
Internal Funding

President's Tri-Agency Support Grant

The President's Tri-Agency Support Grant aims to elevate the University of Regina’s research caliber across all disciplines by enhancing Tri-Agency funding success. This initiative supports the university’s researchers by matching successful grant applications to CIHR Project Grant, NSERC Discovery Grant, and SSHRC Insight Grant programs.

President's Research Seed Grant & SSHRC Explore Grant

These awards are intended to provide University of Regina researchers in health, science, engineering, social sciences, and humanities with modest funding to support initial research and scholarly work with the potential to grow into larger scale, externally funded projects.

VPR Discretionary Funds

These awards are made to promote research and scholarly work at the University of Regina for unique opportunities that fall outside the boundaries of other research award programs. The Vice-President (Research) has a small budget to fund such initiatives from sources such as indirect costs of research from contracts and residual NSERC and SSHRC funds.

President's Publication Fund (PDF)

The University may provide financial assistance to faculty members whose research is accepted for either open-access publication in reputable professional journals or as a (co)authored book/book chapter. The University may pay, as a charge against the President’s Publication Fund, a portion of costs associated with publication under the following criteria and eligibility, and conditions.

Métis Research Fund

Métis Research Fund promotes research and scholarly work in areas of major importance to the Métis people.