Fernando Szechtman
Research Interests
Groups and their representations, Lie algebras and their representations, linear algebra
Current Courses
MATH 222 Linear Algebra II, MATH 323 Modern Algebra I
Recent Publications
1) Volker Gebhardt, Alberto J. Hernandez Alvarado, and Fernando Szechtman. Isomorphism of relative holomorphs and matrix similarity. B AUST MATH SOC, to appear.
2) Fernando Szechtman. The automorphism tower of the Mennicke group M(−1,−1,−1). Group Theory Appl., 18:81–105, 2024.
3) Alexander Montoya Ocampo and Fernando Szechtman. Structure of the Macdonald groups in one parameter. Group Theory, 27(3):549–594, 2024.
4) Alexander Montoya Ocampo and Fernando Szechtman. On the isomorphism problem for certain p-groups. Algebra, 52(7):2945–2964, 2024.
5) Fernando Szechtman. On the normalizer of an iterated wreath product. Algebra, 52(2):723–726, 2024.