
Seyed Ahmad Mojallal

Profile image for Seyed Ahmad Mojallal
Postdoctoral Fellow

Contact Info

Research Interests

Spectral Graph Theory, Matrix Theory

Current Courses

No courses in the Winter semester.

Recent Publications

Mojallal, Seyed Ahmad; Jung, Ji-Hwan; Cheon, Gi-Sang; Kim, Suh-Ryung; Kang, Bumtle Structural properties of Toeplitz graphs. Discrete Math. 345 (2022), no. 11, Paper No. 113016, 11 pp.

Fallat, Shaun; Mojallal, Seyed Ahmad On the minimum number of distinct eigenvalues of a threshold graph. Linear Algebra Appl. 642 (2022), 1–29.

Cheon, Gi-Sang; Kim, Jang Soo ; Mojallal, Seyed Ahmad; Yoo, Meesue. Symmetric Pascal matrices and related graphs, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, (2021).

Mojallal, Seyed Ahmad; Hansen, Pierre. A relation between proximity and the third largest distance eigenvalue of a graph. Discrete Appl. Math. 293 (2021), 50–58.