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Images of students and faculty at water balloon drop competition

Activities and Events

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  5. Activities and Events

Every year PSS holds events for its members and all physics students.

  • Egg Drop Competition
    • Who can protect their egg the best, arrive closest to the target, or have the most unique successful design?
  • Paper Airplane Competition
    • Who can keep their plane in flight the longest, arrive closest to the target, or have the most unique successful design?
  • T-shirt Design Contest
    • A contest to design physics-based t-shirts that are fun and often laughter-inducing! We then sell t-shirts of the winner to everyone in the department including faculty and staff members. Some students are also eligible to receive free t-shirts if their design is shortlisted in the annual t-shirt design contest. See the previous years' designs, below
  • Game days
    • Just for fun! Join us to play board games, ping pong, enjoy pizza or other snacks.