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Faculty of Kinesiology

Application Information +


1. Submit Your Online Application

The online application takes about 30 minutes to complete. To start an application, you will first need to create your unique user account. Ensure that you remember the email and password you use to create your account as you will need it for verification.

Once your account is created, you can start an application! Carefully follow the instructions on each page of the application and submit. After your application has been submitted and you log in to your account, you will be taken to your Student Application Portal.


2. Upload Your Supporting Documents

In your Student Application Portal, you can see your application status, upload supporting documents, pay your application fee, and more. Review your checklist in your Student Application Portal and upload any required supporting documents. This may include:

High School Transcripts

  • High School graduates will need to submit a copy of their final high school transcripts.
  • Students who have completed the IB curriculum will need to order their official transcripts directly from IB and request to have them submitted to the U of R.
  • If you are currently completing your grade 12 year, you can apply for early conditional admission. You will need to provide final transcripts for all high school courses that you have already completed, and a list of your current and future courses if applicable. Students who are granted early conditional admission are still required to meet the final admission requirements for their faculty and will need to submit their final transcripts once all high school courses are completed.

Copy of Your Passport

  • We require a copy of your passport to verify your identity.

English Language Proficiency Test

  • All students need to meet our English Language Proficiency (ELP) requirements, either through an approved test or previous education experience in certain countries. If you do not meet our ELP requirements yet, we can still issue a conditional letter of acceptance if you meet our academic requirements.

Original and official documents will be required once you arrive in Regina. Please be sure to provide a certified English translation for all documents.


3. Pay Your Application Fee

Please pay your $100.00 CAD application fee through your Student Application Portal payment link. You can pay by credit card or Flywire.

International Enrolment Services will review your application after receiving all supporting documents and your application fee. Once a decision has been made on your application, you will receive an email notification to log in to your Student Application Portal and view your decision letter.


Country-Specific High School Documents

Countries Not Listed

High School Transcript (Year 10, 11, & 12)


Baccalaureat de l'Enseignement Secondaire


Senior Secondary School Diploma & Transcript of Marks


Certificate of Complete Secondary Education (Tam Orta Tahsil Haqqinda Attestation)


Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE) and one of:
  • A-Level
  • Successful completion of first year of an academic program at an accredited post-secondary institution 


Secondary School Certificate (SSC)and Higher Secondary School (HSC)


Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education


Certificado de Ensino Medio/Certificado de Conclusao de Segundo Grau


Diplome d'Etat


GCE O and A levels (Anglophone system) or Baccalauréat (Francophone system)


If you have Canadian credentials in addition to international credentials, refer to Domestic Admissions.


Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and Carribean Advanced Proficiency Exam (CAPE)


School/Senior Middle School Diploma, Transcript (Year 10, 11 & 12), and Joint Graduation Examination, 会考


Título de Bachiller Académico or Bachillerato (Baccalaureate)


Svjedodzba o maturi/Svjedodzba o drzavnog maturi (Matura Certificate/State Matura Certificate - Gymnasiums)

Czech Republic

Maturitni Vysvedceni or Gymnázium


Titulo de Bachiller en Humanidades/Ciencia


General Secondary Education Certificate. Al-Azhar Secondary Education Certificate


Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate (ESLC) awarded until 2003, Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination (EHEEE)


Baccalaureat General (Lycée d'Enseignement général)




Zeugniz der Allgemeinen Hochschulreife/Arbitur/Fachhochschulreife




Upper Secondary General Lyceum (γενικό λύκειο - geniko lykeio)


Titulo de Bachiller Cientifico Humanista


Higher Secondary Certificate, Standard 12, Intermediate Examination, or Senior Secondary School Examination


Diploma-General/Islamic Senior Secondary School (Ijazah-Sekolah Menengah Atas/Madrasah Aliyah, or SMA/MA, since 2004), or Senior Secondary Certificate (Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar/Sekolah Menengah Unum Tingkat Atas or STTB/MA, pre-2004)


Upper Secondary or Pre-University (pre-2019)


Sixth Form Baccalaureate (Adadiyah) or Preparatory Certificate (Al-Shahada Al-Idadya), or Preparatory Baccalaureate Certificate (Shahadet Al-Bakaloria Al-Idadya).


Maturity Diploma (Diploma di Esame di Stato), or Diploma of State Examination (Diploma di Esame di Stato, since 1999)


Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate (高等学校退学証明書)


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)


General Secondary Diploma or Certificate (Lebanese Baccalaureate or Baccalauréat Libanais, since 1991) or Baccalauréat II (pre-1991)




Secondary Education Certificate


Brandos Atestatas (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)


Malawi School Certificate of Education


Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) or United Examination Certificate for Independent Chinese Schools in Malaysia (UEC)


Cambridge Higher School Certificate (GCE O and A Level Results)


Baccalaureate Certificate (Certificado de Bachillerato or Bachillerato General) or Title of Baccalaureate (Diploma de Bachiller or Título Académico de Bachiller)


Attestation du Baccalaureat


School Leaving Certificate Examination (SLCE, Grade XI & XII, since 2016) or Higher Secondary Education Board Examination (pre-2016)


Hoger Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwijs (HAVO) Diploma or Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (VWO) (Gymnasium A/B and Atheneum A/B) Diploma

New Zealand

Higher School Certificate NCEA Level 3 or Level 2




Vitnemal for videregaende opplaering (Leaving Certificate from Upper Secondary School)


Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC), Intermediate Certificate, or Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC)


Diploma de Bachiller


High School Diploma (Grade 12), since 2018. Prior to 2018, or High School Diploma (Grade 10), plus 2 years of approved post-secondary studies.


Certificate of Completion from a General Lyceum (Świadectwo ukończenia Liceum Ogólnokształcącego)


Certificado de Fim de Estudos Secundárias or Certificado Nível Secundário de Educação


Baccalaureate Diploma


Ordinary Level National Examination (O Level) and Advanced General Certificate of Secondary Education (A Level)

Saudi Arabia

General Secondary Education Certificate


Diploma of Completed Secondary Education (Диплома о стеченом средњем образовању / Diploma o stečenom srednjem obrazovanju)

Sierra Leone



Certificate of Maturity Examination from a gymnázium (Vysvedčenie o Maturitnej Skúške / Maturitné Vysvedčenie)


Maturitetno spricevalo (Matura Certificate)

South Africa

National Senior Certificate


Bachillerato/Titulo de Bachiller

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka General Certificate of Education (O and A Levels)


Gymnasieskola (pre-2011) or Högskoleförberedande Examen Higher Education (since 2011).


General Secondary Certificate


Certificate of Secondary Education (Maw 6 or Matayom 6)


Lise Diplomasi (High School Diploma)


Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE-A Level) and Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE-O Level)

United Arab Emirates

General Secondary Education Certificate

United Kingdom

General Certificate of Secondary Education (GSCE, or O-levels) and General Certificate of Education (GCE, or A-levels). Currently, students with the following will be accepted:
• Minimum of two Advanced Level (A-level) passes and three GCSE or IGCSE Ordinary Level (O-level) passes
• Courses taken at the Advanced Subsidiary level (AS) will also be considered
• AS/A levels – minimum grade ‘E’ is acceptable for admission purposes
• O levels – minimum grade ‘C’ or 4 is acceptable for admission purposes

United States of America

High School Graduation Diploma


Upper Secondary School Graduation Diploma (Bằng Tốt nghiệp Trung học Phổ thông)


General Secondary Education Certificate (Shahadat Al-Thanawaya Al-Aama)

Required Courses for Kinesiology +

  • One Language Arts Course
  • Math
  • One Language, Math, Science, or Social Science course
  • One additional course in an approved academic subject

Bachelor of Kinesiology, all majors: Pre-Calculus Math and one of Biology, Chemistry, or Physics required

Joint Programs must meet requirements of both faculties.

Note: courses listed above must be at the grade 12 level (or equivalent).

Additional Information +

70% average required

Applicants will be admitted as a Kinesiology Qualifying student if they:

  1. are missing one subject used for final admission, and/or
  2. have an admission average that is between 65-69.99%.

Bachelor of Health Studies: The Bachelor of Health Studies is a joint degree between the Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies and the Faculty of Arts - applicants must meet the admission requirements for the Faculty of Arts.

Application and Document Deadlines +

Application deadlines:
Fall term – August 15 (subject to change based on application volume)
Winter term – December 15 (subject to change based on application volume)
Spring/Summer term – April 15 (subject to change based on application volume)

Final official transcript deadline for conditionally admitted students: last day to add courses in all terms.

We recommend that students apply at least three months in advance of their intended start date.