Staffing Organizations | R | 19:00-21:45 | HYFLX |
11640 | GBUS | 865 | 001 | Project Management | T | 19:00-21:45 | HYFLX |
11641 | GBUS | 871 | 001 | Group Dynamics in Organizations | M | 19:00-21:45 | HYFLX |
11642 | GBUS | 873 | 001 | Negotiation and Conflict Resolution | T | 19:00-21:45 | HYFLX |
11762 | INCA | 284 | S02 | Managing Indigenous Media Businesses | M | 14:30-17:15 | HYBRM |
11764 | INCA | 391AC | S02 | Community Radio II | M | 11:30-14:15 | HYBRM |
13202 | INCA | 392 | S02 | Seminar: Colonial and Anti-Colonial Frames in the Contemporary News Media | F | 11:30-14:15 | HYBRM |
13242 | INHS | 140 | S11 | Introduction to Community Birthing Education | R | 08:30-11:15 | HYBRM |
11918 | JSGS | 869 | 001 | Ideas in Public Policy | M | 13:00-15:45 | HYFLX |
11977 | KIN | 105 | 300 | Indigenous Health and Sport in Historical Perspective | TR | 13:00-14:15 | HYBRM |
11979 | KIN | 110 | 300 | Sociology of Sport, Recreation and Physical Activity | F | 16:30-19:15 | HYBRM |
11991 | KIN | 170 | 491 | Lifestyle, Health and Wellness | R | 19:00-21:45 | HYFLX |
11992 | KIN | 180 | 401 | Lifespan Growth and Motor Development | MWF | 11:30-12:20 | HYFLX |
11993 | KIN | 180 | 402 | Lifespan Growth and Motor Development | MWF | 11:30-12:20 | HYFLX |
12020 | KIN | 261 | 300 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I | TR | 19:00-20:15 | HYBRM |
12021 | KIN | 267 | 491 | Human Physiology l | M | 16:00-18:45 | HYFLX |
13166 | KIN | 275 | 281 | Introduction to Nutrition | T | 19:00-21:45 | HYBRM |
13167 | KIN | 275 | 022 | Introduction to Nutrition | T | 19:00-21:45 | HYBRM |
12183 | MBA | 815 | 001 | Strategic Management | R | 19:00-21:45 | HYFLX |
12184 | MBA | 830 | 001 | Business, Government and Society | W | 19:00-21:45 | HYFLX |
12185 | MBA | 835 | 001 | International Business | M | 19:00-21:45 | HYFLX |
12186 | MBA | 865 | 001 | Project Management | T | 19:00-21:45 | HYFLX |
13123 | PHIL | 276 | 029 | Professional Ethics | R | 13:00-15:45 | HYBRM |
12374 | PHIL | 337 | C21 | Metaphysics l | MWF | 09:30-10:20 | HYBRM |
12377 | PHIL | 437 | C21 | Metaphysics ll | MWF | 09:30-10:20 | HYBRM |
12419 | PMTH | 092 | S01 | Intermediate Algebra II | TR | 13:00-14:15 | HYFLX |
12420 | PMTH | 092 | S02 | Intermediate Algebra II | TR | 13:00-14:15 | HYFLX |
12426 | PPE | 200 | 001 | Foundations of PPE | MW | 13:00-14:15 | HYFLX |
13155 | PSYC | 101 | 022 | Introductory Psychology: Social, Developmental, and Clinical Focus | T | 13:00-15:45 | HYBRM |
12477 | PSYC | 210 | 001 | Lifespan Developmental Psychology | TR | 16:00-17:15 | HYFLX |
12479 | PSYC | 210 | L01 | Lifespan Developmental Psychology | TR | 11:30-12:45 | HYFLX |
12488 | PSYC | 305 | 001 | Statistics in Psychology | TR | 11:30-12:45 | HYFLX |
12567 | RLST | 230 | L01 | Religion, Spirituality and Health: Belief, Practices, Impacts and Implications | TR | 10:00-11:15 | HYFLX |
12568 | RLST | 290AK | L01 | Reading the Qur'an in English | TR | 13:00-14:15 | HYFLX |
13125 | SOC | 208 | 029 | Inequality and Social Justice | M | 13:00-15:45 | HYBRM |
13156 | SOC | 213 | 281 | Families | M | 13:00-15:45 | HYBRM |
13157 | SOC | 213 | 302 | Families | M | 13:00-15:45 | HYBRM |
13158 | SOC | 213 | 022 | Families | M | 13:00-15:45 | HYBRM |
12598 | SOC | 333 | 001 | Sociology of Disaster | R | 14:30-17:15 | HYFLX |
12630 | SRS | 110 | 300 | Recreation and Leisure Theory | MWF | 10:30-11:20 | HYBRM |
12660 | STAT | 100 | 029 | Elementary Statistics for Applications | TR | 09:00-10:15 | HYBRM |
13159 | STAT | 100 | 281 | Elementary Statistics for Applications | W | 09:00-11:45 | HYBRM |
13161 | STAT | 100 | 022 | Elementary Statistics for Applications | W | 09:00-11:45 | HYBRM |
13142 | SW | 347 | 310 | Social Work Practice II | | | HYBRM |
13144 | SW | 405 | 310 | Social Work with Indigenous Peoples | | | HYBRM |
13146 | SW | 414 | 310 | Child Welfare Practice | | | HYBRM |
13148 | SW | 451 | 310 | Social Work Research | | | HYBRM |
13150 | SW | 460 | 310 | Ethics in Social Work | | | HYBRM |
13162 | THTR | 100 | 022 | Introduction to Theatre | W | 19:00-21:45 | HYBRM |
13163 | THTR | 100 | 281 | Introduction to Theatre | W | 19:00-21:45 | HYBRM |
12854 | WGST | 220 | 001 | The Practice of Feminist Research: Power and Inequality | TR | 10:00-11:15 | HYFLX |