Brad Hornung Accommodations Test Centre
Welcome to the Brad Hornung Accommodations Test Centre (BHATC) at the heart of the University of Regina's main campus. Our center is dedicated to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for students who have been granted exam accommodations through Student Accessibility, and are writing in person at our main campus.
At BHATC, we recognize the importance of equal opportunities in education, and our mission is to provide a centralized space where eligible students can confidently undertake their in-person exams. We understand that each student's journey is unique, and our goal is to ensure a comfortable and conducive atmosphere for their academic success.
Our commitment extends to delivering tailored accommodations that meet the diverse needs of our students during in-person exams. Whether it's access to readers/scribes, the utilization of computers, or the incorporation of assistive technology, we are here to facilitate an environment that empowers every student to showcase their capabilities.
At BHATC, we take pride in being an integral part of the University of Regina's commitment to accessibility and diversity. We invite you to explore the resources and support we offer, and we are here to assist you every step of the way. Your success is our priority, and we look forward to contributing to your academic journey at the University of Regina.
Exam Bookings
- BHATC is currently accepting exam bookings for students with approved accommodations for the current term.
- In order for exam accommodations to be guaranteed, Exams must be booked a minimum of 7 days in advance AND one week before the last day of classes.
- Exam bookings will not be accepted during the Final Exam period. Please ensure that you book your Final Exams well in advance.
- All quizzes, tests, and final exams held on the University of Regina's main campus (excluding those requiring specialized lab space), can be booked at BHATC.
- For invigilation, all exams administered at BHATC are monitored via closed-circuit video surveillance.
Hours of Operation
- Regular hours: Monday to Friday, 8:15 am to 4:30 pm.
- Finals Hours (Fall/Winter Terms only): Monday to Friday, 8:15 am to 10:00 pm; Saturdays, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
- If you have a midterm or quiz outside operating hours, you can coordinate with your instructor to either write the exam on the day of the class or the following day.
Frequently Asked Questions
Students registered with Student Accessibility requiring exam accommodations, taking on-campus, for credit courses, are the primary users of the BHATC.
The exam scheduling process is student-initiated. Students submit their exam booking request through the scheduling software (Accommodate) for the exam date and time as outlined on the course syllabus. Unless discussed with the instructor, students must select the day and time that corresponds with the original class time. If your class time is outside of regular Test Centre operating hours, students must choose to write earlier in the day or the next day.
- In order for exam accommodations to be guaranteed, Exams must be booked a minimum of 7 days in advance AND one week before the last day of classes.
- Exam bookings will not be accepted during the Final Exam period. Please ensure that you book your Final Exams well in advance.
Instructors receive an email notification when a student has submitted an exam booking request. Instructors can approve or decline the requests, make edits to booking requests and upload the exam through the secure scheduling software. Instructors, or a designated proxy, must pick up completed paper exams from the BHATC. ID is required for pick up.
Accommodate software is quite user-friendly. Training content is available on the website as well as in Accommodate under the "Resources" tab. If anyone needs further support, they can contact the BHATC directly.
Quizzes, midterms, final exams and deferred exams for on campus, for credit classes that do not require specialized lab space or software can be written in the BHATC. Students must also be registered with Student Accessibility for exam accommodations. Students taking online courses that have on campus final exams are also able to write those exams in the BHATC.
Currently, the Brad Hornung ATC does not support the following exam accommodations:
- Non-credit course exams
- Exams for online courses, unless the exam is scheduled to be written on campus
- Exams that require software not offered by the Brad Hornung ATC (i.e. language exams)
- Students who are not registered with Student Accessibility
Student Accessibility staff will continue with the in-take process of registering new students for exam accommodations. Please refer to the Student Accessibility webpage for contact information.
If your lab exam requires use of lab space and specialized lab equipment, the BHATC cannot be used to write your lab exam. If your lab exam is a paper exam, you can use the BHATC. Seek clarification from your instructor to be sure.
At this time the BHATC is available for accommodated students registered with Student Accessibility and those students writing Proctortrack exams that do not have access to proper equipment or space to write their exams.
The BHATC is available for deferred exams of accommodated students registered with Student Accessibility.
Saskatoon students will not be able to access the BHATC but may be able to write their exam at the Saskatoon Campus. Students are advised to contact their instructor to make arrangements.
Instructors teaching Faculty of Social Work students should contact Sw.StudentServices@uregina.ca.
Contact Us
139 College West Building
3737 Wascana Parkway, Regina, SK
Office Hours
Monday to Friday – 8:15 am – 4:30 pm
Finals Hours (April 16 - April 29)
Monday to Friday – 8:15 am – 10:00 pm
Saturday – 9:00 am – 5:00 pm