Mathematics and Statistics

Statistics and Economics

The combined BSc in Statistics and Economics is designed for students with an interest in both fields. Statistics is an academic discipline that collects necessary data for research purposes and provides theories and methods to analyze them and to make scientific judgments about the uncertain outcomes of interest. Economics studies how consumers, workers and businesses behave, with the goal of providing helpful analysis and advice to private firms, governments and international institutions.

BSc Program

Click here to view/download the course requirements for this program.

The combined BSc in Statistics and Economics gives student a broad understanding of the fundamental concepts involved in both program areas.

Suggested First & Second Year for BSc Statistics and Economic Majors

Fall Semester

Winter Semester

Year 1

MATH 110 
STAT 160 
CS 110 
ENGL 100 
Natural Science Elective

MATH 111 
MATH 122 
ENGL 110 
ECON 201
Natural Science Elective

Year 2

MATH 213 
STAT 251
ECON 202
ECON 321

STAT 252
ECON 301
ECON 302
MATH/STAT above 200

In order to plan third and fourth year classes, see our Course Offerings by semester.

For further program inquiries, please contact the Academic Program Coordinator.