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Graduate Seminar

Location:  RIC 208 and Livestream

Speaker: Puttipong Tantikhajorngosol

MSc Student supervised by Dr. Andrei Volodin

Title: Confidence Interval of the Ratio of Variances of Two Log-normal Populations

Zoom link:


This study assesses asymptotic and bootstrap confidence intervals (CIs) for the ratio of variances of two independent log-normal distributions. Simulations with varying sample sizes and variance ratios examined the impacts of equal and unequal sample sizes. Coverage probabilities and average lengths were assessed to compare the performance of the different methods. Results indicate asymptotic CIs perform well with small variance differences and moderate to large samples, while bootstrap CIs excel with larger variance differences. The study further validates these methods using PM2.5 mass concentration data from two industrial sites in Thailand, demonstrating their practical effectiveness in real-world applications.