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Social Work Student Society Regina

The Social Work Students’ Society is run by and for the students.

Mission Statement:

“The SWSS exists as a venue for social work students to gather and pursue common goals and interests. The SWSS shall have as an over‐arching goal the pursuit of positive change, be it at the Faculty, University, or community level. The overall functioning of the SWSS will be guided by the principles that guide the social work profession.”

Executive Team:

Meadow Wells-Goudie President, UGS Representative & Social Work Beginnings Representative
Emily Allen Vice President (will be attending the PAC meetings)
Leila Zanidean New Secretary
Victoria Baht Social Media Representative
Jeffrey Baker Social Justice and Advocacy Chair
Sarah Hastings Events Chair
Kylie Agarand Fundraising Chair
Ruby Kaur Treasurer

Information about SWSS

Executive Members Position Descriptions
  • President - As the president of Regina SWSS you help keep the team organized, delegate tasks between executive members and members at large, as well prepare and facilitate meetings. Lastly answers any questions or finds someone who can.
  • Vice President - Main responsibilities are represent and attend PAC (Presidents Advisory Council) meetings. Additionally checks and sends emails on behalf of Regina SWSS and help members of Regina SWSS with anything they need.
  • Secretary - To keep minutes during meetings, help make meeting agendas and help keep the Regina SWSS team organized.
  • Social Media Rep - Works as a member of the Regina Exec team. Oversees updating all social media (Facebook, Instagram, Website). Make sure followers and students are kept up to date with events, volunteer work, jobs and education advice!
  • Social Justice and Advocacy Chair - Leads Activism roles in our community. Connecting SWSS to volunteer opportunities and organizations in need.
  • Events Chair - Organize and plan social work student events with the help and input from Regina SWSS members. Also help organize graduation banquet alongside with our fundraising events chair and SWSS members.
  • Fundraising Chair - Works as a member of the Regina Exec team. To create and executive projects that will raise money so that the team can hold events or make donations to various charities.
  • Undergraduate Studies - Represents the Social Work Student Society and student body at the UGS meetings. They are the liaison between the faculty and SWSS.
  • Treasurer - In charge of organizing the Regina SWSS banking information, creating an annual budget and ensuring that the rest of the committee stays updated on financial information. Also responsible for making donations using the Regina SWSS account, managing petty cash and assisting the local committee.
Members at Large

Members at large are a group of students that do need a lot of commitment (this is a great place to start out!) Members at large are required to come to monthly meetings that currently take place via Zoom. We commonly have them every third Thursday of the Month (although follow our Social Media just to be sure). Lastly, members at large are recommended to come to events that the SWSS holds. These can take place virtually or in person and are fun, educational, great way to meet others and bring friends along! You can take place as a guest and just enjoy the end or you can help out and get a feeling of being a possible exec team and gain that volunteer experience!

*If you can not make it to ether of these things the SWSS just asks that you communicate with the Exec team. *

Annual Elections
These happen at the end of the school year for exec positions that are open. These may be open because of graduation or other personal reasons. These will be announced closer to date at the end of the school year if you are interested! Any individual can nominate themselves or another person for ANY position. They currently include President, Vice President, Secretary, Social Media Rep, Social Justice and Advocacy Chair, Events Chair, Fundraising Chair and Treasurer. You do not have to participate in the SWSS previously; we encourage all to vote and all to get involved!

*Please look above to the descriptions of what each position involved and our constitution to find out more!*
Faculty of Social Work Clothing
Faculty of Social Work Hoodies are available in the University of Regina Campus Store!