Mathematics and Statistics

Data Science

Modern society is data-driven. Over the last ten years, the amount of data created and processed worldwide has grown exponentially by almost 5,000 %, from 1.2 trillion gigabytes in 2010 to 59 trillion gigabytes in 2020. As a result, data has become the most valuable resource in the world. Fast and optimal data processing to extract new knowledge is therefore of paramount importance.

Data processing and management are generally performed by Data Scientists using methods specific to Data Science, which is an interdisciplinary field that combines the rigour of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, with the purpose of deriving strategic decisions from data analysis. The Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) has identified the "Data Scientist" profession as one of the 15 top digital jobs that will be most needed in Canada.

BSc Program

Click here to view/download the course requirements for this program.

Suggested First & Second Year for BSc Data Science Majors

Fall Semester

Winter Semester

Year 1

MATH 110 
STAT 160 
CS 110 
ENGL 100 
Natural Science Elective

MATH 111 
MATH 122 
CS 115 
ENGL 110 
Natural Science Elective

Year 2

MATH 221
MATH/CS 261 
STAT 251

STAT 252
STAT 215
CS 280
CS 265
Art Elective

In order to plan third and fourth year classes, see our Course Offerings by semester.

For further program inquiries, please contact the Academic Program Coordinator.