Image of where the BCSA is located
Chemistry and Biochemistry

Student Clubs and Organizations

There are many organizations and clubs at the University of Regina geared towards a wide range of interests and majors.  Below are organizations geared towards Chemistry and Biochemistry students. Join and get involved in any organizations or clubs you are interested in.

Biochemistry and Chemistry Students Association

The Biochemistry and Chemistry Student Association (BCSA) is a student association which acts in the purposes of bringing undergraduate and graduate students of all backgrounds together. BCSA allows students from all university disciplines to become members. BCSA has a small but growing student body which can collaborate in the student common room located in LB 133 which acts as a place to do homework or just relax for BCSA members. We at BCSA hosts annual events and socials for students needing down time. In summary, BCSA helps University of Regina students get a broad base in sciences through facilitation of learning and collaboration of students through various means. The BCSA is also actively involved with the Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC) South Saskatchewan local section.

Visit their Instagram @uofrbcsa for events and updates. BCSA executives can be reached at

Science Students' Society

The Science Students’ Society at the University of Regina is a science student-led, volunteer based group that strives to allow for the personal and professional development of students by establishing a safe and positive environment and social culture that allows students to achieve social, emotional and academic success.

Contact the SSS with any inquiries you may have at and follow them on Instagram @ureginasss to keep up with events!


The University of Regina Students' Union offers various types of services for students, including a health & dental plan, and student advocacy.  URSU also sponsors nearly 100 distinct clubs that will help you make connections, pursue your passions and grow your leadership skills.


The University of Regina Graduate Students' Association operates under the umbrella of URSU, and addresses the unique needs of U of R graduate students. Visit their website to keep up with events and student opportunities.