New Students
New Pre-Social Work Students
Your first step as a newly admitted student in Pre-Social Work is to attend New Pre-SW Group Advising. Group advising is held online or face-to-face. Please refer to our advising calendar for dates, times and sign-up details.
- Face-to-Face group advising is delivered as part of the University's UR Beginning Course Registration days, running from May to August for students starting in the Fall term.
- Online group advising is delivered through the Faculty of Social Work, and is available for students starting in any term:
- Fall term - group advising is held from May to August
- Winter term - group advising is held from November to December
- Spring/Summer term - group advising is held from April to June
- Off-campus (outside of Regina/Saskatoon) students are encouraged to connect with their regional college advisor (if applicable) prior to participating in new Pre-SW student group advising.
Contact Us
U of R Campus: ED 456
Phone: (306) 585-4554
Saskatoon Campus: 111-116 Research Dr.
Phone: (306) 664-7370
Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 (closed for lunch)
Student Inquiries: sw.studentservices@uregina.ca
New Bachelor of Social Work Students
Your first step as a newly admitted student in the BSW Program is to attend BSW Orientation, held in March of each year. Please refer to our events calendar for dates, times and sign-up details. Students should also review the information below to ensure they fully understand their program.
Contact Us
Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (closed for lunch) Regina Campus Education Building 456 Saskatoon Campus 111-116 Research Dr. Student Inquiries