Student Resources
Student Program Centre
Come and See Us
Navigating your university experience is not always easy. That’s why our Student Program Centre (SPC) staff work with departments across campus to ensure that you get the help you need to chose the path that fits and have the supports to thrive in your studies. If you have questions outside your program area, we can help. The SPC is open Monday through Friday 8:15 a.m.-Noon and 1 p.m.-4:30 p.m. We’re located in the Riddell Centre - RC 267.
Do you want to figure out how to add a minor to your degree, or do a double major? Are you experiencing academic challenges or having problems in a course? Do you need information about seeking a deferral? Our Academic Program Coordinator can link you to other resources at the University that will assist you. Whatever question you have, we will point you in the right direction.
If you have declared your major, consult with your department for program advising. We’re here to help.
Zoom Drop-in
The SPC will be offering Zoom Drop-in Advising Monday afternoons from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. for the Fall 2024 and Winter 2025 semesters. Simply download the Zoom app or access the Zoom website ( and use the Zoom room code:
- Meeting ID: 963 8800 7123
- Password: MAPZoom
A virtual waiting room will be utilized for privacy reasons and students will be able to speak with an advisor on a first-come, first-served basis. We attempt to meet with every student who joins the waiting room.
Academic Integrity Hub
Program Advising
Have Questions? We Can Help
If you have general questions, or are undecided about your major, come see our Academic Program Coordinator. They provide one-on-one program advising through the Student Program Centre to help you reach your educational and career goals.
The Academic Program Coordinator can explain the various programs offered in the Faculty of Media, Art, and Performance, along with the general academic requirements for each program. We’ll help you find the program that’s right for you.
To make an appointment, contact:
Student Program Centre
RC 267
Note: your scheduled program advising appointment is time set aside just for you. If you are not able to attend your appointment, please contact the Student Program Centre to cancel, so that the time can be made available to other students.
Before Your Appointment
- Do your research. Check the Undergraduate Calendar (PDF) and the Registrar’s Office.
- Check if there are any dates and deadlines related to your questions.
- Bring your laptop or notebook so that you can take notes during your appointment.
During Your Appointment
- Let the Academic Program Coordinator know as much as possible about why you are meeting with them. The more they know about your situation, the more they can help you.
- We recommend that you write down suggestions or ideas that the Academic Program Coordinator offers, so that you can refer to them later.
Purchase and Rent Items
Visit the UR Marketplace, where students and community members can purchase MAP items, rent instruments, buy MAP clothing, and register for events. Students can complete the MAP Key and Fob Fillable Form for fob purchases and key rentals.
- MAP Key and Fob Fillable Form (PDF)
- Department of Visual Arts Online Store
- Department of Music Online Store
- MAP Clothing Online Store
Look great and stay warm all day in some Media, Art, and Performance merchandise!