
Dr. Valerie Triggs

Profile image for Valerie Triggs
Co-editor of in education Journal
Professor - Arts Education, Visual Arts Education

Contact Info

Office: 306-585-5275
ED 335

Research Interests

Dr. Triggs’ research interests focuses on the ecological impacts of art and aesthetic practice in extending classically scientific modes of research and pedagogies. In particular, her study concentrates on potential for educational practice and human adaptability that is generated when sociopolitical and cultural awareness appreciate a broader empiricism, one that includes human responsiveness to aesthetic realities which may be felt but are not directly accessible as sense data and rational understanding. Other areas of research include affect theory, diffractive methods, a/r/tographic research, new materialisms, curriculum in the Anthropocene, and the field experience in initial teacher education.

Academic Qualifications

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Centre for Cross-Faculty Inquiry, The University of British Columbia, November, 2012.
  • Masters Degree in Education, Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy, The University of British Columbia, April 2004.
  • Bachelor of Education, University of Regina, April 1993.

Current Funded Research Projects

Irwin, R. L. (UBC) Principal Investigator.

University Partners: Alexandra Lasczik (Southern Cross, Australia), Anita Sinner (Concordia), Joaquin Roldan (Universidad de Granada), Jun Hu (Hangzhou Normal University), Koichi Kasahara, (Tokyo Gakugei University), Ricardo Viadel (Universidad de Granada), Valerie Triggs (University of Regina)

SSHRC Partnership Development Grant 2018-2020

Project: Mapping A/r/tography: Transnational Storytelling across Historical and Cultural Routes of Significance (Funded for $200,000)


Triggs, V. (2018). Currere: Negotiating one’s failure to represent (in press),In E. Lyle (Ed.). The negotiated self: Employing reflexive inquiry to explore teacher identity. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

Carter, M., Triggs, V. (Eds.) (2018). Arts Education and Curriculum Studies: The Contributions of Rita L. Irwin. (Series Ed. William Pinar). NY: Routledge.

Triggs, V. (2018). Gatherings. In Eds. M. Carter, V. Triggs & W.  Pinar, Arts Education and Curriculum Studies: The Contributions of Rita L. Irwin, NY: Routledge.

Triggs, V. & Irwin, R. L. (Invited chapter, in press). Pedagogy: The a/r/tographic invitation. In Eds. E. Hall & N. Meager, International Encyclopedia of Art and Design Education. NY: Wiley

Triggs, V., Irwin, R. L. & O’Donoghue, D. (Invited translated reprint [Turkish], in press). Following a/r/tography in practice: From possibility to potential. In S. Duygu, B. Eristi, & R. L. Irwin, A/r/tografi: Uygulama Tabanlı Araştırma Yöntemi. Ankara, Turkey: PEGEM (SSHRC funded)

Triggs, V., Irwin, R. L. & O’Donoghue, D. (Invited translated reprint [Japanese], in press). Following a/r/tography in practice: From possibility to potential. In In (Ed.) K. Kasahara A/r/tography: A Practice Based Research Methodology. Kyoto, Japan: Kitaohji Shobo. (SSHRC funded).

Sorensen, M. & Triggs, V. (2017). Practicing the Rock: Field experience and diffractive thinking.[English; abstract I Portugese]. Revista Vis: Revista do Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Arte 16(2), 2017.

Carter, M., Triggs, V. & Irwin, R. L. (2016). [Invited article]. Interlude: Mentoring co-existence. Visual Inquiry 5(3), 461-464.

Triggs, V., Irwin, R. L. & Leggo, C. (2016). [Invited reprint]. Walking art: Sustaining ourselves as arts educators. In Eds. T. Jokela & G. Coutts. Relate North: Art, heritage & identity. Arctic Research Network, University of Lapland, pp. 140-157 (originally published in Visual Inquiry: Learning and Teaching Art 3(1), 21-34.

Triggs, V. (2015). Art as ecological practice. In Ed. S. Schonmann. The wisdom of the many: Key issues in arts education. International yearbook for research in arts education (3)2015. Münster, Germany: Waxmann. pp.159-163.

Triggs, V. (2015). Qualities of liminality: Teacher education in a moving world. International Journal of Art Education 13(2), National Taiwan Arts Education Centre. 103-154. [Printed in both English and Mandarin Chinese].

Triggs, V., Irwin, R. L., & Leggo, C. (2014). Walking art: Sustaining ourselves as arts educators. Visual Inquiry: Learning and Teaching Art 3(1), 21-34, Intellect, Ltd.

Clarke, A., Triggs, V., Nielsen, W. (2014). Cooperating teacher participation in teacher education. Review of Educational Research June 2014, 84(2), 163-202. (SSHRC funded).

Triggs, V., Irwin, R. L. & O’Donoghue, D. (2014). Invited chapter. Following a/r/tography in practice: From possibility to potential. In Eds. K. Miraglia, & C. Smila, Inquiry in Action: Research methodologies in art education. (pp. 253-264). Reston, VA:  NAEA. (SSHRC funded).

Armstrong, L., Bickel, B., Fels, L., Gerhard, G. Hoy, A., Jordan, N., Nielsen, W., Smith, A. Stubbs, J. & Triggs, V. (Authorship and ownership is shared equally among all authors). (2014). Learning wisdom through collectivity: The women writing women collective. NASPA Journal about Women in Higher Education, 7(1) doi: 10.1515/njawhe-2014-0002.

Triggs, V. (2013). Congratulation Note. Of Land & Living Skies: A Community Journal on Place, Land and Learning, Winter 2013, p. 3.

Clarke, A., Collins, J., Triggs ,V.,  & Nielsen, W. (2012). The Mentoring Profile Inventory: an online professional development resource for cooperating teachers. Teaching Education, 23(2), 167-194. (SSHRC funded).

Triggs, V. (2011). Features of place making curriculum. Curriculum Inquiry 41(1), 156-160.

Nielsen, W., Triggs, V., Clarke, T. & J. Collins. (2011). The teacher education conversation: A network of cooperating teachers. Canadian Journal of Education 33(4), 837-868.

Triggs, V., Irwin, R., Beer, R., Grauer, K., Springay, S., Xiong, G., Sameshima, P. (2011). The City of Richgate:  Multiplicity of Movement in Nature, Culture and Public Pedagogy. In Eds. C. McLean, R. Kelly. Creative arts in research for community and cultural change (pp. 211-236). Calgary, AB: Detselig Enterprises Ltd. (SSHRC funded).

Triggs, V., Irwin, R. L., Beer, R., Grauer, K., Springgay, S. & Xiong, G. (2010). The city of Richgate: Decentered public pedagogy. In Eds. J.A. Sandlin, B. O. Schultz & J. Burdick, Handbook of public pedagogy: Education and learning beyond schooling. NY: Routledge, pp. 299-312. (SSHRC funded).

Triggs, V. (2010). On the Problem with Curriculum and Pedagogy: A response. In (Ed.), W. Pinar, Conversations on Curriculum and Pedagogy 2 (March 2010).  EDCP (Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy), UBC. 19-23.

Triggs, V., Irwin, R. L. (with R. Beer, K. Grauer, G. Xiong, S. Springgay and B. Bickel) (2009). Educational arts research as aesthetic politics. Working Papers in Art and Design: An International Journal for Research in Art & Design, 5(The problem of interpretation in the visual and performing arts) (SSHRC funded). Available online:

Triggs, V. (2009). EarthShapes: A place for complexity thinking in teacher learning. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education 13(1), pp 73-91.

Irwin, R.L., Bickel, B., Triggs, V., Springgay, S., Beer, R., Grauer, K., Gu, X., Sameshima, P. (2009). The City of Richgate: A/r/tographic Cartography as Public Pedagogy. International Journal of Art and Design Education (28)1, 61-70. (SSHRC funded).

Triggs, V. (2008). What’s driving educational reform? Complicity: An International Journal of Education and Complexity, 5(1), 165-168.

Women Writing Women Collective (2008).  Evoking desire...and irreverence: A collection of women writing women. Complicity: An International Journal of Education and Complexity, 5(1), 131-140. Available online:

Bickel, B., Triggs, V., Springgay, S., Irwin, R., Grauer, K., Xiong, G., Sameshima, P. (2007). A walking intercorporeal cartography: A/r/tographic inquiry as transformative public pedagogy. Amerasia Journal 33 (2), 115-125. (SSHRC funded).

Triggs, V. (2007). Contextual fabric: Teacher discourse in making local meaning of educational renewal. Educational Insights, 11(3).

Related Teaching and Teacher Education Experience and Courses Taught in the Past

Related Teaching and Teacher Education Experience

  • 2016: to present, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Regina
  • 2012: to 2016, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Regina
  • 2006-2011: Research Assistant, The City of Richgate: Research and creation within community-engaged arts practice; Becoming Pedagogical (SSHRC funded)
  • 2007-2011: Research Assistant, The Teacher Education Conversation: A Network of Cooperating Teachers; The Mentoring Profile Inventory: An online professional development resource for cooperating teachers; A Review of Literature on the Cooperating Teacher. (SSHRC funded)
  • 2004-2006: Curriculum Coordinator, Chinook School Division, SK.
  • 1998- 2004: Curriculum and Resource Based Learning Consultant, Southwest Shared Services, SK.
  • 1997-1998: Teacher, Visual Art, Gr. 7-9; Drama, Gr. 9, E.S. Laird School, Lloydminster, Alberta.
  • 1993-1997: Teacher, English Language Arts, Social Studies, Math, Health, Gr. 8; Visual Art, Gr. 7-11; Science, Social Studies, Gr. 4. Souris Valley School, Souris, Manitoba.

University Courses Taught


  • EVIS 101: An Introduction to Visual Education
  • EVIS 202: Approaches to Teaching Visual Education through Contemporary Issues
  • EVIS 326: Domains and Theories of Instruction
  • EVIS 328: Methods of Teaching an Appreciation of Visual Arts
  • EAES 201: Introduction to Aesthetic Education K-12
  • ECS 498 (EAE 350): Arts Education Curriculum and the Practice of Living Inquiry
  • EDUC 311 (Principles of Teaching), UBC.
  • ARTE 320 (Elementary Art Methods), UBC.



  • ED 920: PhD Seminar in Contemporary Issues in Education
  • ED 890ES: Narrative Research as a Focus for the Study of Arts Education Issues and Ideas.
  • EC&I 871: Mobility and Sustainability: Historical Strategies, Creative Methodologies, and Socially Engaged Practices
  • ED 870 BB: Arts Based Research Methods: A/r/tography
  • EDCP 514: Arts Based Research: A/r/tography (UBC) (TA)


Directed Reading (Graduate):

  • EC&I 890DE: Curriculum Studies and the Practice of Worldliness: Travels between the Subjective and the Social
  • ED 890ES: Narrative Research as a Focus for the Study of Arts Education Issues and Ideas