
Tutoring Options

Need assistance with a written assignment? Not sure when to use Sine or Cosine? The Student Success Centre offers free Math, Statistics, and Writing tutoring!

View Tutor Schedule

To see the schedule of available appointments and to book an appointment, log in to UR Path using your U of R credentials.

two students studying
Additional Tutoring
Other tutoring options are also available through our friends at Campion College, the Department of English, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, and the Global Learning Centre.

Tutor Registry

Need a little extra support? Connect with a senior student from a wide array of subjects through the Tutor Registry. Tutors on the Registry:

  • are current UofR students
  • have obtained at least 80% in each course that they are tutoring for
  • have submitted a recommendation letter from a professor

Please note: registered tutors are not employees of the Student Success Centre. We provide this registry as a service and are not liable for problems or actions that occur during your sessions. Prior to engaging the services of a Tutor through the Student Success, you will be required to acknowledge this and agree to our disclaimer on the following page.

Tips for Hiring a Tutor

  • Be safe! Always meet your tutor in a public place. We recommend that your first meeting take place during business hours in front of the Student Success Centre (RC 230).
  • Be respectful and aware! The University of Regina Student Conduct policies, such as the Student Code of Conduct, the Respectful University Policy, and the Sexual Violence/Misconduct Policy, apply within the context of your tutoring experience.
  • Be prepared. Bring your class notes, assignment sheet, textbook, and specific questions.
  • The tutors listed on this registry charge between $15-30 an hour. Fees may be based on the tutor’s education level or the difficulty of the subject matter.
  • Tutors do not do homework. They do help you learn concepts and give you strategies so that you can be successful.

View the Tutor Registry

Apply to be a Tutor