
Application Help and Tips

We're here to help! Student Awards and Financial Aid handles U of R scholarships, awards, and bursaries, government student financial aid, emergency bursaries, and funding.

SAFA provides:

  • Award application workshops
  • Application tutorial videos and written instructions
  • Support for current and new U of R students

We also have a helpful document that can guide you through how to write your Personal Statement for award applications.

Contact Us

Student Awards and Financial Aid

Office: Administration Humanities, Rm. 108
University of Regina
3737 Wascana Pkwy
Regina, SK
S4S 0A2

Scholarship (SAMS) Workshops

Continuing Award Q&A Sessions

We will be offering Award Application Help Sessions in the Fall term for any U of R students who have specific questions about the award application process.

Please come to one of our Zoom Q&A sessions with your specific questions about your application. If you are unable to attend the workshop dates listed below, please contact us anytime, and we would be happy to assist you with your questions.

Days and Times for Help with Fall Applications - Zoom Drop-Ins:

September 16, 2024 at 10 AM - 12 PM 

September 24, 2024 at 2 PM - 4 PM 

The Fall 2024 Awards Application will be available September 3, 2024 and the deadline is October 1, 2024. If the days and times for these help sessions do not work for you, please contact with your specific questions or stop by our office in Administration-Humanities Building, room 108.

Entrance Award Workshops

Check back for the days and times of the 2025 entrance award workshops!


The entrance award application will open January 15, 2025 and the deadline for applications is March 15, 2025.

Video Tutorials for SAMS

Student sitting on the grass in Wascana Park

How to Create a SAMS Account

In this video, we will show you how to create an account for SAMS, and get started with your awards application.
Campus in the summertime on a beautiful day

How to Use and Filter the Awards Database

This video will show you how to search for awards in SAMS, and sort your results.
Male student working on a laptop computer in the Lab Cafe

How to Complete Your Application

Now that you have found the awards you want to apply for, this video will show you how to complete your application.

Additional Support

Getting Started

These worksheets are designed to give you an overview of SAMS applications and helpful tips and details on options for funding your education.

Scholarship Application Instructions (PDF)

How to Fund Your Education (PDF)

Written Instructions for Using SAMS

These instructions are designed to guide you through the various stages of the application process.
Step 1: Registering in SAMS
Step 2: Searching for Awards
Step 3: Applying for Awards
Step 4: Completing and Submitting your Award Application

Contact Us

Having trouble with your SAMS account? Contact