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  5. Shela Hirani, RN, PhD, MScN, BScN, IBCLC

Shela Hirani, RN, PhD, MScN, BScN, IBCLC

Profile image for Shela Hirani, RN, PhD, MScN, BScN, IBCLC
Associate Professor

Contact Info

Office: 306-337-8544
2 Research Drive

Dr. Shela Hirani is a neonatal and child health nursing professional, academician, researcher, volunteer and an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant. She has completed her PhD in Nursing from the University of Alberta, Canada. Dr. Hirani is the recipient of Canada's most prestigious scholarship awards, including the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship Award, Honorary Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship Award, and Dorothy J Killam Memorial Graduate Prize. She is also the recipient of several other national, international, and university-based awards based on her outstanding academic performance, leadership potentials and research outputs. She is actively involved in curriculum development, teaching graduate and undergraduate courses, and execution of community-based research work. Her professional goal is to make a difference in the lives of underprivileged children and marginalized women through her research work, leadership, and community services.

Program of Research:

Dr. Hirani’s program of research is pertinent to breastfeeding advocacy in diverse care settings and health promotion of the vulnerable and marginalized population, specifically women and young children affected by the disaster and displacement. She has sound experience of undertaking scoping reviews, retrospective reviews, concept analysis, instrument development and validation studies, qualitative studies (critical ethnography and descriptive design) and quantitative research (cross-sectional, cohort, randomized control trials). She has mentored and supervised undergraduate, advanced diploma level and masters students for their clinical and community based small scale studies. Dr. Hirani is actively involved in serving as a peer reviewer for several international refereed journals.

Publications in Refereed Journals (2010 to date):

  • Hossain, A., Hirani, S. A., Candela, S., Shahini, M. L., & Orlando, S. (2024) Editorial: World Refugee Day 2023. Frontiers in Public Health [Section: Disaster and Emergency Medicine], 12.
  • Hirani, S. A. A. (2024). Role of critical realism in uncovering breastfeeding experiences of mothers affected by disaster and displacement: Researcher’s reflections. Clinical Lactation. [Indexed in Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI); Publisher: Spring Publishing Company].
  • Hirani, S. A. A. (2024). Effects of COVID-19 on breastfeeding practices of immigrant mothers in Canada: A Qualitative Study. Science Talks, 11, 100377.  [Publisher: Elsevier; Open Access].
  • Hirani, S. A. (2024). Barriers affecting breastfeeding practices of refugee mothers: A critical ethnography in Saskatchewan, Canada. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,21(4), 398, 1-14. [Indexed in PubMed, Cite Score 5.4]. 
  • Hirani, S. A. & Souter, A. R. (2024). Effects of caffeine on breastfeeding mothers and infants: A scoping review. Clinical Lactation. 
  • Hirani, S. A. (2024). Barriers to women’s menstrual hygiene practices during recurrent disasters and displacement: A qualitative study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21 (2), 153, 1-13. [Indexed in PubMed, Cite Score 5.4]. 
  • Hirani, S. A. & Ahmadi, R. (2023). Effects of Housing Insecurity on Breastfeeding: A Scoping Review. Clinical Lactation [Indexed in Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI); Publisher: Spring Publishing Company]. 
  • Hossain, A., Bartolucci, A., & Hirani, S. A. (2023). Conflicts and humanitarian crises on displaced people's health [Editorial]. Frontiers in Public Health, section Disaster and Emergency Medicine, 1, 1-3. 
  • Hirani, S. A. (2023). Preparing next generation of nurses to care for disaster affected population: a call to action in nursing curriculum. Teaching and Learning in Nursing. 
  • Hirani, S. A. & Lento, N. (2023). Posttraumatic stress disorder and breastfeeding migrant mothers: A scoping review. Clinical Lactation, 14 (2), 52-62. 
  • Hirani, S. A., Richter, S., Salami, B., & Vallianatos, V. (2023). Sociocultural factors affecting breastfeeding practices of mothers during natural disasters: A critical ethnography in rural Pakistan. Global Qualitative Nursing Research. 
  • Hirani, S. A. (2023). Challenges of conducting a critical ethnographic breastfeeding study in the post-disaster settings: Lessons learned. The Open Public Health Journal, 16. 
  • Hirani, S. A. (2023). Baby-friendly initiatives to promote, protect and support breastfeeding practices of immigrant mothers: a qualitative study in Saskatchewan, Canada. Science Talks. 
  • Hirani, S. A., & Ratushniak, A. (2023). Analgesic role of breastfeeding: Analysis of effectiveness, implementation barriers, and strategies to promote evidence-based practice. Clinical Lactation, 14 (1).
  • Hirani, S. A. (2022). Caring for breastfeeding mothers in disaster relief camps: A call to innovation in nursing curriculum. Science Talks.
  • Hirani, S. A., & Ratushniak, A. (2022). Spirituality, religion and breastfeeding: A scoping review. Clinical Lactation, 13(4), 187-196.
  • Hirani, S. A., & Wagner, J. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 on Women who are Refugees and Mothering: A Critical Ethnographic Study. Global Qualitative Nursing Research. DOI: 10.1177/23333936221121335 [Impact factor: 2.176].
  • Hirani, S. A., & Ratushniak, A. (2022). Spirituality, Religion and Breastfeeding: A Scoping Review. Clinical Lactation.
  • Hirani, S. A., & Ahmadi, R. (2022). Barriers and strategies for successful implementation of baby-friendly hospital initiative: A scoping review. Clinical Lactation, 13 (3). DOI:
  • Hirani, S. A. (2022). Breastfeeding during travel: Barriers and informational support for mothers traveling with or without infants. Clinical Lactation 13 (2), DOI: 1891/CL-2021-0025
  • Hirani, S. A., Pearce, M., & Lanoway, A. (2021). Knowledge mobilization tool to promote, protect and support breastfeeding during COVID-19. Canadian Journal of Public Health. DOI: [Indexed in PUBMED Central, MEDLINE & SCOPUS; Publisher: Impact factor: 1.638].
  • Hirani, S. A. (2021). Breastfeeding in public: Challenges and evidence-based breastfeeding-friendly initiatives to overcome the barriers. Clinical Lactation, 12 (3). DOI: [Indexed in Google scholar and Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI); Publisher: Spring Publishing Company]. 
  • Hirani, S. A. (2021). A policy brief on promotion, protection and support breastfeeding practices during disaster and displacement. Clinical Lactation, 12 (1), 30-38. DOI: [Indexed in Google scholar and Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI); Publisher: Spring Publishing Company]. 
  • Hirani, S. A., Richter, S., Salami, B. (2020). Humanitarian aid and breastfeeding practices of displaced mothers: A qualitative study in disaster relief camps. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 26. [Indexed in PUBMED and MEDLINE; Impact factor: 0.969]
  • Hirani, S. A., & Richter, S. (2019). Maternal and child health during forced displacement. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 51(3), 252-261. [Impact factor: 2.662]
  • Hirani, S. A., Richter, S., Salami, B., & Vallianatos, H. (2019). Breastfeeding in disaster relief camps: An integrative review of literature. Advances in Nursing Science, 42(2), E1-E12. [Impact factor: 1.311].
  • Hirani, S. A., Richter, S., & Salami, B. (2018). Realism and relativism in the development of nursing as a discipline. Advances in Nursing Science, 41(2), 137-144. [Impact factor: 1.311].
  • Hirani, S.A., & Richter, S. (2017). The capability approach: A guiding framework to improve population health and attaining the Sustainable Developmental Goals. WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 23 (1), 46-50. [Impact factor: 0.663].
  • Salami, B., Hirani, S.A., Meherali, S., Amodu, O., & Chambers, T. (2017). Parenting practices of African immigrants in destination countries: A qualitative research synthesis. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 36, 20-30. [Impact factor: 1.56].
  • Hirani, S. A., & Olson, J. (2016). Concept analysis of maternal autonomy in the context of breastfeeding. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 48 (3), 276-284. [Impact factor: 2.662].
  • Khowaja, Y., Karmaliani, R., Hirani, S. A, Khowaja. A.R., Rafique, G., & McFarlane, J. (2016). A pilot study of a 6-week parenting program for mothers of pre-school children attending family health centers in Karachi, Pakistan. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 5 (2), 91-97.
  • Hirani, S. A. (2015). Continuing breastfeeding with paid employment: Breastfeeding and support from women’s informal social network. Clinical Lactation, 6 (4), 137-143.
  • Sachwani, S., Karmaliani, R., Hirani, S. A., Khowaja. A. R., & Lalwani, E. (2015). Association between breastfeeding and childhood obesity among school-going children, 5-16 years of age in Karachi, Pakistan. International Journal of Nursing Education, 8 (2), 265-270.
  • Sachwani, S., Karmaliani, R., Hirani, S. A., Khowaja. A. R., & Lalwani, E. (2015). Whether maternal factors are associated with childhood obesity: A matched case-control study. International Journal of Nursing Education, 8 (2), 298-302.
  • Hirani, S. A. (2014). Vulnerability of internally displaced children in disaster relief camps of Pakistan: issues, challenges and way forward. Early Child Development and Care, 184 (9),1499-1506.
  • Hirani, S. A., & Dias, J. (2014). Pediatric baccalaureate nursing curriculum in Pakistan: Strengths, limitations, and recommendations. International Journal of Nursing Education, 6 (1), 54-58.
  • Hirani, S. A., & Karmaliani, R. (2013). The experiences of urban, professional women when combining breastfeeding with paid employment in Karachi, Pakistan: A qualitative study. Women and Birth, 26 (2), 147-151.[Impact factor: 1.696].
  • Hirani, S. A., Karmaliani, R., Christie, T., Parpio, Y., & Rafique, G. (2013). Perceived Breastfeeding Support Assessment Tool (PBSAT): Development and testing of psychometric properties with Pakistani urban working mothers. Midwifery, 29 (6), 599-607. [Impact factor: 1.707].
  • Hirani, S. A., & Karmaliani, R. (2013). Evidence based workplace interventions to promote breastfeeding practices among Pakistani working mothers. Women and Birth, 26 (1), 10-16. doi: 10.1016/j.wombi.2011.12.005. [Impact factor: 1.696].
  • Asad, N., Karmaliani, R., Somani, R., Hirani, S. A., Pasha, A.,...McFarlane, J. (2013). Preventing abuse and trauma to internally displaced children living in camps due to disasters in Pakistan. Child Care in Practice, 19 (3), 267-274.
  • Hirani, S. A. (2013). Use of play therapy in educating asthmatic and diabetic pediatric patients: A pilot clinical project at a private tertiary setting in Karachi, Pakistan. International Journal of Nursing Care, 1 (1), 83-87.
  • Hirani, S. A., & Rahman, A. (2012). Child with Idiopathic Pulmonary Hemosiderosis: A case report from Pakistan with multiple ethical and moral issues. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 27 (4), e22-e28. [Impact factor: 1.00].
  • Hirani, S. A., & Karmaliani, R. (2012). Breastfeeding Support for working mothers: Global and Pakistani perspectives. Current Pediatric Reviews. 8 (4), 313-321. Hirani, S. A. (2012). Malnutrition in young Pakistani children. Journal of Ayub Medical College (JAMC), 24 (2), 150-153.
  • Karmaliani, R., Pasha, A., Hirani, S., Somani, R., Hirani, S.A., Asad, N., et al. (2012). Violence against women in Pakistan: Contributing factors and new interventions. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 33 (12), 820-826.
  • Hirani, S. A., & Kenner, C. (2011). International Column: Effects of humanitarian emergencies on newborn and infant’s health in Pakistan. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 11 (2), 58-60.
  • Karmaliani, R., Shehzad, S., Hirani, S.S., Asad, N., Hirani, S.A., & McFarlane, J. (2011). Meeting the 2015 Millennium Development Goals with new interventions for abused women. Nursing Clinics of North America, 46 (4), 485-493.
  • Hirani, S. A., & Rahman, A. (2010). Aluminium phosphide poisoning: A case report. Journal of Ayub Medical College (JAMC), 22 (4), 221-222.

Research Grants:

  • 2023-24: Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) Research Connection Grant ($10,000) and VPR Discretionary matching funds ($6500) for the project entitled “Toolkit on Strategies to Promote, Protect and Support Breastfeeding Practices of Refugee Mothers with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)”. [Role: Principal Investigator].
  • 2023: Mitacs GRI fellowship to host an international student from Brazil. Project title “Breastfeeding during Migration”. [Role: Supervisor].
  • 2022-2024: SSHRC Insight Development Grant (Amount CAD$68,500) for the project entitled “Parenting challenges of refugee families During COVID-19: A critical ethnographic study” (Role: Principal Investigator)
  • 2022-2023: SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant (Amount CAD$25,000) and VPR Discretionary matching funds (Amount CAD$7000) for the project entitled “Housing challenges of immigrant and refugee families in Saskatchewan” (Role: Principal Investigator)
  • 2022-2025: Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) Establishment Grant (CAD$ 119,958) for the project entitled “Exploring the optimal conditions for implementing a trauma-focused prenatal group program in Saskatchewan: Interrupting the intergenerational cycle of trauma” (Role: Co-Applicant)
  • 2020-2023: Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) Establishment Grant (CAD$ 120,000) for the project entitled “Breastfeeding practices of immigrant mothers in Saskatchewan, Canada” (Role: Principal Investigator)
  • 2020-2022: Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation research grant (Amount: CAD $120,000) for the project entitled “Facilitators and barriers to the breastfeeding practices of refugee mothers accessing and utilizing healthcare services in Saskatchewan, Canada” (Role: Principal Investigator)
  • 2020: Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation (SHRF) 2020-2021 Research Connections (Amount CAD $10,000) for the project entitled “Knowledge Mobilization Tool to Promote,Protect and Support Breastfeeding during COVID-19” (Role: Principal Investigator)
  • 2019-date: Research startup funds from the University of Regina, Canada. Project entitled “Breastfeeding Practices of Immigrant Mothers in Canada: A Critical Review” (Role: Principal Investigator)
  • 2017-2018: International Development Research Centre (IDRC) doctoral research award (CAD$ 20,000). Project entitled “Facilitators and Barriers to Breastfeeding Practices of Internally Displaced Mothers Residing in Disaster Relief Camps in Pakistan: A Critical Ethnography” (Role: Principal Investigator)
  • 2018-2019: Sigma Theta Tau International Small Grant Award (USD$5000). Project entitled “Facilitators and Barriers to Breastfeeding Practices of Internally Displaced Mothers Residing in Disaster Relief Camps in Pakistan: A Critical Ethnography” (Role: Principal Investigator)
  • 2016: Sustainability Scholar Program at the University of Alberta (CAD$5000).Project entitled “Availability of breastfeeding support at University of Alberta: An analysis of physical facilities, policies and environment” (Role: Principal Investigator)


Published Abstracts and Paper Presentations (2010 to date):

  • Hirani, S. A. (July 24-28, 2024). Menstrual hygiene challenges during natural disasters and internal displacement: A critical ethnography in rural Pakistan. Sigma Congress, Singapore [virtual presentation].
  • Hirani, S. A. (June 3-4, 2024). Impact of COVID-19 on health and well-being of refugee mothers: A Critical ethnographic study in Saskatchewan, Canada. DOHaD Canada Meeting 2024. Vancouver, Canada.
  • Hirani, S. A. (May 27-28, 2024). Preparing Next Generation of Nurses to Care for Breastfeeding Mothers during Disasters: A Call to Action in Nursing Curriculum. CASN Nursing Education Conference, Calgary, Canada.
  • Hirani, S. A. (May 2-3, 2024). Role of public libraries in supporting integration of refugee families migrating to Canada. 2024 Saskatchewan Libraries Conference, Regina, SK, Canada
  • Hirani, S. A. (November 28-30, 2023). Oral presentation on “Healthcare barriers affecting breastfeeding practices of immigrant mothers”. Sigma Biennial Convention 2023. USA [virtual presentation].
  • Hirani, S. A. (July 4, 2023). Oral presentation on “Promoting, protecting and supporting breastfeeding practices during natural disasters”. ICN Congress 2023. Montreal, Canada.
  • Hirani, S. A. (August 2, 2023). Oral presentation on “Baby-Friendly initiatives to promote, protect and support breastfeeding practices of immigrant mothers in Canada”. Sigma Congress, Abu Dhabi, UAE. [virtual presentation].
  • Hirani, S. A. (Feb 10-12, 2023). Oral presentation on “Workplace breastfeeding support needs of immigrant mothers combining breastfeeding with employment: A qualitative study.” Creating Healthy Work Environments 2023. Austin, TX, [virtual presentation].
  • Hirani, S. A. (Nov 21-23, 2022). Oral presentation on “Effects of COVID-19 on breastfeeding practices of immigrant mothers in Canada: A qualitative study”. Canadian Conference on Global Health 2022, Toronto, Canada.
  • Hirani, S. A. (Nov 5, 2022). Oral presentation on “Baby-friendly initiative to promote, protect and support breastfeeding practices of immigrant mothers: A qualitative study in Saskatchewan, Canada”. Sigma’s Omicron Delta Fall Conference, Golden, Colorado, USA [virtual presentation].
  • Hirani, S. A. (Oct 19-22, 2022). Oral presentation on “Caring for breastfeeding mothers in disaster relief camps: A call to innovation in nursing curriculum”. 8th International Nurse Education Conference, Barcelona, [virtual presentation].
  • Hirani, S. A. (Sep 14-17, 2022). Oral presentation “Breastfeeding challenges of refugee mothers in Canada during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A critical ethnographic study”. 38th Annual Conference National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN), Las Vegas, [virtual presentation].
  • Hirani, S. A. (July 22, 2022). Oral presentation “Factors Affecting Breastfeeding Practices of Refugee mothers Accessing and Utilizing Healthcare Services in Saskatchewan, Canada”. Sigma’s 33rd International Nursing Research Congress.
  • Hirani, S. A. (July-Oct, 2022). Oral presentation “Breastfeeding barriers of refugee mothers in Saskatchewan, Canada”. International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA) 2022 Virtual Conference, [virtual presentation].
  • Hirani, S. A. (November 2-4, 2021). Oral presentation “Impact of COVID-19 on refugee mothers in Saskatchewan, Canada: A Call for Action. ICN Congress: Nursing Around the World. [Virtual congress]
  • Hirani, S. A. (October 27-30, 2021). Oral presentation “Breastfeeding in post-disaster settings: A Critical Ethnography”. Transcultural Nursing Conference. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. [Online presentation]
  • Hirani, S. A. (July 21, 2021). Oral presentation “Knowledge mobilization tool to promote, protect, and support breastfeeding during COVID-19”. Sigma’s 32nd International Nursing Research Congress July 21-23, 2021, Singapore. [Online presentation]
  • Hirani, S. A. (October 20, 2020). Oral presentation on “Effects of climate change and natural disaster on lives of breastfeeding mothers: A critical ethnographic study in disaster relief camps”. 26th Canadian Conference on Global Health, October 19-22, 2020, Canada. [Online presentation]
  • Hirani, S. A. (August 19-21, 2020). Oral presentation on “Deficiencies of Humanitarian Aid Practices Toward Infant Feeding During Natural Disaster”. International Lactation Consultant Association 2020 Virtual Conference, USA. [Online presentation]
  • Hirani, S. A. (July 25, 2020). Oral presentation on “Socio-Cultural Factors affecting Breastfeeding Practices of Mothers Residing in Disaster Relief Camps of Pakistan”. Sigma’s Virtual 31st International Nursing Research Congress, United Arab Emirates. [Online presentation]
  • Hirani, S. A., Richter, S., Salami, B., & Vallianatos, H. (March 21, 2019). Oral presentation on “Breastfeeding in Disaster Relief Camps”. Breastfeeding and Feminism International Conference, Chapel Hills, North Carolina, USA.
  • Hirani, S. A., Richter, S., Salami, B., & Vallianatos, H. (November 2, 2018). Oral presentation on “Facilitators and Barriers to Breastfeeding Practices of Internally Displaced Mothers Residing in Disaster Relief Camps of Pakistan: A Critical Ethnography”. 32nd Margaret Scott Wright Research Day, Edmonton, Canada
  • Sommerfeldt, S., & Hirani, S. A. (September 8, 2016). Oral presentation on “Team in healthcare: What do you mean?” at All Together Better Health VIII, Oxford, UK.
  • Hirani, S. A., & Olson, J. (August 17, 2016). Oral presentation on “Maternal autonomy in context of breastfeeding: A concept analysis” at Council of International Neonatal Nurses Conference at Vancouver, Canada
  • Hirani, S. A., & Karmaliani, R. (August 17, 2016). Oral presentation on “Perceived Breastfeeding Support Assessment Tool (PBSAT): An instrument to measure employed mothers’ perceptions about breastfeeding support” at Council of International Neonatal Nurses Conference, Vancouver, Canada
  • Hirani, S. A. (October 23, 2014). Oral presentation on “Effects of humanitarian emergencies and internal displacement on neonates and infants’ health in Pakistan: issues, challenges and way forward” at 4th FMIC conference, Kabul, Afghanistan
  • Hirani, S. A. (November 17, 2013). Poster presentation on “Experiences of paediatric health care professionals while dealing with intersex children and their parents: a qualitative study in a paediatric setting of Karachi, Pakistan” at 8th World Congress of DOHaD held at Singapore
  • Hirani, S. A., Karmaliani, R., Christie, T., Parpio, P., & Rafique, G. (July 30, 2012). Oral presentation on “Psychometric Properties of Perceived Breastfeeding Support Assessment Tool (PBSAT): An instrument designed to measure Pakistani urban working mothers’ perceptions about Breastfeeding support” at 23rd International Nursing Research Congress of Sigma Theta Tau International, Brisbane, Australia
  • Hirani, S. A., & Karmaliani, R. (July 30, 2012). Oral presentation on “Evidence-Based workplace interventions for breastfeeding working mothers” at 23rd International Nursing Research Congress of Sigma Theta Tau International, Brisbane, Australia
  • Hirani, S. A., & Karmaliani, K. (November 1, 2011). Oral presentation on “Experiences of lactating working mothers in a private tertiary care setting of Karachi, Pakistan” at 41st Biennial convention of STTI, Grapevine, Texas, USA

Leadership Appointments in Committees/Organizations:

  • 2024 to date: Board Member, Multicultural Council for Saskatchewan
  • 2022 to date: Non-executive Board Member- Council of International Neonatal Nurses (COINN)
  • 2021 to date: Chair, Council Committee on Research, University of Regina, Canada
  • 2021 to date: Council Representative for Saskatchewan, Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD), Canada Council, Canada
  • 2020 to date: Member, Council Committee on Budget, University of Regina, Canada
  • 2020 to date: Academic member, Breastfeeding Committee of Canada
  • 2007 to date: Pediatric and Neonatal Regional Representative for the Council of International Neonatal Nurses, Inc.
  • 2014 to 2015: President, Rho Delta Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International: An Honor Society of Nursing
  • 2014 to 2015: Chair Governance Committee, Rho Delta Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International
  • 2011 to 2013: President Elect, Rho Delta Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International
  • 2005 to 2008: Chapter Secretary, Rho Delta Chapter Sigma Theta Tau International


Honors and Awards:

  • 2024: WXN Canada’s Most Powerful Women Top 100 Award Winner (Category: Community Impact)
  • 2024: GQNR Best Paper Award [Empirical category] from Global Qualitative Nursing Research Journal
  • 2023: Honored Listee, Marquis Who’s Who®
  • 2023: Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal from the Government of Saskatchewan, Canada
  • 2022: Saskatchewan Multicultural Leadership Award from the Multicultural Council of Saskatchewan, Canada
  • 2022: Awarded 2022 YWCA Nutrien Women of Distinction Award (Category: Research, The Science & Technology), Canada
  • 2022: Recognized as one of the Top 50 finalists of the Canadian Immigrant Awards, Canada
  • 2020: Recognized as 1 of 100 outstanding women nurse and midwife leaders from around the world by Women in Global Health (WGH) in partnership with World Health Organization, International Council of Nurses, International Confederation of Midwives, United Nations Population Fund, and Nursing Now
  • 2020: Emerging Nurse Researcher/Scholar Award from Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, USA   
  • 2019: Nila Cushman Memorial Graduate Scholarship from the University of Alberta, Canada
  • 2018: Dr. Christine Newburn-Cook International Graduate Award in Nursing from the University of Alberta, Canada
  • 2018: Andrew Stewart Memorial Graduate Prize from the University of Alberta, Canada
  • 2017: Janeetta MacPhail Award from the University of Alberta, Canada
  • 2016: Alice R Thomas & Bryan Compbell-Hope International Graduate Scholarship in Nursing from the University of Alberta, Canada
  • 2016: Dorothy J Killam Memorial Graduate Prize (awarded to top 4 most outstanding Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship Recipients) from the University of Alberta, Canada
  • 2016: President’s Doctoral Prize of Distinction from the University of Alberta, Canada
  • 2016-2019: Vanier Graduate Scholarship Award (CIHR) from the Government of Canada
  • 2016-2018: Honorary Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship from the University of Alberta, Canada
  • 2016: Helen E Penhale Graduate Research Travel Award from the University of Alberta, Canada
  • 2015: Isobel Secord Graduate Scholarship Award from the University of Alberta, Canada
  • 2015: Doctoral Recruitment Scholarship Award from the University of Alberta, Canada
  • 2015: Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Award from Aga Khan Foundation, Geneva
  • 2012: Trudi Szallasi Memorial Scholarship Award from Health-e-learning: Institute of Human Lactation, Canada
  • 2012: Omicron Delta Leadership Education Grant from Sigma Theta Tau International, USA
  • 2011: Edith Anderson Leadership Education Grant from Sigma Theta Tau International, USA
  • 2010: Overall distinction in MScN program and thesis distinctions from Aga Khan University, Pakistan
  • 2007: Neonatal Nurse Distinguished Scholarship Award from Academy of Neonatal Nursing, USA
  • 2007: Outstanding Teacher Award from Aga Khan University, Pakistan
  • 2004: Start Laureate Award and Sir Syed Gold Medal from South Asia Publications, Pakistan
  • 2003: Best Graduate Award, Nursing practice award, distinctions, Humanities and Science Award from Aga Khan University, Pakistan

Recognition in Print/Social Media (Selected):