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Affordable and Clean Energy

Our everyday life depends on reliable and affordable energy. Yet energy consumption is the dominant contributor to climate change, accounting for around 60 percent of total global greenhouse gas emissions.

In 2022, the University used 85,000GJ of energy over 253,682m² of floor space. We undergo regular energy reviews to identify areas of energy waste, and seek to make our buildings more energy efficient.


Did you know?

The University of Regina's Research and Innovation Centre was designed to achieve remarkable energy-savings, and features southern Saskatchewan's first modern institutional green roof!

Our Research & Resources

Clean Energy Transition Hub

CETH is a partnership- and relationship-building hub that connects government and industry with research.  The Hub focuses on research areas such as carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS), nuclear energy, hydrogen energy, and renewable energy.
Energy dashboard graph

Energy Dashboard

Examine the energy usage across campus, as well as energy efficient upgrades over the last five years.

Clean Energy Technologies Research Institute

CETRI centralizes all low-carbon and carbon-free clean energy research activities at the University of Regina (U of R).

Related Courses

CHEM 490AH - Electrochemistry and Photochemistry

This course will be an introduction to molecular photochemistry and electrochemistry. Photophysical, photochemical and electrochemical processes and their theories will be discussed. Applications of electrochemistry and photochemistry in biomedicine, catalysis, energy systems, photosynthesis, photovoltaics, sensors, synthesis, and vision will be examined.
***Prerequisite: CHEM 251***

CHEM 857AC - Electrochemistry and Photochemistry

This course will be an introduction to molecular photochemistry and electrochemistry. Photophysical, photochemical and electrochemical processes and their theories will be discussed. Applications of electrochemistry and photochemistry in biomedicine, catalysis, energy systems, photosynthesis, photovoltaics, sensors, synthesis, and vision will be examined.

ENEL 823 - Wireless Sensor Networks: Architectures and Protocols

This course provides an introduction to WSNs, applications and challenges; WSNs scenarios, energy efficiency, reliability and scalability; WSNs design principles, service interfaces and gateways; WSNs physical layer, MAC protocols, link layer protocols; Addressing in WSNs; WSNs synchronization; WSNs positioning and topology control; WSNs routing protocols, transport layer protocols and QoS.
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of ENEL 823 or ENEL 890AN.*

ENEL 834 - Smart Grid: Architecture, Design and Analysis

The following topics are covered: Smart grid characteristics, components, distributed intelligence and automated control. Smart grid challenges. Smart meters technologies, architecture and design. Integration of renewable energy, distributed generation and energy storage. Smart grid reliability analysis. Two-way communication, privacy and security. Smart grid data management architecture and data analytics.

ENER 305 - Fundamentals of Energy Processes

This course will introduce the following eight renewable energy sources: 1. Solar energy; 2. Wind energy; 3. Geothermal energy; 4. Hydroelectric energy; 5. Hydrogen energy; 6. Biomass energy (biofuels); 7. Nuclear energy; and 8. Ocean energy (wave and tidal). This course will describe the underlying principles and current techniques to design these energy generation systems. It will provide fundamental concepts and design knowledge involved in the energy generation, transportation and storage processes.
***Prerequisite: ENGG 140 and ENGG 141.***

ENER 351 - Fundamentals of Geothermal Engineering

This course covers the fundamental aspects of geothermal engineering, the related clean energy and geology background, the general systematic usage of geothermal energy, geothermal energy from oil and gas wells, the theoretical foundation for fluid flow and heat transfer and their coupling in porous media. Concepts regarding geothermal production-injection system, closed loop, and EGS are discussed. Simulation packages to enhance technical capacity in geothermal engineering are introduced.
***Prerequisite: ENER 305, ENIN 253, and ENIN 355. Concurrent enrolment is allowed for ENER 305 and ENIN 355.***

ENEV 463 - Water Resources Systems

Water resources planning and management. Topics include planning for hydroelectric, flood control, water supply and irrigation projects; stochastic processes; synthetic streamflow generation; simulation and optimization of water resource systems.
*** Prerequisite: ENEV 462 ***

ENIN 880AN - Wind Turbine Technology

Reading, research, discussion and writing on advanced topics in wind engineering. These may include aerodynamics: Two-dimensional aerodynamics and three-dimensional effects; windatlas; wind assessment; atmospheric layer and turbulence; control of wind turbine; grid connections; wind turbine simulation.

ENIN 880BL - Energy Technology for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation

This course deals with energy technologies that minimize generation and emissions of greenhouse gases from combustion of both renewable and non-renewable fuels. Examples of technologies are biodiesel production, carbon capture and natural gas purification.

ENIN 880CM - Renewable Energy Technology

Introduction of renewable energy technologies for energy-production. Course topics include basic fossil-fuel-based technology, biomass technology, solar-based technology, hydro technology, geothermal technology, wind and tidal-based technology.
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of ENIN 880CM or ENPC 880AU.*

ENPC 880AS - Advanced Topics in Carbon Finance

This course will explore the economic and environmental impacts of using carbon-based energy resources. The financial tools and techniques that can be applied to combat climate change will be investigated. The class will also discussed venture capital to develop low emissions technologies and project finance to build clean energy projects.

ENPC 880AU - Renewable Energy Technology

Introduction of renewable energy technologies for energy-production. Course topics include basic fossil-fuel-based technology, biomass technology, solar-based technology, hydro technology, geothermal technology, wind and tidal-based technology.
*Note: Students may receive credit for one of ENPC 880AU or ENIN 880CM.*

ENPC 880AV - Advanced Heat Pump Technology for Clean Energy Applications

Course topics include the design and operation of heat-pump technology using various process configurations and different refrigerants. A series of technologies for renewable energy utilization and storage will be integrated into the heat-pump systems. Performance of the integrated heat-pump system will be assessed using real case for clean energy applications.

PHYS 140 - Physics of Energy and the Environment

An exploration of the energy used in a wide variety of systems including cars and homes. Physical concepts will be applied to various energy production schemes and usages found in our lives. We will discuss today's dominant energy sources and the alternative energy sources of tomorrow. This semi quantitative course will provide a scientific foundation for the energy issues facing society. The course materials contain examples with Indigenous elements. No physics background is required.