Mathematics Books

Course Offerings

Select the program type to view the timetable for 3 semesters or the course descriptions.

Undergraduate Course Offerings by Semester

The following are tentative schedules of ACSC, MATH, and STAT courses to help plan a program schedule. Note that these are guidelines only. Actual offerings depend on student need and faculty availability. Courses listed only reflect regularly scheduled classes; additional classes may be offered each semester.

Actuarial Science

Course Fall Winter Spring Summer
Acsc 116


Acsc 216



Acsc 217



Acsc 300


Acsc 316


Acsc 317


Acsc 318


Acsc 417


Acsc 418


Acsc 419


Acsc 456




Course Fall Winter Spring Summer
Math 101



Math 102




Math 103




Math 108
(every other year)


Math 110




Math 111




Math 112


Math 116


Math 122




Math 124
(every other year)


 Math 127


Math 213




Math 216



Math 217




Math 221



 Math 222


Math 223



 Math 231


Math 251




Math 261


Math 305


 Math 308
(every other year)


Math 312


Math 313  


 Math 316


 Math 321
(every other year)


Math 322
(every other year)


Math 323


Math 327


Math 328


 Math 329
(every other year)


Math 331
(every other year)


Math 361
(every other year)


Math 381


Math 401
(every other year)


 Math 411



 Math 412
(every other year)


Math 422


Math 423



Math 427



 Math 431
(every other year)


Math 441


Math 443



 Math 481
(every other year)


Math 485


Courses offered on alternate years are subject to change.


Course Fall Winter Spring Summer
Stat 100




* online
Stat 160





Stat 165


Stat 200




Stat 251



Stat 252


Stat 289



Stat 300


Stat 301


Stat 317



Stat 351


Stat 354


Stat 357


Stat 418


Stat 426
(every other year)


Stat 451


Stat 452


Stat 456


Stat 485


Courses offered on alternate years are subject to change.