
Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation

Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) is the provincial funding agency for health research in Saskatchewan. SHRF offers a variety of opportunities for individual, team/group, knowledge mobilization, and partnership grants.

Funding Opportunities

Solutions Grant

The Solutions Grant offers peer-reviewed research funding for transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary teams working together with knowledge users to coordinate diverse skills and perspectives in a focused area. In each competition, specific timely Saskatchewan health challenges are named as Focus Areas to mobilize the research community and our partners and promote sustainable impact.

Establishment Grant

The Establishment Grant offers peer-reviewed research funding for early-career researchers in Saskatchewan to establish an autonomous health research program that addresses local health challenges. This funding supports researchers to achieve the research productivity necessary for obtaining major funding from national and other external agencies. Researchers working in any area of human health are eligible to apply.

Align Grant

The Align Grant provides funding for activities that increase research relevance, engage a diverse and connected research community in Saskatchewan and increase quality and success of Saskatchewan applications to peer-reviewed funding competitions.

Mobilize Grant

The Mobilize Grant provides funding for knowledge mobilization activities that connect with knowledge-users and target non-academic audiences. The project may be led by researchers and/or knowledge-users with the goal of improving the applicability and impact of health research in Saskatchewan

Partnerships Program

The Partnerships Program aims to connect Saskatchewan researchers with an expanded network of funding opportunities. This is achieved through providing support and contribution to partner opportunities. SHRF is continuously building partnerships and supporting Saskatchewan applicants