
Faculty of Arts

Application Information +

If you are currently completing your Grade 12 year you can apply as a high school student. Your application will be assessed for early conditional admission to your program of choice. This allows students who are still in grade 12 to be conditionally admitted using grade 11 and any grade 12 courses they have completed. Students who are granted early conditional admission are still required to meet the final admission requirements for their program/faculty at the time of graduation.

If you have graduated from high school or completed secondary-level standing, and have not attended any post-secondary institutions, you are also considered a high school student. Your application will be assessed based on high school admission requirements listed below.

When applying during the final year of high school, students can provide an interim grade report and a schedule of current/planned courses via email, fax, or mail. This can be sent directly to the Enrolment Services office from the student or guidance counsellor. This interim/unofficial grade report is used for the early conditional admission calculation.

Official high school final transcripts must be submitted following graduation and by all those applying who have completed high school. This official document is used for the final admission average calculation. Find information on how to order your official transcripts. Official transcripts must come to the University of Regina directly from the issuing institution (Ministry of Education, school board office, etc.) in your province or country (if other than Canada).

English Language Proficiency
The language of instruction at the University of Regina is English. All applicants to the University of Regina must therefore demonstrate an appropriate level of proficiency in the English language, unless they are entering the Baccalaureate en education program, in which case they must meet the French language proficiency requirement. Find information on English language proficiency requirements here.

Early Conditional Admission Requirements +

If you are currently in high school, we can admit you based on Early Conditional Admission Requirements. The admissions team looks at your submitted transcript to see if you have the required classes and averages below, based on your faculty of interest. 

Students applying to Arts, CCE, and Social Work require a 70% average using the five courses below.

Students applying to Education, La cite universitaire francophone, and Media, Art, and Performance require
a 65% average using the five courses below.

1. One English Language Arts or Français Language Arts Course (30S- or 40S-level)
2. One Category A Course (30S- or 40S-level)
3. One Category B Course (30S- or 40S-level)
4. One Additional Course from Category A or B (30S- or 40S-level)
5. One Additional Course from Category A, B, or C* (30S- or 40S-level)

Category A

(Maths & Sciences)

Category B

(Languages & Social Sciences)

Category C

(Other Approved Courses)

Applied Math
Advanced Math 1 & 2
Essential Math**
Interdisciplinary Science
Intro to Calculus & Advanced Math 1
Pre-Calculus Math
American Sign Language
Canadian Law
Chinese (Mandarin)
Current Topics in First Nations, Métis, & Innuit Studies
Economic Principles
ELA (Comprehensive Focus)
ELA (Literary Focus)
ELA (Transactional Focus)
French (Comm. & Culture, Intensive, or IB/AP)
Geography: World Human/Physical
History of Canada
History: American
History: Western Civilization
World of Religions
Accounting Essentials or Systems
Dramatic Arts
Visual Arts


A maximum of two different Math courses can be used (ex: Applied Math and Pre-Calc Math).
Requirements 3, 4, and 5 must be met by different subjects (ex: French 30 and French 40 cannot both be used).
*Nursing does not allow any Category C courses to be used in the average calculation.
**Math courses marked ** cannot be used as the Math course requirement (2.) for Business, Engineering, Kinesiology, Nursing, or Science, but can be used as an additional course (5.). 
***Any grade 11- or 12-level language course may also be used as a Category B course.



Final Admission Requirements +

  • English Language Arts 40S*
  • Three courses from Category A (Maths & Sciences) or Category B (Languages & Social Sciences)
  • One course from Category A (Maths & Sciences),  Category B (Languages & Social Sciences), or Category C (Other Approved Courses)

Students intending to major in Economics require either Applied Math 40S or Pre-Calculus 40S with a minimum grade of 70%.
High school diploma with five academic courses at the 40 level required.

Applicants will be admitted as a Arts Qualifying student if they have an admission average between 60.00-69.99%, but have all of the five subjects required.

* The equivalent grade 12-level French language arts subject may also be used

Additional Information +

70% average required


Approved Courses for Final Admission +

Category A (Maths & Sciences)

Category B (Languages & Social Sciences)

Category C (Other Approved Courses)

Category D (Business Approved Courses)

Advanced Math 1 & 2
Applied Math 40-S
Biology 40-S
Calculus 45-S
Chemistry 40S
Essential Math 40S
Intro to Calculus & Advanced Math 1
Interdisciplinary Topics in Sciences 40S
Physics 40S
Pre-Calculus Math 40S
Science 40S

American Sign Language 40S
Canadian Law 40S
Chinese (Mandarin) 40S
Current Topics in FNMI Studies 40S
Computer Science
Cree Language Arts
Economic Principles 40S
ELA (Literary/Transact/Comp Focus) 40S
Filipino 40S
French: Communication & Culture 40S
Geography: World Human/Physical 40S
Global Issues 40S
German 40S
Hebrew 40S
History: Western Civilization 40S
Italian 40S
Japanese 40S
Latin 40S
Ojibwe 40S
Polish 40S
Psychology 40S
Portuguese 40S
Spanish 40S
Ukrainian 40S
World of Religions 40S

Accounting Systems 40S
Computer Science 40S
Dance 40S
Dramatic Arts 40S
Exercise Science 40S
Financial Literacy 40S
Graphic Arts 40S
Music 40S
Physical Education 40S
Visual Arts 40S

Accounting Systems 40S
Business Management 40S
Economic Principles 40S
Marketing & Digital Commerce 40S
Topics & Trends in Business 40S


  • A maximum of two different math courses can be used in the admission calculation.
  • Any 1-credit AP or IB course can be used in the appropriate category.


Application and Document Deadlines +

For information on how to submit official documents, visit our Approved Documents page

Application deadlines:
Early application deadline for fall term* - March 15
Fall term – August 15
Winter term – December 15
Spring/summer term – One week before the start of classes

Final official transcript deadlines:
Fall term deadline for early conditionally admitted students – August 1
Fall term – August 15
Winter term – January 1
Spring/summer term – May 1

Deadline for off-campus students** – last day to add courses without permission in all terms

* The early application deadline is the recommended deadline to ensure the best course selection options, in addition to the deadline for entrance awards

**Off-campus students are students taking courses through regional colleges or the First Nations University of Canada Prince Albert and Saskatoon campuses