Paskwaw and Wakpa towers in the winter

Inbound FAQ


Can I apply for the University of Regina exchange program if my school does not have an agreement?
No. Your home institution must have an agreement with the University of Regina, or be partnered with a global consortium (ISEP, NSE, CONAHEC, or UMAP).
What is a Visiting Student?

If your school has nominated more people than they are allowed to, then the "extra" nominations have the option to come to the University of Regina as a Visiting Student.

Please be aware that, as a Visiting Student, you will be paying the University of Regina's International Student fees, not your Home Institution's fees.

How do I apply as a Visiting Student?

If your heart is set on coming to the University of Regina, then you'll need to apply to the exchange program as a Visiting Student. Here's how to do that:

  1. Instead of a nomination, you'll need an official Letter of Permission from your Home Institution. "Official" means that the letter is printed on your Home Institution's letterhead.
  2. Apply to the exchange program through the University of Regina's application portal.
  3. Follow the instructions provided to you after your application has been reviewed.
Do I need to submit an official transcript?
No, but we do encourage you to send us an unofficial transcript.
Can I submit documents that are in another language?
English and French are the only languages that we accept documentation in. If your documents are in a different language, please have them translated.
I completed my application and submitted my required documents, but I haven't been accepted yet. Should I reapply?
Please do not reapply for the exchange program. We receive many applications, documents, and emails, and we will process applications in the order that they are received.

Immigration and Travel Documents

Where can I find information about visa and immigration requirements?

Only consult official Government of Canada websites. We recommend visiting the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website.

Important Note: It is your responsibility to stay up-to-date on your immigration documents and status. Maintaining your immigration documents and status is an important part of your stay in Canada and at the University of Regina.


Does the University of Regina offer on-campus housing for exchange students?
Yes! The University of Regina has six (6) residence buildings available for our inbound exchange students. Take a look at Housing Services' website to find out more!
Will I have access to support if I'm living on-campus?
Yes. Housing Services is available 24-hours a day to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.
Will there be activities and events for students living on-campus?
Yes! Housing Services hosts fun events to help you get involved in the community and meet other students who are also living on-campus. In addition to that, the residence buildings have lounge areas that have everything from pool tables to game consoles to study spaces.
I have questions regarding on-campus housing. Who should I contact?

Please contact Housing Services directly with your questions. They can be reached by phone at 306-585-5450 or by email at

Can I live off-campus during my exchange?
Exchange students may live off-campus during their time at the University of Regina, however, finding accommodation, furnishing it, and all costs associated with the off-campus housing are the student's responsibility. The Study Abroad office does not help with finding off-campus accommodation, but we can recommend safe areas to look.
Is there public transit available around campus?
Yes! Regina Transit provides great access to and from the university at affordable rates for our students.

On-Campus Support Services

Will I have access to health care on-campus?

Yes. Exchange Students are University of Regina students! You'll have access to the services and supports that are offered on-campus. The Student Health Clinic is available on-campus, located in Paskwaw Tower, Room 119.

Learn more about on-campus supports and services.

Will I have access to mental health support, if I need it?
Yes. Mental Health and Wellbeing is an important component of your success as a student. The Student Mental Health Clinic is available to provide accessible, evidence-based, and inclusive psychological services to our diverse student community. You can find it in Paskwaw Tower, Room 119.
I have a disability and require special accommodations. Will these be accommodated on campus?
Absolutely! Student Accessibility can work with you to create course accommodations such as extended exam time, reader and scribe services, private rooms for exams, a reduced course load, etc.
Is there an Academic Advisor I can meet with to discuss my course registration or academic concerns?

As an exchange student, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with your faculty Academic Advisor. Academic Advisors can assist with course registration and changes in your class schedule.

Please note that academic advising will only become available to you once the faculty has confirmed your course selection. Any questions or changes to your Visual Schedule Builder (VSB) must go to UR Study Abroad.

After Your Exchange

How do I request my official University of Regina transcript?
Please request your transcript through MyCreds, which you can find through your UR Self-Service account. You can request your transcript to be electronically sent to yourself or your Home Institution. Only request your official transcript after all of your final grades have been posted, as there are fees associated with requesting official documents.
How do transfer credits work?
We recommend consulting your Home Institution's transfer credit policy or speak to your home Study Abroad advisor for more information.

Study Abroad

College West 109
University of Regina
3737 Wascana Parkway
Regina, SK S4S 0A2

Office Hours: 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday (Excluding holidays)
Phone: +1(306) 337-2446