
I was inspired to join physics by a professor who visited my high school for outreach, and it was one of the best decisions I have made. The small class sizes meant I worked closely with both classmates and professors, forming a tight comradery with the other student doing Honours. Although the classes were difficult, the professors set us up to succeed and were open to every question; they pushed us to expand our limits and handled the COVID pandemic with compassion and care. I didn't know what precisely I wanted to pursue for studies (and future work), and the department was rife with opportunities to try different areas of research, as well as providing support when I chose to work a summer at a different university.
Furthermore, the skills that I learned in my undergraduate career continue to aid me as I pursue my MSc in Astronomy. I feel that taking my undergraduate degree at the University of Regina enabled me to obtain work experience I might not have had the chance to obtain otherwise, it has greatly improved my critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as my self-confidence in what I can achieve, and resulted in close friendships without which I would not have succeeded nearly to the same degree.
My time as an undergrad at the University of Regina Physics department provided a foundation for my understanding in many fields such as physics theory, mathematics, and programming; more broadly helping me develop my studying and researching skills. The smaller size of a department was an aspect that helped me have interactions with colleagues and professors that lead to a richer learning experience. Professors were eager to share additional opportunities such as research awards, which allowed me to utilize my summers to explore topics covered in lectures with applied and experimental summer projects. I was often surprised by how much input and direction I could provide on these projects, and how much the input was valued. There is a lot more opportunity to get involved with the department, between the Physics Student Society and Physics Build Club. Physics Build Club was the one that interested me the most since it was targeting an applied approach to learning physics, with additional goals to develop female leadership and youth interest in the field. I was involved in the club since the conception and helped share my lab skills from my summer terms to the junior physics students. I went on to pursue the field of quantitative finance, by obtaining a Master’s in Financial Mathematics and working in the industry with big firms on Bay St, where I still leverage my skills from undergrad physics every day. I appreciate the professors and department for making the experience such a rich learning experience.
The best part about taking undergraduate studies in physics at the U of R was the amount of work and research experience I was able to obtain. I was given the opportunity to do research at the university for the summers after my second, third, and final year, gaining valuable knowledge in experimental techniques, computer programming, and different areas of research. I also gained work experience through the co-op program, which provided me with an opportunity to see into the field of Medical Physics, and I gained teaching experience in my final year as a lab instructor for a first-year course. Every single student I spoke to in physics obtained work experience during their undergrad studies, either through summer research, teaching labs, or marking assignments. I’m very thankful for all of the experiences I gained that helped me choose an area of research that I am extremely excited to pursue!
I think the most noteworthy aspect of the physics program at the University of Regina is the level of camaraderie within the student community. The small class sizes and challenging material force the physics students to become fast friends – I was surprised to learn that not all departments experience this closeness, which I find completely absurd since I am fairly certain I would not have gotten through the program without it. Many of us stuck around for five or six years completing second degrees and extra credits; my hunch is that we all knew how great we had it and none of us wanted to leave. The professors of the department are exceptional. The small classes produce a relaxed, comfortable lecture atmosphere, and the student-professor relationships thrive as a result. It is evident that the professors care personally about your success as a student and as a future scientist; on top of high-quality lectures, they do a wonderful job of promoting research opportunities and are more than willing to write reference letters and give advice. I'm leaving the University of Regina feeling exceptionally well prepared to continue my education. The department provided me with a fantastic education, lifelong friends, and an early exposure to the cutting edge of research. Thanks guys!
I graduated with an Education degree in 2008 with a major in Physics. Education has a very prescribed schedule in terms of when we have to take pre-internships and our four month internship. The Physics Department was great to accommodate my schedule in terms of course offerings and even had a meeting with me to discuss what the typical Education student schedule looks like so that they can better plan. I liked that the class sizes in my physics classes were small and focused, allowing me to easily form study groups with people going through the same courses. The instructors were very helpful and able to explain content in a variety of ways and were accessible in terms of office hours. As a high school science teacher, I have attended professional development sessions and was pleased to see my physics professors in attendance, thinking about how science is taught in high school and offering to support teachers. I went on to obtain a Master’s degree in Educational Foundations, and although the content was not physics related, the study skills and dedication to thought experiments that I learned at the U of R Physics department aided my studies.
Taking a physics degree is more than just learning physics equations and lab work. You gain a strong understand of computer science, math, and engineering. Most importantly you learn the importance of critical thinking and how to balance hands on work with mathematical calculations. One of the best experiences I had during my education was helping construct the GlueX barrel calorimeter. It is a great feeling knowing that something you have helped to make will be used in future research for years to come and that you are a part of such a huge research project that can have a profound impact to science.
I’m a prairie boy, I grew up in a small town. I had no idea what I was getting into when I decided to come to university. I am thankful I chose physics, because it led to this great opportunity to participate in international research.