
Theatre Timetable and Courses


SubjectCourse NumberTitleDaysTime
THTR112Behind the Magic: Painting and PropsM09:30-12:15
THTR115Introduction to ActingMW11:30-12:45
THTR115Introduction to ActingTR13:00-14:15
THTR120Cabaret ClassM13:00-15:45
THTR121Behind the Magic: Costume ConstructionM09:30-12:15
THTR122Reading the VisualW18:00-20:45
THTR211ABIntro to Integrated Voice & MovementMW10:00-11:15
THTR213Dramaturgy: Foundation of PerformanceT13:00-15:45
THTR220Fringe Festival ClassF13:00-18:00
THTR220Fringe Festival ClassMTR18:00-22:00
THTR220Fringe Festival ClassW14:30-17:15
THTR222Designing Performance SpacesM13:00-15:45
THTR223Power Decolonizing DramaturgyR13:00-15:45
THTR311ABAdvanced Voice for DevisersMW10:00-11:15
THTR319ACProduction Design/ScenographyF09:30-12:15
THTR320Devising; Dreaming and ImaginingT09:30-12:15
THTR326AAArtist Study: Harold PinterMW10:00-11:15

Course Descriptions

THTR 100

Introduction to Theatre

An introduction to the various aspects of theatre including performance and production, the play script, history, theory and criticism.

THTR 101

Introduction to Improv

Saying Yes to Yes! An introduction to the fundamental skills of theatre improvisation. This course is a guide to improvisational choices through the use of theatre games and exercises, with an emphasis on artistic perception and creative expression.
*Note: Students cannot receive credit for THEA 215AA and/or THAC 362 and/or THAC 360AA*

THTR 102

Introductory Theatre Performance Design

An introduction to the practices, aesthetics and techniques of contemporary stage set, costume and lighting performance design through text, filmed productions and interviews with international stage artists. The course will cover collage 2 & 3 dimensional rendering techniques.
*Note: Student cannot receive credit for THTR 102 and/or THEA 121 and/or THDS 121.*

THTR 110

Foundations in Devised Performance

This foundational performance class is designed to unleash creativity, create ensemble, and build strong physical and theoretical groundwork for a responsive, committed and creative theatre artist. This class will focus on theatre exercises and explorations as applied to devised work.
*Note: Registration is restricted to students enrolled in the BFA/BA (Devised Performance).*

THTR 111

Performance Technologies

From the winged chariot that saved Medea to the introduction of gas lighting in Victorian theatres to the falling chandelier in Phantom on the Opera, theatre has always engaged in complex ways with technology. With an emphasis on lighting, sound, and projections this course gives students a hands-on chance to play with old and new theatre technologies and discover that almost anything is possible.

THTR 112

Behind the Magic: Painting and Props

The enchanted rose in Beauty and the Beast, the swords in MacBeth (not to mention a moving forest), or the puppet characters of Avenue Q props are integral to performance. This hands-on course focuses on the manipulation of various materials, sustainable props building, and scenic painting. This class may help support THTR 310.

THTR 115

Introduction to Acting

An introduction to some of the fundamental acting methods used by professional actors working in mainstream North American theatre.
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of THTR 115, THEA 260, or THAC 260.*

THTR 116

Acting for the Camera

An introduction to some of the fundamental acting methods and techniques used by professional actors working in mainstream North American film and streamed performance.
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of THTR 116 or THAC 290AA.*
*Note: A student enrolled in the Bachelor of Fine Arts in Devised Performance and Theatre Creation can only take this class with permission of the Department Head.*

THTR 120

Cabaret Class

Cabaret culture began in the Monmartre, Paris, and took on intellectual and political resistance in World War II Germany. This class builds upon the foundational work of THTR 110 and culminates in an end-of-term Cabaret showcase.
***Prerequisite: THTR 110 or Permission of the Instructor and Department Head.***

THTR 121

Behind the Magic: Costume Construction

Costumes help create an instantly recognizable character or help tell the story. This course not only gives students fundamental sewing skills (or further develops existing skills) but provides an introduction into pattern development, the role of costume in performance, and the language of costume building. It culminates with an explosion of creativity in support of the spring Cabaret (THTR 120) or the 4th year production (THTR 420) or special project.

THTR 122

Reading the Visual

Contemporary performance is visually driven. This course introduces students to the foundations of reading and understanding the visual world. What meanings do we give to polka dots? What meanings do we give red? What meanings do we give satin or brick? Students will focus on the reading and analysis of live and mediated performances within a larger cultural framework.


Theatre Society Change

Theatre. Society. Change is designed to provide students with different perspectives on theatre and its uses in the context of development and community building.


Devised and Collaborative Performance

This performance class is designed to unleash creativity, create ensemble, and build strong physical and theoretical groundwork for a responsive, committed and creative theatre artist. This class will focus on theatre exercises and explorations as applied to devised work.


Behind the Magic: Props and Production

Props help create environment and character and are integral to most theatrical productions. This hands-on course focuses on creating props in support of a particular department production. Students will gain real-life experience in props building, pulling and deadlines as part of the production team.
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of THTR 199AC or THTR 112.*


Trends in African Drama and Theatre

From the defining works to current works by dramatists from four African regions, this course explores the historical and socio-political influences that inspired postcolonial African drama. Referencing texts and visual materials, the course will expose students to African Drama and theatre, and will culminate in a staged reading.

THTR 201

Pow Wow to Proscenium

This course examines the dance techniques and styles of Indigenous Dance in Canada.
*Note: Students cannot receive credit for THTR 201 and THAC 371 AD*

THTR 202

Introduction to Playwriting

This course provides the foundations for writing a play. By experimenting with creative processes and forms students will take their writing from initial impulse to playable draft. Through writing exercises, readings and presentations, students will to critique their work and that of their peers. Students will be closely mentored through a variety of dramaturgical techniques. Of interest to play, script and media writers.
***Prerequisite: Two of ACAD 100, ENGL 100, or ENGL 110.***
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of THTR 202 and THEA 215AE*

THTR 203

Comedy Gold: A Standup Course for Beginners

This course will teach students the fundamentals of writing and performing stand-up comedy. Students will learn how to generate material from their own life, how to craft a well-made joke and how to perform in front of a live audience.
*Note: Students cannot receive credit for THTR 203 and THEA 215 AG*

THTR 204

Technical Theatre for a Scholastic Situation

This course will cover the stage management and technical requirements needed to mount a production in an elementary/high school environment. You are teaching in small town Saskatchewan and learn the principal expects you to design, direct, and tech the upcoming mega-musical. Don’t panic, this course will cover the stage management and technical requirements needed to mount a production in an
elementary/high school environment.
*Note: Students cannot receive credit for THTR 204 and THDS 365AD*

THTR 210

Scene Study/New Play Development

Developing new work is exciting, but requires non-traditional performance skills. Students will explore scene study then apply newly acquired performance skills and techniques to plays in development.
***Prerequisite: THTR 120***


Vocal Practices for the Stage

In this class, students will examine and practice a broad range of vocal methods and techniques for the stage.
***Prerequisite: THTR 210 or THTR 110 and permission of the instructor.***


Intro to Integrated Voice & Movement

This studio class introduces methods and techniques that will allow the student to devlop an expressive, responisve and flexible instrument. ***Prerequisite: THTR 210 or THTR 110 and permission of the instructor.***
*Note: Students must complete both THTR 211 AA-ZZ and THTR 411 AA-ZZ in addition to 2 of THTR 311 AA-ZZ.*


Intro to Integrated Voice and Speech

This studio class introduces practical methods and techniques that allow students to develop a dynamic, flexible, and expressive instrument. ***Prerequisite: THTR 210 or THTR 110 and permission of the instructor.***
*Note: Students must complete both THTR 211 AA-ZZ and THTR 411 AA-ZZ in addition to 2 of THTR 311 AA-ZZ.*

THTR 212

Behind the Magic: Technical Production

Ever wonder how an empty stage lights up as a prairie sunset with the sound of birds chirping and singing? Students will study the lighting, audio and projection technology used in theatre production with a focus on the computer control systems and software currently used in production practices. The students will also be trained to safely operate the single purchase counterweight flying system. The class will support the Theatre Department’s production as technical crew.
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of THEA 120 and THDS 220.*

THTR 213

Dramaturgy: Foundation of Performance

How does a director use dramaturgy? What use is dramaturgy to a theatre maker? What is visual dramaturgy? Through multiple perspectives and multiple voices this class seeks to answer: what is dramaturgy and why is it important to performance creation?
***Prerequisite: Two of ACAD 100 and ENGL 100 or ENGL 110 and successful completion of 15 credit hours at time of

THTR 215

Understanding Performance Texts

Plays can be challenging to read but this course introduces students to the tools needed for reading and analyzing dramatic texts. Exploring the dynamic relationship between script, stage, and audience, students will explore plays as a genre of literature as well as blueprints for theatrical production.
***Prerequisite: Two of ACAD 100, ENGL 100, or ENGL 110.***
*Note: Student cannot receive credit for THTR 215 and/or THEA 150 and/or THST 250.

THTR 220

Fringe Festival Class

Fringe Festivals across North America present some of the most thrilling and ground-breaking theatre happening today. Building upon the skills of the ensemble, this course provides students in the second year cohort with the opportunity to produce and perform in the Regina International Fringe Festival (and beyond).
***Prerequisite: THTR 210 OR THTR 120 AND permission of the instructor. ***
*Note: This course runs from January until early July. The class however, does not meet between the end of classes
and an agreed to date in the last week of June. Alternative and pedagogically sound projects will be given those students who, for legitimate reasons, cannot commit to this schedule.*

THTR 222

Designing Performance Spaces

Theatre design, museum curation, parades and festival planning all require an understanding of how space means, how to imagine space and how to best use a given space. Students will learn the basics of scenography while imagining, manipulating and creating performance and non-performance spaces.
***Prerequisite: One of THTR 112 or THTR 121 or THTR 212 or 30 CH***
*Note: Students cannot receive credit for THTR 222 and / or THEA 222 and / or THDS 221.*

THTR 223

Power Decolonizing Dramaturgy

In this class you might explore the dramaturgies of decolonization; or the dramaturgies of non-verbal theatre; or the dramaturgies of verbatim theatre; or the dramaturgies of new play development while also conducting dramaturgical work supporting an upcoming production/performance.
***Prerequisite: THTR 213 or the successful completion of 30 credit hours and ENGL 110.***


Shakespeare Scene Study

An introduction to performing Shakespeare through the study and performance of scenes and monologues from selected Shakespeare plays.
***Prerequisite: THTR 115 or THTR 110 or permission of the instructor.***
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of THTR 224AA or THTR 299AA.*


Contemporary Scene Study

This class builds on the foundational skills acquired in THAC 260/THTR 115 to develop dynamic and effective scenework in plays from contemporary North American theatre.
***Prerequisite: THTR 115 or THTR 110 or permission of the instructor.***
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of THTR 224AB or THAC 360AJ.*

THTR 225

A Survey of Human Performance

Storytelling, mythology, and songs: this course introduces students to the study of scripted performance from the earliest records and possible origins to the present day. Theatre history(s) will be presented in survey, with particular case studies investigated in depth.
***Prerequisite: Two of ACAD 100, ENGL 100, or ENGL 110.***
*Note students may not receive credit for THTR 225 and THST 200.*


Musical Theatre

This course explores the development and structure of the American musical from pre- Oklahoma! operetta through Broadway’s“Golden Age”, to the innovative seventies; the arrival (and aftermath) of the British Megamusical to the uncertainty of today. With an emphasis on Broadway this class explores both the good and the bad of the art form with special attention given to issues of identity, women within musical theatre and social commentary as evidenced in some of the most important musicals of the 20th and 21st century. This course is NOT performance based. ***Prerequisite: Two of ACAD 100, ENGL 100, or ENGL 110 and the successful completion of 30 credit hours.***

THTR 301

Storytelling, Performance and Theatre in Canada

The complex and challenging exploration of storytelling traditions, First Nations and settler performances and Canadian plays with an emphasis on production and historical contexts.
***Prerequisite: ACAD 100 and ENGL 100 and the successful completion of 45 credit hours or ENGL 110 and the successful completion of 45 credit hours.***
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of THTR 301, THEA 380, and THST 380.*

THTR 310

Scripted Production

The third year cohort/team rehearse, tech, stage manage, co-design and perform a scripted play. Building upon the various skill sets of the ensemble the play is chosen specifically for the class.
***Prerequisite: THTR 220 or THTR 210 and permission of the instructor. ***


Extending Vocal Practices for the Stage

This Course continues the work explored in THAC 370 and/or THTR 211 in vocal practices for the stage.
***Prerequisite: THTR 210 AND THTR 220 OR THTR 210 or THTR 220 and permission of the instructor. ***


Advanced Voice for Devisers

This studio class will build upon the students' vocal skills and techniques developed in THTR 311AA and focus on vocal practices that support a devising process.
***Prerequisite: THTR 115 or THTR 110 or permission of the instructor.***

THTR 315

Happenings and Collectives

This course examines the visual, textual and performative aesthetics of theatre/performances in the 1960s and 1970s.
***Prerequisite: ACAD 100 and ENGL 100 and the successful completion of 45 credit hours OR ENGL 110 and the successful completion of 45 credit hours.***


Technical Production, Stage Management, and Design

This class introduces students to the practical application of the design, technical production, and stage management of a theatre production from the rehearsal process through to performance.
***Prerequisite: Two of THTR 112, THTR 121, and THTR 212 or the completion of 45 credit hours and permission of the instructor.***


BTM: Set Constuction & Theatre Magic

This behind the scenes class is hands on project based learning with a concentration on the principles for entertainment production techniques, including stage and shop safety, welding, scenic carpentry/painting, technical direction and theatrical rigging. Class will contribute to the semesters productions and projects.
***Prerequisite: Two of THTR 112, THTR 121, and THTR 212 or the completion of 45 credit hours and permission of the instructor.***
*Note: Some THTR 319AA-ZZ offerings may occur in the fourth year of study.*


Production Design/Scenography

This course moves from the imagination to the stage, with practical application of acquired design skills to a theatre production. Working with an established designer and director, students will help realize the design of the third year scripted production.
***Prerequisite: Two of THTR 112, THTR 121, and THTR 212 or the completion of 45 credit hours and permission of the instructor.***

THTR 320

Devising; Dreaming and Imagining

Creating your own performance is both challenging and rewarding. This class begins the process of devising the final production. Using the dramaturgical, scenographic and performance skills acquired throughout their program thus far, the third year cohort will begin the process of determining the framework for the final project.
***Prerequisite: THTR 310***


Slings and Arrows: Shakespeare in Performance

Students are introduced to essential tools for the text analysis and ‘decoding’ of Shakespeare for performance, beginning with an exploration of Shakespeare’s sonnets and culminating in a studio presentation of selected scenes from two of Shakespeare’s plays.
***Prerequisite: THTR 210 and THTR 211 AA-ZZ or THTR 210 and Permission of the Instructor.***


Artist Study: Harold Pinter

Harold Pinter transformed dialogue and the use of silence in twentieth century theatre. In this course we will trace the development of his influential dramaturgy over the course of his long career. We will also experience the deep learning accessed through focused study of a single artist/collective through time.
***Prerequisite: Completion of 45 credit hours.***


Shakespeare's Theatre

How were Shakespeare's plays originally produced? In this course we will study the historical staging practices and conditions of Elizabethan and Jacobean plays, examining external evidence (documentary sources and archaeological discoveries) as well as internal evidence (original stage directions and deictic language contained in the plays themselves).
***Prerequisite: Completion of 45 credit hours.***


Performance Theory and Perspectives

How do theatre texts create meaning? How is the theatre space a place, and how is the actor/artist also a work of art? When is a prop an object and when is it a thing? Applying a number of theoretical perspectives to specific recorded and live productions, we will explore various ways of understanding theatre as a social practice and as art.
***Prerequisite: Completion of at least 45 credit hours. ***


Understanding Performance Texts

This course explores critical approaches to reading and analyzing performance/dramatic text. Student will engage theories in analyzing dramatic text. ***Prerequisite: Completion of at least 45 credit hours. ***

THTR 410

Devising: Development

Building on the discoveries from THTR 320, this course focuses on re-viewing, re-thinking, re-imagining and reexamining the dramaturgy and development of the projects that emerged in THTR 320. The fourth year cohort creates a template of their final project, which includes determining the production needs necessary to rehearse and produce this performance.
***Prerequisite: THTR 320***

THTR 414

Developing the Holistic Theatre Artist

This course is comprised of micro-credits which can include seminars, guest speakers, field trips, symposia and workshops (both in-house and out). It runs over both terms of the fourth year but approved events in year three may count towards this class. 75 hours of micro-credits is the minimum requirement and this will be supported with other assignments.
***Prerequisite: Successful completion of 75 credit hours at time of registration. ***
*Note: Enrollment is restricted to BA/BFA Theatre students.*

THTR 420

Devising: Production and Performance

Students in the fourth year cohort will be involved in all aspects of creating, producing and presenting their devised piece. Students will be involved with all aspects of production including, but not limited to: writing, performing, scenography, stage management, construction, technically running the show, and marketing.
***Prerequisite: THTR 410. ***


Decolonizing Dramaturgy

This course focuses on decolonization as a theoretical and methodological approach in dramaturgical discourses.
***Prerequisite: Completion of at least 60 credit hours.***

THTR 430

Theatre Research Seminar

In this course you might study a particular playwright, investigate a theme that runs through the work of several playwrights or explore a particular form of drama or performance. Throughout the semester, and with support from the Theatre Department, this class designs, organizes and presents an annual mini symposium, which serves as a showcase for undergraduate research in theatre and performance.


Advanced Projects in Voice

This course is for fourth-year students who wish to study advanced vocal techniques and methods through individual practice-based projects.
***Prerequisite: Completion of 90 credit hours or permission of instructor.***