
Shaun Fallat

Profile image for Shaun Fallat
Discrete Mathematics Research Group

Contact Info

Office: 306-585-4107

Research Interests

Matrix theory, discrete mathematics, graph theory, combinatorial matrix analysis

Current Courses

No courses in the Spring/Summer semester.


I am Professor in the Mathematics and Statistics Department at the University of Regina. I received my Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the College of William and Mary in 1999.

My research interests include: combinatorial matrix theory, algebraic graph theory, matrix positivity and total positivity.

I value teaching both in the classroom and as a mentor to aspiring students and postdoctoral fellows. I have taught mathematics and statistics classes at all levels both undergraduate and graduate.

As a Professor I am dedicated to serving both the university community and the surrounding community at large. I have had the privilege to present numerous scientific papers at research conferences all over the world. In addition, I have delivered public lectures and visited school classrooms to engage with students across all grades.

Recent Publications

1) Barrett, Wayne; Fallat, Shaun; Furst, Veronika; Nasserasr, Shahla; Rooney, Brendan; Tait, Michael.  Regular graphs of degree at most four that allow two distinct eigenvalues.  Linear Algebra Appl. 679 (2023), 127–164.

2) Abiad, Aida; Fallat, Shaun M.; Kempton, Mark; Levene, Rupert H.; Oblak, Polona; Šmigoc, Helena; Tait, Michael; Vander Meulen, Kevin N.  Bordering of symmetric matrices and an application to the minimum number of distinct eigenvalues for the join of graphs.  Linear Algebra Appl. 679 (2023), 104–126.

3) Barrett, Wayne; Fallat, Shaun; Furst, Veronika; Kenter, Franklin; Nasserasr, Shahla; Rooney, Brendan; Tait, Michael; van der Holst, Hein.  Sparsity of graphs that allow two distinct eigenvalues.  Linear Algebra Appl. 674 (2023), 377–395.

4) Fallat, Shaun; Kirkpatrick, David; Simon, Hans U.; Soltani, Abolghasem; Zilles, Sandra.  On batch teaching without collusion.  J. Mach. Learn. Res. 24 (2023), Paper No. [40], 33 pp.

5) Fallat, Shaun; Parenteau, Johnna. Null vectors, Schur complements, and Parter vertices.  Involve 15 (2022), no. 5, 843–856.


1)  S.M. Fallat, C.R. Johnson, Totally nonnegative matrices. Princeton University Press, Princeton. 2011.