Email For Life
Alumni can receive a permanent University of Regina email address - for life! Those who are recent U of R graduates can continue to use the same email address they had as a student. No matter where your new career takes you, or how many times you have to move...you won't have to change your email address! Never lose track of old friends as they'll always know how to reach you!
Requests to obtain "Email for Life" are processed within approximately 30 working days of the request date. The University will contact all new subscribers when their e-mail account becomes active. If you already have an email account and would like to access it, click here.
The University of Regina respects your privacy. We protect your personal information and adhere to all legislative requirements. We do not sell, rent or exchange the personal information we collect with anyone. The information you provide will be used to keep you informed about our services, special events, fundraising programs, and other activities through periodic contact. If you do not wish your name to be used, please contact us and we will gladly accommodate your request.
Privacy matters are governed by the University of Regina’s privacy policy. Please see GOV-060-005 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy for more details.
You can also contact us with any questions or concerns about your personal record by calling 1-877-779-4723, by sending an e-mail to uralumni@uregina.ca, or by sending a letter to Alumni Relations, University of Regina, 3737 Wascana Parkway, Regina, Saskatchewan, S4S 0A2.