Reporting an Incident/Near Miss/Safety Concern
Incident/Near Miss/Safety Concern Form
Regardless of injury, an incident should be reported within 24 hours. When you report an incident to Health and Safety, we have an opportunity to review what happened, how and why it happened, and to identify the root cause in order to prevent similiar incidents from occurring.
A near miss is a potential hazard or incident where there was no damage to property and/or no personal injury, however, given slight shift in time or position, had the potential to do so. When you report a near miss to Health and Safety, this information allows us to investigate the near miss to target interventions that address the root cause and to implement preventative measures to ensure a similar situation does not occur.
By reporting a safety concern to Health and Safety, you provide us with an opportunity to identify a potential hazard and to take corrective action in order to prevent an accident or injury.
By submitting an Incident/Near Miss/Safety Concern Form, you are doing your part to promote a positive safety culture for the University of Regina and its commitment to legal compliance.
What are examples of Incidents I should report?
- Any chemical spill in a public area
- Any chemical spill which requires the assistance of the chemical spill response team
- Slips, trips or falls which are caused by external factors (loose tiles, extension cords)
- Injuries caused by work setup – lifting or pushing loads, injuries caused by computer desk setup or by equipment at work
- Any lab incident which requires the use of the eyewash or shower
- Any explosion in a laboratory
- Workplace violence or threats of violence
- Disturbance of asbestos-containing ceiling tiles
- Exposure to hazardous chemicals, either known or suspected
- Gas leak
- Discharge of a fire extinguisher
What are examples of Incidents I should not report?
- Routine building maintenance issues ie: burned out lights, fume hoods not working. These are reported to Work Control through FAMIS.
- Break and enter and/or theft, or attempts. These should be reported immediately to Protective Services (306-585-4999). If theft or damage to hazardous materials is suspected, Health and Safety should also be notified (306-337-2370).
What if an Incident results in an injury?
- Paid employees must notify their supervisor or manager (see Information for Employees, Supervisors, and Managers section below). Eligible employees who sustain an injury due to a work-related incident which causes a need for medical treatment and/or time away from work should report their injury to the Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board.
- If a student sustains an injury, they must notifiy their instructor as soon as possible.
Information for Employees, Supervisors, and Managers
If an employee sustains an injury while at work:
- If immediate medical attention is required, call 911. Do not transport the injured person(s) to the hospital; call 911 for an ambulance. Otherwise, seek medical attention as required.
- Employees must report the incident to their supervisor immediately or as soon as possible.
- The supervisor must call Protective Services (306-585-4999).
- Following a serious incident, do not alter the scene without contacting AND receiving approval from the Health and Safety Manager, Human Resources (306-585-4776). This is important to ensure the integrity of the investigation scene and reported incident.
- The employee must report capabilities to their supervisor and continue to provide further written medical information to the Healthy Workplace Advisor (Human Resources). For privacy reasons, do not retain copies of the Incident Report or other documents in the unit office.
- If the employee is absent from work, the employee must report regularaly to their supervisor/manager regarding their return to work date and/or changes that may be required to their work schedule. To ensure a safe return to work, an employee must email medical evidence of capability to the Healthy Workplace Advisor (Human Resources) or call 306-337-3269.