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No Poverty

As human beings, our well-being is linked to each other. Growing inequality is detrimental to economic growth and undermines social cohesion, increasing political and social tensions and, in some circumstances, driving instability and conflicts.

In 2022, the University provided 4,198 students with financial aid. A variety of supports are available (e.g. food, housing, transportation, legal services) to enable students to complete their studies. We also support the wider community through workshops, training and other resources found on the Centre for Experiential and Service Learning website.


Our Research

Economic and Social Impact Study

The research in this 2019 report from the Faculty of Business Administration was undertaken to determine the extent of the Schools’ impact on the local, regional, and provincial economies.

Related Courses

ADMN 291 - Personal Finance

This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of financial literacy, personal finance, and the process of making good financial decisions. Topics will include: the examination of students’ values and experiences in relationship to financial decision making, financial goal setting, personal financial planning, and risk management.
*Note: Students may only receive credit for one of ADMN 291, ADMN 235AA, BUS 291 or BUS 492AA.*
*Note: Students are strongly encouraged to take this course during their first two years in their program.*

CATH 390AD - Catholic Social Teaching

An introduction to Catholic social teaching with a dual focus on critical theory and praxis. Students will engage the Church's position on issues such as human dignity, solidarity with minority and oppressed populations, the common good, subsidiarity, rights and responsibilities, as well as the preferential option for the poor.
***Prerequisite: CATH 200 or permission of Instructor.***

EDL 824 - The Employee Life Cycle in Education

The course will focus on the employee life cycle within the K-12 educational setting. Topics: human resource and labour market planning, job analysis, recruitment and retention, training and development, compensation models, succession and retirement planning, work-life balance, and coaching and mentoring designed to provide skills to positively support staff.

GBUS 846AG - Global Perspectives on Labour Relations

This course focuses on the global dimension of work, employment conditions, and labour relations in a comparative context. It examines the development of foreign labour markets and the institutional conditions of employee-employer relations through the lens of migration, corporate social responsibility, trade agreements, globalization, and legal frameworks from select countries.

GBUS 863 - Staffing Organizations

The course introduces and develops concepts used in the staffing of organizations. The course will cover general staffing models, basic labour markets, laws and regulations affecting staffing, introduction to measurement theory, recruitment techniques, selection techniques and tools, decision making for selection, and formalizing the job offer.

GES 396AN - The Place of Craft Beer

Is craft beer a sustainable practice for building local community? Topics include the geography of craft beer, environmental impacts, economic development, labour market, gender, and relationships to the local.
***Prerequisite: 30 credit hours including one of GES 100 or GES 120, or permission from the Department Head.***
*Note: Students may receive credit for only one of GES 396AN and GEOG 396AN.*

HIST 150 - Today’s World: Historical Perspectives

This course explores the influence of the past on the world in which we live.
Topics addressed will be taken from today’s headlines and will reflect a wide
variety of periods and geographical areas. Topics may include terrorism,
environmentalism, war, demonstrations, popular culture, the welfare state,
global crises.

HIST 202 - Canada from World War II to the Present

A survey of the making of modern Canada since 1939, including such topics as the building of the welfare state, Canadian foreign policy, the military in war and peacekeeping, Quebec separatism, the women's movement, Aboriginal rights, the new constitution and Charter of Rights, the economy and free trade.
*** Prerequisite: One 100 level HIST course or completion of 15 credit hours ***
* Note: Formerly numbered HIST 207. Students may not receive credit for both HIST 202 and HIST 207. *

HIST 301 - Federalism and the Canadian Experience

This course studies the origins, structure, and evolution of Canadian federalism. It focuses on the relationship between Ottawa and the provinces, and considers several themes: Confederation, regionalism and province-building, federal-provincial relations, the role of the courts, constitutional development, the welfare state, fiscal arrangements and economic policy, and contemporary issues.
***Prerequisite: One HIST course or completion of 30 credit hours***
*Note: Students may receive credit for only one of HIST 301 or PSCI 331*

IS 390AP - Canadian Foreign Policy and Development Assistance

How does Canada participate in the world through international development? This course explores official development assistance as an element of Canadian foreign policy. Particular attention is paid to long-term policy shifts and to the influence of civil society and the private sector on development policy.
***Prerequisite: IS 100 or 30 credit hours.***
*Note: Students may only receive credit for one of IS 390AP or PSCI 390BD.*

IS 420 - Advanced Topics in International Development

This seminar course examines critical perspectives of international development. Topics include, among others, strategies to alleviate poverty, population growth and scarcity, urbanization, land rights, microfinance, displacement and development refugees, environmental sustainability, and the role of civil society in development.
***Prerequisite: IS 220 and 60 credit hours, or permission of the department head***
*Note: Formerly numbered DEVS 400. Students may receive credit for one of DEVS 400 or IS 420*

JSGS 819 - Gender and Public Policy

The course will do a compare neo-classical and feminist approaches to the analysis of public policy. Sutdents will examine the labour market and gender-based inequality; the family, with a particular focus on intrahousehold resource allocation; and will consider macro-economic issues and provide gender-based analysis in relation to public policy in Canada

PSCI 390BD - Canadian Foreign Policy and Development Assistance

How does Canada participate in the world through international development? This course explores official development assistance as an element of Canadian foreign policy. Particular attention is paid to long-term policy shifts and to the influence of civil society and the private sector on development policy.
***Prerequisite: Any 200-level PSCI course or the completion of 30 credit hours.***
*Note: Students may only receive credit for one of PSCI 390BD or IS 390AP.*

SOC 314 - Sociology of Development

This course introduces students to sociological theories of international economic, social and political development. It examines the global division between the West and the rest, and looks at the problems which poor countries face as they attempt to develop, including the role of Western corporations and organizations such as the International Monetary Fund.
***Prerequisite: Completion of 30 credit hours, including completion of one 200 level SOC course, or permission of the Department Head.***

SW 410 - Work, Economic Security and Social Justice

This course explores the impact of globalization and the relationship between legislation, unemployment, labour market issues, social welfare policy and social work. A range of social, economic and political theories are discussed with a focus on how human service workers assist individuals and families.

SW 811 - Family&Child Policies&Programs

Historical, theoretical, comparative and current literature will be used to gain a comprehensive overview of the development of policies relevant to families and to children. A critical analysis of family and child policies developed within the liberal welfare state will be incorporated into this course. The development of alternative policies and programs will be considered.