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Executive of Council

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Executive of Council Meetings and Minutes

According to the Council Rules and Regulations (PDF) agendas and minutes of Executive of Council meetings shall be distributed to Executive of Council members and be available on the University's website.

Regular meetings of Executive of Council are normally held on the fourth Wednesday of each month from September to June.

2023-2024 Executive of Council Membership (PDF)
2023-2024 Executive of Council Meeting Dates and Deadlines (PDF)

Index - A record of programs approved for the periods:

September 2006 to June 2021 (PDF)
September 2022 to June 2023 (PDF)

Note: If you require access to previous Executive of Council minutes contact the University Secretariat office at (306) 585-4956

Next Meeting of Executive of Council

February 26, 2025

Agenda (PDF)

Meetings (Agendas, Minutes and Indexes)


January 22

Call for Nominations to Executive of Council

In accordance with regulations passed by the University of Regina Council, Executive of Council is composed of the following membership:

Ex officio Membership

President, Vice-Presidents, Associate Vice Presidents (Academic, Research, Student Affairs, Indigenous Engagement), University Secretary, Deans, Presidents and Deans of the Federated Colleges, University Librarian, the Directors of the Centre for Continuing Education, La Cité universitaire francophone, UR International, Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School (Regina Campus), and the Registrar.

Elected Membership

Persons in the following ranks are eligible for election to Executive of Council: Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer, Special Lecturer, Instructor (inlcuding Lab and Clinical) and Professional Librarians, whose appointments fall into one of the following categories: (a) Continuing; or (b) full-time probationary or term.


The term of office of members of Executive of Council is two years. Terms run from July 1 of the year elected to June 30.

The deadline for nomination forms is Friday, April 5, 2024 to the Governance Office (AH 510) or by email to

List of Eligible Council Members and Call for Nominations for each Faculty

Faculty Nomination Form

Nominee Information

In accordance with the Council Rules and Regulations, in order to be nominated, Faculty members must be continuing, full-time probationary, or term and hold one of the following positions:

  • Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer, Special Lecturer, Instructor (including Lab and Clinical), and Professional Librarian

The term of office of members of Executive of Council is two years. Terms run from July 1 of the year elected to June 30.

Nominator Information:

Please provide the name, academic unit, and signature of three eligible University of Regina faculty members who support this nomination. Nominations must be signed by three members of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science electoral unit. A listing of those included in the electoral unit can be found in the List of Eligible Council Members and Call for Nominations for each Faculty section.


I agree to let my name stand for election to Executive of Council at this time. I am not aware of any reason (i.e. sabbatical leave) why I would not be able to complete a two-year term.

You will receive an email to confirm your nomination has been received.