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  5. Cheryl Pollard RPN, RN, ANEF, PhD

Cheryl Pollard RPN, RN, ANEF, PhD

Profile image for Cheryl Pollard RPN, RN, ANEF, PhD
Dean, Faculty of Nursing
Regina Campus

Contact Info

Research and Innovation Centre, Room 508

Research Interests

  • Mental Health
  • Relational Ethics
  • Caregivers
  • Intersectionality
  • Interpretive Visual Inquiry
  • Leadership
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Dr. Cheryl Pollard is an active scholar and researcher committed to the promotion of mental health and well-being in people who personally live with mental illness and their caregivers. Cheryl is a member of the "Hallway Group" of the Mental Health Commission of Canada and is working on projects related to identifying and removing structural barriers. As a professor within the Faculty of Nursing, her passion about the scholarship of teaching and learning - specifically the impact of the relationships within the learning environment will bring more attention to the importance of being kind and compassionate to one another.  The National League of Nursing has recognized Dr. Pollard’s enduring and substantial contributions to nursing education by inducting her as a Fellow into the Academy of Nursing Education. Being born and raised on the prairies by a Metis father and a non-indigenous mother, Cheryl was taught that it is an inherent responsibility to connect and contribute.


  • PhD, Nursing, University of Alberta
  • MN, University of Alberta
  • BScN, University of Alberta
  • Dip, Psychiatric Nursing, Ponoka School of Nursing

Current Teaching

  • Supervision of graduate students

Recent Grants, Awards and Scholarships

Peer Reviewed Grants and Awards

  •  2020 Planning Spread and Scale: Health Workforce support Family Caregivers of Older People, Canadian Institutes of Health Research Planning and Dissemination Grants – ICS (2020-03-17) ($20,000) (Principle Applicant)

  • 2019-2021 Caregiver-Centered Care: Competency – Based Education for the Health Workforce ($50,000) (Co-investigator). Funded by the Centre for Aging + Brain Health Innovation SPARK Program

  • 2019-2021 Caregiver-Centered Care for Family Caregivers of Clients with Dementia: Competency-based Education for the Health Workforce ($74,326) (Co-investigator). Funded by Alberta Health Services – Community Innovation Grant initiative for People Affected by Dementia

  • 2018 The Conundrum of Learning to Work with Older People: Nursing Students’ Perspectives, Federally funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada ($67,400) (Co-Investigator)

  • 2018 Health Workforce Education and Training Resources to Recognize and Support Family Caregivers of Seniors in Care Federally. Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research ($18,000) (Co-Investigator)


Refereed Articles, Papers, Books or Chapters

Parmar, J., L’Heureux, T., Anderson, S., Duggleby, W., Pollard, C., Poole, L., Charles, L., Sonnenberg, L., Leslie, M., McGhan, G., Huhn, A., Sereda, S., Marion, C., Tarnowski, G., Mah, J., Melenberg, D., Weir, C., Pooler, C., MacLachlan, N., Bremault-Phillips, S., Tian, P., Sacrey, L. (in press). Optimizing the Integration of Family Caregivers in the Delivery of Person-Centered Care: Evaluation of an Educational Program for the Healthcare Workforce. BMC Health Services Research. Ref: Submission ID a545bee1-4035-4df0-898e-01a3cf89e4f8

Mckendrick, L., Pollard, C., Heuver, T., & Barrington-Moss, G. (2021). Mental Health Literacy: An Essential Tool for Caring Post-Secondary Educators, International Journal for Human Caring, 25(3), 186-193. Doi:10.20467/HumanCaring-D-20-00035.

Parmar, J., Anderson, S., Duggleby, W., Holroyd-Leduc, J., & Pollard, C. (2021). Developing Person-Centered Care Competencies for the Healthcare Workforce to Support Family Caregivers: Caregiver Centered Care. Health & Social Care in the Community, 29, 1327-1338. Doi: 10.1111/hsc.13173.

Dahlke, S., Davidson, S., Kalogirou, M., Swoboda, N., Hunter, H., Pollard, C., Fox, M., Baumbusch, J., &  Salyers, V. (2020). Nursing students and faculty’s perspectives about how students are learning to work with older people. Nursing Education Today, 93, available on-line. doi: 10.1016/j.nedt.2020.104537

Pollard, C., McKendrick-Calder, L. Shumka, C., McDonald, M. & Carlson, S. (2019). Managing Student Workload in Clinical Simulation: A Mindfulness-Based Intervention. British Medical Journal Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning. Published online

Pollard, C., McKendrick-Calder, L. Shumka, C., McDonald, M. & Carlson, S. (2019). Managing Student Workload in Clinical Simulation: A Mindfulness-Based Intervention. British Medical Journal Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning. Published online first: 19 December 2019. doi: 10.1136/bmjstel-2019-000499

Dahlke, S., Davidson, S., Wisnesky, U., Kalogirou, M., Salyers, V., Pollard, C., Fox, M., & Hunter, K., Baumbusch, J. (2019). Nursing students’ perceptions about older people. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 16(1), 1-10, doi: 10.1515/ijnes-2019-0051

McKendrick-Calder, L., Pollard, C., Shumka, C., McDonald, M., Carlson, S., & Winton, S. (2019). Mindful moments: Enhancing deliberate practice in simulation learning. Journal of Nursing Education, 58(7), 431. doi: 10.3928/01484834-20190614-09

Steuber, P., & Pollard, C. (2018). Building a therapeutic relationship: How much is too much self-disclosure? International Journal of Caring Sciences, 11(2), 651-657. Retrieved from  

Non-Refereed Articles, Papers, Books or Chapters

Pollard, C. (2016). Psychiatric/Mental Health Test Questions. Contributor for Billings, D. & Hensel (Eds.). Lippincott Q&A review for NCLEX-RN. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.

Pollard, C. (2011). Reel nursing: Psychiatric nursing care in film. Saarbrucken, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.

Conference Presentations and Invited Academic Lectures

Parmar, J., Melenberg, D., Tarnowski, G., McGhan, G., Leslie, M., Sonnenberg, L. K., Charles, L., Pollard, C., Anderson, S., & L'Heureux, T. (April 7-9, 2022). Engaging Multi-level Interdisciplinary Stakeholders in Co-design of Competency-Based Education: Stepping towards integrated supports for family caregivers. (Poster Presentation) Canadian Geriatrics Society 41st Annual Scientific Conference (Virtual). (Peer Reviewed).

Parmar, J., Poole, L., Anderson, S.D.,  Duggleby, W. , Holroyd-Leduc, J., Bremault-Phillips, S., Pollard, C., Charles, L., & Haq, A. (July 26-30 2020). Co-Designing Caregiver-Centered Care Health Workforce Competencies and Training: Making the Leap to Support Family Caregivers of People living with Dementia.  (Oral Presentation) Alzheimer's Association International Conference 2020 Amsterdam (Virtual). (Peer Reviewed)

Parmar, J.; Poole, L., Anderson, S.D., Duggleby, W., Holroyd-Leduc, J., Bremault-Phillips, S., Pollard, C., Charles, L., & Haq, A. (July 26 -30 2020). Caregiver-Centered Care Health Workforce Competencies: Taking Steps to Support Family Caregivers of People living with Dementia throughout the Care Trajectory. (Poster Presentation) Alzheimer's Association International Conference 2020 Amsterdam (Virtual). (Peer Reviewed)

Anderson, S.D., Poole, L., Parmar, J., Duggleby, W., Holroyd-Leduc, J., Bremault-Phillips, S., Pollard, C., Charles, L., &  Haq, A.( May 11-13, 2020). Engaging Multi-Level Interdisciplinary Stakeholders Including Family Caregivers in Experience Based Co-Design of Caregiver-Centered Care Education for the Health Workforce. (Oral Presentation) Alberta SPOR SUPPORT Unit - Summer Institute 2020 Beyond Research: Transforming Health Systems, Calgary. (Conference postponed due to COVID). (Peer Reviewed)

Heuver, T., Pollard, C., McKendrick-Calder, L., & Barrington-Moss, G. (2020, April 27). Supporting Student Mental Health: Are Educators Prepared for the Challenge? (Poster presentation). 8th International Nurse Education Conference, Sitges, Spain. (Conference postponed due to COVID). (Peer Reviewed)

Parmar, J., Poole, L., Anderson, S.D., Duggleby, W., Holroyd-Leduc, J., Bremault-Phillips, S., Pollard, C., Janzen, W., Muller, V., & Haq, A. (2020, April). Validating the Health Workforce Core Competencies to Support Family Caregivers of Older Adults, (poster) Canadian Geriatrics Society 40th Annual Scientific Meeting Calgary, Alberta Canada. (Conference postponed due to COVID).  (Peer Reviewed)

Parmar, J., Poole, L., Anderson, S.D., Duggleby, W., Holroyd-Leduc, J., Bremault-Phillips, S., Pollard, C., Janzen, W., Muller, V., & Haq, A. (2020, March 6). Stakeholder Engagement: Developing an Innovative Population Heath Approach to Support Family Caregivers of Older Adults. (poster, selected for Poster Showcase) What’s Up Doc? Family Medicine Summit Banff, AB, Canada (Peer Reviewed)

Parmar, J., Anderson, S.D., Duggleby, W., Holroyd-Leduc, J., Bremault-Phillips, S., Pollard, C., Charles, L., & Haq, A. (2020, March 6).  Co-designing caregiver-centered care health workforce competencies and training: Making the leap to support all Alberta family caregivers. Poster presentation and brief presentation at What’s Up Doc? Family Medicine Summit, Banff, AB, Canada. (Peer Reviewed). *Reviewers Choice Award – Alberta College of Family Physicians* (Peer Reviewed)

Anderson, S., Parmar, J., Pollard, C., Haq, A, & Muller, V. (2020, February 13).  Caregiver-Centered Care: Supporting Family Caregivers.  Poster presentation at Covenant Health Research Day: Advancements in Dementia: Causation, Treatment and Care for this Vulnerable Population, Edmonton, AB, Canada. (Peer Reviewed).

Heuver, T., Pollard, C., McKendrick-Calder, L., & Barrington Moss, G. (October 28-29, 2019). Supporting employee and workplace readiness. Poster presentation at the Canadian Mental Health Association of Alberta: Alberta Working Stronger 2019 Conference, Edmonton, Alberta. (Peer Reviewed)

Heuver, T., McKendrick-Calder, L., Pollard, C., & Barrington-Moss, G. (2019, October 28-29). Supporting employee and workplace wellness. Poster presentation at Working Stronger – Workplace Mental Health Conference, Edmonton, AB, Canada. (Peer Reviewed).

Dahlke, S., Davidson, S., Kalogirou, M., Swoboda, N., Hunter, H., Pollard, C., Salyers, V., Fox, M., & Baumbusch, J. (2019, October 25). Nursing students and faculty’s perspectives about how students are learning to work with older people. Oral presentation at International Institute for Qualitative Methodology: Qualitative health Research Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. (Peer Reviewed).

King, S., Pollard, C., Homer, M., Shumka, C., & Violato, E. (2019, October 23).  Long term impact of an interprofessional simulation day. Oral presentation at Collaborating Across Borders VII Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. (Peer Reviewed).

Current Research

  • Intersection of Faculty and Student Mental Health: Pilot Project (Co-Investigator) 
The purpose of this pilot is to prepare for a larger study investigating occupational hazards within post-secondary institutions.
  • Calming Conditions: Teaching Undergraduate Students with Anxiety (Co-Investigator)
This is a multi-phasic research program that explores undergraduate student stressors, such as personal, academic and practice-related, and the impact on mental health.