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Academic Recovery Program

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The Academic Recovery Program (ARP) aims to assist anyone who needs extra support at the University of Regina. However, students facing a Must Withdraw (MW) are strongly encouraged to apply.

Avoiding a Forced Withdrawal (MW)

Have you received a notice of a Must Withdraw (MW) or a Required to Discontinue (RTD)? Do you want to continue taking credit classes and learn new strategies for success? The ARP may be the program for you! The ARP allows students who are otherwise ineligible to enroll in credit courses to continue their studies at the University of Regina.

Program Benefits

  • Strengthen academic skills
  • Participate in reflective exercises
  • Explore educational directions
  • Receive guidance and support from advisors
  • Take credit courses to improve GPA

Program Overview


This program costs $1,000 per semester for six hours of equated credit (SSW ACT), plus regular tuition and course fees for credit and non-credit courses.

Semester 1 Requirements

  • 1 mandatory credit course (3 credit hours)
  • 1 optional credit course (3 credit hours)

Semester 2 Requirements

  • ACAD 100 course (3 credit hours)
  • 1-2 optional credit courses (3-6 credit hours)

Apply for Academic Recovery Program

Admission decisions are made in consultation with the student's faculty. Students must submit a program application form, and a meeting with an ARP Advisor may be needed to determine admissibility. Admission is not automatic. The application deadline is the day before the last day to add/drop courses.

Please note you must download the form to a computer, fill it in, and send the digital PDF to You must type your information and the personal statement, and meet all the personal statement requirements as per the second page of the form, otherwise your application will not be processed. This statement should be a personal reflection, written by you, the applicant.