Fafard sculpture on a sunny day.

Department of History

We encourage students with a passion for learning and an interest in the past to try out one of our many courses offered every semester. If you would like information about majoring or minoring in History, or in pursuing a History MA, don’t hesitate to stop by or get in touch. We need your perspectives in our classrooms.

We provide advanced humanistic education that equips students with research capabilities, writing skills, analytical methods, and communications skills that are useful in many career paths. Traditionally, historians have worked in closely related institutions such as libraries, archives, and museums, in academic settings as scholars and teachers, and in the media and government.

The Department of History takes pride in our students' success. We are always glad to hear from you.

Honours Program

The BA Honours Program is one that allows more specialization than is possible in the ordinary BA.  It is designed for students who wish a deeper insight and more intensive training in History, and who are able to meet the higher standards set.

However, while the BA Honours Program is intended to be more demanding than the ordinary BA, it does not emphasize original research or specialization to the same extent that the Master's degree does.

As part of the Honours Program a student must either take a two-semester Honours directed studies course or write an Honours Essay.  In either case there will be an oral examination at the end of the second semester.

Contact Us

Department of History

University of Regina
Administrative Humanities Building 345
3737 Wascana Parkway
Regina SK S4S 0A2
Phone: 306-585-4209

Department Head

Dr. Philip Charrier

Graduate Coordinator

Dr. Robin Ganev

Honours Student Coordinator

Dr. Maris Rowe-McCulloch

Graduate Studies

Poster about MA in History
March 31, 2025 Applications Due
5 Courses + Thesis
1 Year to Complete
The Graduate Program in History at the University of Regina is structured to foster intensive examination of particular topics from a variety of approaches, including political history, social history, economic history, cultural history, military history, and gender history. Long known for its strength in Western Canadian history, other areas of expertise include Canadian, American, Latin American, European, Asian, British, and Ancient History. Our mission is to promote excellence in graduate education and research, to recruit the best possible students into our programs, and to create the basis for a challenging and rewarding graduate student experience at the University.

Students' Historical Society

The Students' Historical Society (SHS) is a group designed to bring students interested in history together. Please contact the Students' Historical Society if you are interested in joining.

Email the Department of History

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