
Feature Stories

UofR Delegates visit Jefferson Lab

On January 13, 2025, a UofR delegation visited Jefferson Lab (JLab), located in Newport News, Virginia, USA.  The delegation was given a tour of the Test Lab and experimental Halls C and D, where Dr. Huber's and Dr. Papandreou's groups conduct their nuclear physics research. They also met with Jefferson Lab management to discuss how best to continue the 30+ year partnership between the two institutions.  Photo (left to right): Haroon Chaudry (UofR Associate Vice President International), Dr. Taiwo Afolabi (UofR Director of the Centre for Socially Engaged Theatre),  Dr. Eric Christy (JLab Deputy Director Radiation Detector and Imaging Group), Dr. Cynthia Keppel (JLab Director Experimental Nuclear Physics), Dr. Jeff Keshen (UofR President and Vice Chancellor), Dr. Mark Jones (JLab Hall C Group Leader), Dr. Christopher Yost (UofR Vice President Research), Dr. Garth Huber (UofR Professor of Physics), Dr. Zisis Papandreou (UofR Professor of Physics and Department Head), Dr. Dave Gaskell (JLab Hall C Staff Scientist).  [courtesy: Walt Akers, Jefferson Lab] 

50th Anniversary Events

On October 11th we celebrate our 50th Anniversary celebration with talks from alumni guest speakers at 10am and a presentation on the history of Physics at 3:30pm, followed by a small reception.

Alicia Postuma stands in front of a board of equations

Vanier Scholarship Winner

One of our own, Alicia Postuma, PhD candidate, receives the Vanier Scolarship for work in subatomic physics.

Solar eclipse viewed on paper

Solar Eclipse

Experiencing the North American Solar Eclipse with Dr. Samantha Lawler.
Karthik Suresh is presented the JSA Thesis prize

Jefferson Lab Science Associates Thesis Winner

One of our own - Karthik Suresh, PhD won the JSA Thesis prize for his "Partial wave analysis of neutral b1 Meson at GlueX"