
James Gacek

Profile image for James Gacek
Associate Department Head
Associate Professor, Department of Justice Studies
PhD in Criminology (University of Edinburgh); MA in Sociology (University of Manitoba); BA in Criminology (University of Manitoba)

Contact Info

CL 331

Research interests

  • corrections and community justice
  • green criminology
  • socio-legal studies of judicial reasoning
  • justice and pedagogy
  • justice and ignorance
  • carceral geography
James Gacek is an Associate Professor in the Department of Justice Studies at the University of Regina. He holds his PhD in Criminology from Edinburgh Law School at the University of Edinburgh. Drawing upon criminology and carceral geography, his PhD project focused upon the regulation of inmates through law, state surveillance and community corrections in the UK. Under the supervision of Professor Rose Ricciardelli, he completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Department of Sociology at Memorial University of Newfoundland.He continues to extensively publish in reviews, journals and international fora, particularly in areas of (1) corrections and community justice; (2) green criminology; and (3) the broader socio-politics of judicial reasoning. With Professor Richard Jochelson, he has recently co-authored Criminal Law and Precrime: Legal Studies in Canadian Punishment and Surveillance in Anticipation of Criminal Guilt (2018, Routledge) and co-edited Sexual Regulation and the Law: A Canadian Perspective (2019, Demeter Press). He is currently the co-editor of the Manitoba Law Journal (RobsonCrim Edition) and continues to peer review submissions for Critical Criminology, Punishment & Society, and The European Journal of Criminology, among others.