PGWP-Eligible Programs of Study
What Programs of Study are Eligible for a Post-Graduation Work Permit?
Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) have recently made several changes to the International Student Program, including the eligibility requirements for a Post-Graduation Work Permit. The list below provides an overview of the currently approved Diploma programs offered through the University of Regina that meet the new field of study requirement as part of the PGWP eligibility criteria.
At this time, all Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD programs do not need to meet the field of study requirement. It is the student's responsibility to ensure they are aware of and comply with all IRCC policies and regulations. Negligence or non-compliance will result in severe consequences to their immigration status and future immigration opportunities.
*ARCHS | Certificate in Health Studies | Faculty of Arts | 30 | Not Applicable | 31.0501 |
*KICHS | Certificate in Health Studies | Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies | 30 | Not Applicable | 31.0501 |
*SCCERTFSC | Certificate in Foundations of Science | Faculty of Science | 30 | Not Applicable | 30.0101 |
*SCCERTSTAT | Certificate in Statistics | Faculty of Science | 30 | Not Applicable | 27.0501 |
*SCCERTIDHS | Certificate in Indigenous Health Studies | Faculty of Science | 30 | Not Applicable | 51.0000 |
ARDHS | Diploma in Health Studies | Faculty of Arts | 60 | Not Applicable | 51.0000 |
KIDHS | Diploma in Health Studies | Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies | 60 | Not Applicable | 51.0000 |
SCDIPCS | Diploma in Computer Science | Faculty of Science | 60 | Computer Science | 11.0000 |
SCDIPGS | Diploma in General Science | Faculty of Science | 60 | Not Applicable | 30.0000 |
Important Information
Please note that programs marked with an asterisk (*) are only available to current University of Regina international students who submit an internal transfer request. Provincial Attestation Letters will not be issued for programs marked with an asterisk (*).
International Student Services
College West 109
University of Regina
3737 Wascana Parkway
Regina, SK S4S 0A2
Email: International.StudentServices@uregina.ca
Phone: +1(306) 585-5082