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Council Committees

Council Committee on Academic Mission

As a voice of Council on the academic mission of the University, the Council Committee on Academic Mission shall recommend reports to Council on matters relating to the academic structure of the University (i.e. Faculties, Academic Units, affiliations or federations) and advise the President on matters that relate to academic planning, programs, academic unit reviews, and university strategic planning.


  • 8 members of Council, with no more than 2 members representing a Faculty or Academic Unit
  • 2 students, appointed by URSU and GSA, respectively
  • Ex officio: Provost and Vice-President (Academic), Vice-President (Research), Associate Vice- President (Academic)
  • Resource: Provost and Vice-President (Academic) office
  • All committee members, including students and ex-officio members, have voting rights. Each member has one vote.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  1. To take an active role in strategic plan development through regular consultation with, and feedback to, the University’s Strategic Plan committee.
  2. To oversee and make recommendations concerning regularly scheduled Academic Unit reviews at the University of Regina, receiving reports, consulting with units on responses to, and progress on, Academic Unit Review recommendations, and reporting to Executive of Council and Council, as required.
  3. To examine for approval new program proposals referred by CCUAS and CCFGSR, when questions as to possible program duplication or concerns as to implications for academic mission or quality have been raised at those Council committees.
  4. To actively participate in the University’s academic planning process through regular consultation with the academic planning committees or the academic planning leads and advise the President on academic planning and the implementation of the University’s academic plan.
  5. To consult regularly with the Council Committee on Budget for continuity and effective collaboration.
  6. To report and recommend to Council on matters relating to the academic structure of the University (i.e. Faculty, Academic Units, Institutions and Centres that contribute to the University’s academic mission, affiliations/federations, etc.)

Council Committee on Budget

As a voice of Council on the budgetary matter as they support the academic mission of the University, the Council Committee on budget shall advise the President on matters relating to the University budget and its allocation with respect to practices, policies, planning, and priorities.

Council Committee Membership:

The Council Committee on Budget consists of eight (8) members of Council:

  • With no more than two (2) members representing a Faculty of Academic Unit and;
  • With no more than one (1) member from Federated Colleges and;
  • Two (2) Students, appointed by URSU and the GSA, respectively

Ex officio:

  • Vice-President (Administration)
  • Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
  • Vice-President (Research)

Resource: Executive Assistant from the Office of the Vice-President (Administration)

A complete list of your 2023 - 2024 Council Committee on Budget Membership can be found here.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  1. To review and assess budget principles, allocations and related financials, providing advice to the President from Council on the annual budget
  2. To consult with Faculty members, academic staff, staff, students, senior administrators and other resources, as required on financial matters
  3. To consult regularly with the Council Committee on Academic Mission for continuity and effective collaboration
  4. To evaluate the budgetary implications of proposals for new and substantially revised programs as these proposals are referred by the Council Committee on Undergraduate Admissions and Studies, the Council Committee on the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, or Executive of Council in accordance with the Guidelines for Academic Program Approval Process
  5. To communicate regularly with the University Budget Team on allocations during the annual budget preparation process