
Physics Students Society


A warm welcome from the Physics Students Society (PSS). Our goal is to promote social interactions between undergraduate and graduate students, as well as with faculty and staff members.

The PSS organizes events throughout the academic year such as an annual departmental pizza meet, a bowling night, and billiards. We also organize fun physics-based competitions such as a water balloon drop contest, and a paper helicopter challenge. Every year we also design and sell physics-based t-shirts to everyone in the department.

We are located in LB 131.
Instagram @pssuofr
Students are also encouraged to join us on discord

Jonathan Raedeke (PSS President)

Physics Student Society logo

Executive Team

The Physics Student Society executive team for the 2024-2025 academic year is:

President: Jon Raedeke

Vice-President: Jaidyn Draper

Secretary: OPEN

Treasurer: Ivan Zhenchuk

Social Media Coordinators: Emily Pepper and Jinal Shah

If you are interested in joining the PSS, please reach out to us by email (!

Physics Seminars & Events