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Office of Research Services Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who should I contact if I have questions?
View our staff list. Contact a Health, Science or Social Sciences Research Facilitator.
How do I find research grant opportunities?
What are some tips for developing a competitive grant application?
How should I submit my draft application for review?

We are flexible.  Many researchers email draft word documents and we make comments in track changes.  Would you rather use Google Docs?  Send that link! 

The agency does not require signature. Do I still need to submit it to your office?

Yes, all applications must be submitted to our office along with a Funded Research Approval Form (Pdf).  While the funding agency may not require institutional signatures, all applications require institutional review and approval.

Oops, I submitted my application to the agency without institutional review. Now what?

Please submit your proposal, grant program details along with a Funded Research Approval Form (Pdf)  for retroactive review and approval.  If you are successful, we want to ensure the award can be accepted.  Next time contact a Research Facilitator earlier in the process.

Do I need a Funded Research Approval Form and institutional review when I am submitting a Notice of Intent (NOI) or Letter of Intent (LOI)?

No, it is generally not required at the NOI or LOI stage.  An exception is if funding is tied to a successful LOI to support the development of a full application.  We highly recommend you contact a Health, Science or Social Sciences Research Facilitator at this stage.  They can assist with the NOI or LOI and work with you on developing the full application. 

I need a U of R letter of support. What do I do?

Contact a Health, Science or Social Sciences Research Facilitator. We can assist in drafting the letter and in some instances have templates.  All institutional letters of support are reviewed by a Research Facilitator who arranges for Vice-President (Research) signature.  Please provide confirmation of support provided, such as research or student funding or other commitments from your Faculty.  A minimum of 2 days lead time is needed for institutional signature. 

What do I need to do if I’m a co-applicant on a grant?

Collaborating with colleagues within and outside of the U of R can open up new avenues for grant funding.  A Funded Research Approval Form (Pdf) is not needed for co-applicants. It is recommended you notify a Health, Science or Social Sciences Research Facilitator when the Principal Applicant is at another institution.  They can work with you should any verifications be needed.  If your application is successful the Research Facilitator will work with you on transfers of funding.   

What happens if my research grant proposal is not funded?

While not all proposals are successful, agencies may offer feedback from reviewers to help strengthen future applications. Meet with a Research Facilitator to discuss feedback to revise and resubmit proposal and explore alternative funding sources.  Stay persistent - grant funding is competitive.