students in classroom listening to instructor

Student Success Centre

Looking for strategies for success in university? Wondering how to boost that grade another 5%? The Student Success Centre can help! We can walk you through your essays, help you with that math or stats question you can’t quite understand, and help you hone your learning skills!

Feeling a little undecided about your program? That’s ok! We can give you the information you need to make an informed decision about your academic future!

Contact Us

Phone: 306-585-4076
In Person: RC 230

Academic Advising and Supports

Academic Advising at the Student Success Centre

Looking for general academic advising, program planning, registration assistance, clarification on university policies and procedures, or information about resources and supports? We've got you covered.

Academic Excellence Workshops

Attend one of our workshops designed to help you become a stronger student. Topics include note taking and effective reading, exam preparation, time management, academic writing, and more.

Learning Skills Consultations

One-on-one general skills coaching for time management, study strategies and more. Log in to UR Path to book an appointment.

Tutoring Options

Take advantage of our free English, Math, and Stats tutoring! Need a little extra support? Connect with a senior student from a wide array of subjects through our Tutor Registry.

Writing Supports

Need to talk that assignment over with someone? Looking for some help polishing your language? Can’t figure out the difference between APA, MLA, Chicago, and why it matters? Our trained writing tutors can help!

Summer Bridge Program

Are you a current grade 12 student or recent high school graduate looking to enhance your academic skills before you start your first Fall semester at the University of Regina? Would you like to gain exposure to what life on campus is like? Then the University of Regina Summer Bridge Program (SBP) is for you! This program offers incoming students the opportunity to complete English 100 in a supportive, structured environment. In addition to the English course, we also provide skill-building workshops including topics such as: reading strategies, note taking, time management, and study skills. Participating in these interactive workshops helps new students to overcome common challenges that many first year students face.

Academic Transition Programs

The Academic Transition Programs at the University of Regina are designed for those students that do not meet admission requirements or have faced academic difficulty. These programs assist students in strengthening their academic skills, as well as in evaluating their educational direction, career direction, and personal goals. Students in the transition programs take credit courses as well as attend academic skill-building workshops, one-on-one advising sessions, and assignment support meetings.

Academic Recovery Program

The Academic Recovery Program (ARP) is designed for current U of R students who may have experienced challenges in their academic career thus far and are interested in continuing their academic journey.

Arts Transition Program

The Arts Transition Program (ATP) is designed for new and current U of R students who may have experienced challenges in their academic career thus far and are interested in continuing their academic journey.