
Topology and Geometry Seminar

Location: CL 251

Speaker: Hari Rau-Murthy, University of Notre Dame

Title: An HKR Theorem for Factorization Homology, and a Related Project in Character Theory


This talk will primarily be on a generalization of the so-called "HKR theorem". The classical HKR theorem concerns two different ways of generalizing the notion of differential forms on a ring; the theorem asserts they agree. I will give a generalization of this theorem for ring spectra which will allow us to recalculate the factorization homology/higher \(THH\) of rational \(KU\).

Time permitting, I will give an advertisement for the ongoing work which motivated the above result (you, yes you! could be my collaborator). I am interested in using \(K\)-theory and higher \(THH\) to write down maps such as the character of a representation and the Chern character. Written versions of both of these projects are available on my website at: