
Allen Herman

Profile image for Allen Herman
PIMS Site Director, Chair of Research Committee

Contact Info

Office: 306-585-4487

Research Interests

Algebras and representation theory

Current Courses

MATH 321 Number Theory I

Recent Publications

1) Allen Herman and Roghayeh Maleki. Parameters of quotient-polynomial graphs. Graphs Combin., 40(3):Paper No. 60, 12, 2024.

2) Allen Herman. Schur indices in gap: wedderga 4.7+. Softw. Algebra Geom., 14(1):1–4, 2024.

3) Angelica Babei and Allen Herman. Computing zeta functions of table algebra orders using local zeta integrals. J. Math., 20(3):Paper No. 108, 21, 2023.

4) Allen Herman and Roghayeh Maleki. The search for small association schemes with noncyclotomic eigenvalues. Ars Math. Contemp., 23(3):Paper No. 2, 24, 2023.