Abstract Wavy Image
Faculty of Science

Mathematics and Statistics

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Regina has a rich history, dating back to 1911, and was formally established in 1974. Since then, it has significantly evolved, now offering a wide array of undergraduate and graduate programs in Mathematics, Statistics, Actuarial Science, and Data Science. As a vital part of the Faculty of Science, the department boasts 23 full-time faculty members who are dedicated to both education and research. Known for its research productivity and contributions to scientific knowledge, the department offers strong graduate programs that lead to Master's and PhD degrees across various mathematical disciplines. These programs prepare graduates for diverse careers in academia, industry, and government. Beyond academic excellence, the department is actively involved in community outreach. It promotes the appreciation of mathematical sciences through workshops, seminars, and volunteering, demonstrating a deep commitment to community service. 

Contact the Mathematics and Statistics Department


We are excited to announce the launch of our new graduate program, the MSc in Actuarial Science (course-based). This program is designed to meet the growing demand for advanced actuarial professionals by providing students with a strong foundation in both theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

We are now accepting applications for students interested in starting in Fall 2025. For more information about the program, admission eligibility and requirements, please submit your inquiry by completing the Contact Form.

Our Programs

Fourth Year Undergraduate Class with Dr. Fallat


Graduate Student with Supervisor at the Chalk Board


Explore Mathematics and Statistics

Professor Fallat giving a Colloquium


The topology professors and students


Graduate Student giving Seminar

Seminars and Colloquia

Feature Stories

Student Resources

Pi Day 2024 - Student who Organized Pi Day Pi Day 2024 -Students at Pi Day Pi Day 2023 - Student Holding Pi Pin

Seeking to support students during all stages of their undergraduate journeys, these resources are for undergraduate students who are planning on or currently taking courses from the Mathematics and Statistics Department.



Outreach and Math Education

Math Camp activity with students

Working in tandem with volunteers across multiple departments in the Faculties of Education, Science, and Arts, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics is deeply committed to providing mathematical and statistical learning opportunities to students of all ages throughout Saskatchewan. Educational resources surrounding teaching and current outreach opportunities can be found below.

Students at Math Camp

Statistical Consulting

The University of Regina Statistical Consulting Service provides statistical and data support for University Regina faculty members, graduate students and staff to facilitate high quality quantitative research.
Statistical Consulting

More Information About Consulting Services

What are the areas of expertise?
  • Regression Analysis
  • Experimental Design
  • Survey Sampling
  • Time Series Analysis
  • Life Time Data Analysis
  • Longitudinal Data Analysis
  • Measurement Error Models
  • Incomplete/Missing Data
  • Statistical Computing
How to I contact the Statistical Consulting Group?

Please contact the Consulting Group Director

Dr. James McVittie
Phone: 306-585-5080