Undergraduate Research Opportunities
The Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) program of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada provides intermediate and senior undergraduate students an opportunity to undertake research projects (usually in spring and summer) under the direction of an NSERC-funded researcher. Applications for an NSERC USRA should be prepared in January in consultation with the professor who will direct the research; the normal deadline for submission is early February.
Please see the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research information page for specific details.
Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference (CUMC)
This annual national conference is an opportunity for undergraduate students in mathematics to present lectures and posters, and to attend sessions on specific topics in mathematics and professional development workshops.
See CUMC for more information.
Canadian Statistics Student Conference
This annual conference is geared toward research and professional development for students seeking academic or industrial careers in statistical science.
See Canadian Statistics Student Conference for more information.